I am happy to report I have a working mod to fix this !

In so doing, I have also done tons of testing that prove this bug.

With the current alpha mod (read: not posted anywhere just yet, for further testing) ...

a) The targets do their Saving Throw (hereby called save) as normal on cast ;

b) On their turn, if they failed their first save, they apply the Confusion effect (which is either 50% random attack or 50% do nothing, as per vanilla BG3 Confusion) ;

c) At the end of their turn, they make a new save and they get another Confusion effect if they failed ;

d) On Turn 2, they act according to their Confusion status before making a new save at the end of their turn ...

In short, all of this is vanilla really : the only difference is the Saving Throw is done at the end of their turn. Woot ! (so no more double save on the first round of casting it) Which is how Crown of Madness and Hold Person work already in BG3, so the double saves on Confusion really seem unintentional/a bug.

Other : I am considering allowing it 10 potential turns, like in the tabletop rules, instead of Larian's 3 turns. In practice, it would rarely be even 3 turns since there is a save every turn. It is certainly not as bad as 10 potential rounds of Hold Person! Any thoughts?

Last edited by Baraz; 10/09/24 06:28 AM.