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Sarene #949196 10/09/24 03:38 AM
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Completely agree, this should be the most emotional movement in the redemption dark urge story, but currently it falls completely flat due to the companions lack of proper reactions.

Sarene #949197 10/09/24 03:47 AM
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Campfire Scenes: After being discovered as a killer, how about making the other beds at the campfire empty? We could have someone standing guard who doesn’t get the long rest benefits, just to make things a bit more tense.
Redemption Talks: If you’re going for redemption, it’d be cool to have a conversation event at a key moment, kind of like the Citadel DLC in Mass Effect. If voice acting isn’t an option, a simple animated cutscene with the companions around the campfire and some background music would be great.
Following the Urges: If you stick with the dark urges, it’d be awesome if the companion with the highest approval could become a cult follower and join in on a murder spree. If persuasion fails, maybe they could even turn hostile.
These tweaks could be awesome with mods if the toolkit lets you tweak animations and cutscenes...

Sarene #949201 10/09/24 04:44 AM
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I don't have much to add here that hasn't already been said. I also found this thread through Reddit, and I registered here just to say I support everything OP said.

Durge's death and resurrection by Withers was such a moving scene, and that makes the companions' lack of reaction that much more awkward. It makes no sense. Why does my creepy butler care more about my death than my friends do? Or my love interest?

At least, before you put BG3 behind you, I hope you can give the companions some kind of reaction to this, even if we get nothing more than some distraught facial expressions instead of blank ones.

Sarene #949204 10/09/24 05:00 AM
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Adding my support for this. The Resist Durge scene in Bhaal's temple is epic and not only reactivity was minimal to non-existing from my companions, my love interest said is was "twee". WTH?! My spiritual grandfather just resuscitated me and it was "twee"....

Last edited by try_again123; 10/09/24 05:03 AM.
Sarene #949205 10/09/24 05:03 AM
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Yes please, this is seriously what I want the most before I can replay the game again. Playing as DURGE was such a blast but at times it really feels like no one cares about the character and revelations.

The in the patch notes "Dotted more Dark Urge reactivity" really gave me hope. Mods can maybe fix some other scenes, but the resurrection one needs a Larian fix, it's that important. Meeting Bhaal is the part that I look forward the most, it's THE moment that makes everything worth it (for me at least)

Sarene #949212 10/09/24 07:09 AM
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I have created an account here solely to support this.

I was really excited when I got access to the patch 7 playtest because I believed this scene would finally be completed, and was extremely disappointed to see it wasn't changed.

This might be a controversial opinion, but we didn't really need any "temporary companion". I love Alfira as much as the next guy, but her faux recruitment adds nothing to the Dark Urge storyline. Unlike this, we need the culmination of the Dark Urge story to make sense and to have an emotional impact. Right now, it is incomplete.

Please, PLEASE, for the love of Selune, finish it!

Sarene #949214 10/09/24 08:11 AM
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I also created an account just for this topic. It worries me that patch 7 was the last one with new content, but maybe minor changes or new dialogue options are still possible?

Resist Durge is my main, I love this redemption arc and the final scene
with Withers
is so powerful... But companions reactions are really dissappointing, especially from our love interest.
We literally DIED in front of their eyes, so they should be scared and shook-up.
Larian please, give us more touching dialogue after the final scene in Durge storyline.

Of course I dream about more reactions during all game, like mentioned before scenes in Moonrise, illithid colony or after meeting Gortash. But if I had to choose one, it would be this one after Orin battle.

Sarene #949219 10/09/24 09:00 AM
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I 100% agree.

I too was sure when I got to beta test patch 7 that SURELY the most important scene for Durge would be improved!

There are other (many other) moments when Durge needed more reactivity, but I could try to ignore them. But that? The scene in Act 3 where FINALLY Durge story get solved, the climax, the most important moment in a good Durge playthrough is ignored???

Sorry, I don't want to be harsh, I LOVE this game. But I seriously wonder why there was nice addition that were superfluous (yes, Alfira as a temporarily companion is nice, but was it necessary? No, because only new player could be fooled by this) but something so important was ignored.

Seriously, I can't consider the game complete if the most important scene in a good Durge playthrough is just ignored. And while I loved all the other updates... Was it really too much work to fix that scene?
Even just showing our Lover shocked during the scene, having them trying to get closer and scream "No!" Would vastly improve it!
And then obviously give them a better line ("without you I would be food for worm" or "I feel twee"... REALLY? ) after something so traumatic.

Really, I think everything else is secondary compared to what is basically improving the climax of Durge main quest. The "reactions" we got feels more like a placeholder than a true reaction...

I really hope you fix this, because Durge story severally lack reaction in many instances (except for Astarion, and I know his popular, but why dors he ave so much more contents compared to other?), but THAT SCENE has to be fixed. It should be the priority right now, more than anything else.

Sarene #949220 10/09/24 09:27 AM
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I haven't played with Patch 7 yet, because I'm in a HM run and use (cosmetic) mods and was afraid to break it. But if there really still isn't reactivity to the most important Durge scenes, I would add my voice to it.
I think, our own playable characters should get more reactions than soem npcs and sometimes I think, companions are more interested in Shadowhearts new hair color or companions hooking up with Tav or each other (Lae'zel and Astarion or Wyll for example) than their f**** leader and person who makes it possible in the first place, they reach BG in one piece (someone tried to do a theorycrafting on who would reach BG alive , if left to their own devices - and from teh tadfools it's only Shadowheart, that has a realistical chance to go there alive, everyone else will perish)
dying right in front of them

This is one of the most important scenes for a Durge and there should be more reactions to it to be honest, not just the love interest, but everyone. Don't tell me, you would just stand there and look at the decoration in teh Bhaal temple, when one of your group just
drops dead
right there.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
Sarene #949233 10/09/24 11:42 AM
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Would also like to throw in my support here, and agree with a lot of what’s been said.

Resist durge is such a wonderful story and almost exclusively what I play, it’s so sad and honestly immersion breaking to have the big climactic moment come and go with almost no fanfare. It makes the story, which up to that point has been so great, feel neglected and almost incomplete. Most companions get a follow up scene after their personal quests are completed to bring the emotional arc full circle, or at least some more lengthy, emotional, and in-depth conversation options. Why not durge as the player character? I do think their fav companion or love interest would have a lot more to say than the 1-2 lines they get.

(I’m another one who created an account specifically for this I feel so strongly about it. I’d assumed patch 7 would address this once durge reactivity was mentioned and got a bit of a shock finding out it wasn’t.)

Sarene #949235 10/09/24 12:20 PM
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I would also like to add that, even if it isn't much discussed in this forum, this is one of the most common complaint on Reddit. While I can understand that the team now want to focus on other things and the chance of a new story update is low, this is really a crucial element that NEEDS to be improved.
I was sure that it would be improved with patch 7, this is the only reason I (and many others) weren't more vocal in our complaining.

Sarene #949237 10/09/24 01:02 PM
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atp I'm begging for larian to fix this scene in particular as it's such a crucial part for resist durge's story and it just feels to underwhelming? as the person above me commented, this is a really common complaint in the reddit for bg3 but it seems to not be as popular here? either that or people just don't mind or don't care about it. legit ALL i want in the next patch is just an update to the companions reactions to the resist bhaal scene and mwah it'll be perfect

larian I BEG

Sarene #949239 10/09/24 01:40 PM
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I took created this account today to support my fellow resist DUrge players. <3

I whole heartedly agree with the sentiment of this thread, resist DUrge needs something for the most climactic moment of their story... And I usually don't understand why Astarion says it was all very twee, but I appreciate his responses to everything else the DUrge does... Makes me make a resist DUrge to romance Astarion only, lol.

Give resist DUrge something before you drop the game, Larian!!

And when you go to the next project, I guess I'll see you there because I'm in love with the rest of your storytelling (resist DUrge just needs a bit of oomph at the climax to really make it perfect)

Sarene #949240 10/09/24 02:25 PM
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Also came here from Reddit to agree with everyone that THAT resist Durge needs more reactivity. It's such a strong scene and would be incredible with companion reactions. Overall I really loved playing as Durge but truthfully was a bit surprised by the relatively tame reactions overall. I understand a lot of work would likely be required for changing that for the whole game however this scene could, at least, be improved with even just some facial expressions (obviously I'd love more but, you know... at least let our love interest and companions look SAD).

MaryQueen #949241 10/09/24 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by MaryQueen
I would also like to add that, even if it isn't much discussed in this forum, this is one of the most common complaint on Reddit. While I can understand that the team now want to focus on other things and the chance of a new story update is low, this is really a crucial element that NEEDS to be improved.
I was sure that it would be improved with patch 7, this is the only reason I (and many others) weren't more vocal in our complaining.

This. A lot of people on Reddit even said that they are ready to pay money just for this. Because we understand it's a lot of work without additional payment Larian have done since release.
I wish Larian just open a way to donate money for this cause of finishing Durge's storyline of something. It will be such a shame if such a crucial and pivotal scene in the entire Durge's storyline remains so severely lacking. This game truly can be a masterpiece for the ages if finished properly.

Last edited by Rote90; 10/09/24 02:32 PM.
Rote90 #949246 10/09/24 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Rote90
Originally Posted by MaryQueen
I would also like to add that, even if it isn't much discussed in this forum, this is one of the most common complaint on Reddit. While I can understand that the team now want to focus on other things and the chance of a new story update is low, this is really a crucial element that NEEDS to be improved.
I was sure that it would be improved with patch 7, this is the only reason I (and many others) weren't more vocal in our complaining.

This. A lot of people on Reddit even said that they are ready to pay money just for this. Because we understand it's a lot of work without additional payment Larian have done since release.
I wish Larian just open a way to donate money for this cause of finishing Durge's storyline of something. It will be such a shame if such a crucial and pivotal scene in the entire Durge's storyline remains so severely lacking. This game truly can be a masterpiece for the ages if finished properly.

Yup, I would happily pay for a dlc that improve reactivity to the Durge's storyline. The game is so big that I would feel it's fair honestly. And, again, the story is clearly very good, but it's also clear that it crumbles under the weight of so many possibilities.
Still, I feel that improving THAT scene it's the minimum and everything else would be a nice addition. But THAT... no, it NEEDS to be fixed.

Sarene #949250 10/09/24 05:56 PM
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I've read all the comments so far and I couldn't agree more with everything that's been said, you guys have put into words very well what a lot of people think about Durge. As others have pointed out, this is a topic that's been discussed a lot on Reddit but for some reason it hasn't been as popular here. Please, Larian, listen to us one last time!

Sarene #949266 10/09/24 09:19 PM
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I have never agreed with a post more. I really expected this to be fixed with the “more Durge reactivity” note.

Sarene #949267 10/09/24 09:20 PM
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Also— to piggyback, I thought this must be on here ALL THE TIME since it’s an almost daily topic on the Reddit page. Durge is such a fantastic storyline but the lack of reactivity was jarring.

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Thank you for making this post, I completely agree. I feel like after playing durge I would never go back to playing Tav, as they are so much more involved in the story but I was very disappointed in the lack of reactions from my companions in the most critical scenes, and especially now that E!durge has gotten extra scenes it just feels so much more disappointed for R!durge's scenes to remain the same.

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