Originally Posted by KiraMira
Originally Posted by fylimar
I'm not wanting kisses or animations or faces made during kisses, I just want one more line of dialogue for Wyll, so that he can decide his own fate, same as everyone else.
I don't think, that is over the top or too much.

It's not too much.

Wyll is the companion I wanted to have by the side of my goodish character. I found it very dissapointing to learn that he was not at the same level as Astarion in terms of story and development, but then again I have not seen everything for my self. I heard his new romantic greeting still does not trigger properly on DUrge. I'm glad he got some attention in the latest patch though.

I think he is underrated because he is underdeveloped, and like you say a little too dependent on Tavs decisions which hurts his personality.

This, exactly. The problem with Wyll was the rewrite and the change in voice acting. Theo is great and given the opportunity, he does a stellar performance. Sadly, Wylls story rewrite was last minute and it shows. I like the new story, but it is often tied to someone else ( Karlach, Emperor), so that Wyll gets sidelined and the worst is, to not let him make a decision. According to his story, he was forced to make hard decisions very early on and then he can't make his most important decision alone.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who