Hello everyone, firstly I would like to thank Larian Studios for the great success that is Baldurs Gate 3, I only had my first contact with the company's games with Baldurs Gate 3 on Steam, besides being a very well made game, the first and main The initial attraction was the price, the price was within Brazil's financial reality at launch, I loved the game and continue playing it. Lately I don't have much time to spend on the PC playing and the few hours I have to play I end up playing more casually on the Nintendo Switch and on the console there is only 1 game from Larian Studios, Divinity Original Sin 2. Unfortunately I almost never see this game in promotion on Nintendo Switch, I've only had the console for 1 year. Don't get me wrong, I believe the game is worth what they ask for, but there could be more promotions for this game on the console, or releasing older Larian games on the console, it would be a dream to be able to play this style of game on the Switch, so please Larian, release older games on Switch or do more promotions for Divinity Original Sin 2 on it, just like you do on Steam. Thanks for everything and sorry for my "GOogle" English laugh