Originally Posted by ArneBab
Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland
If you enjoyed painting your character portraits yourself
… and you like modding, then a custom character portrait mod could be an ideal start.

That is what i hate about modern games. Back in the day i could experience game right of the bat.
Nowadays i had to mod it for them to become playable, at least for me.
Same goes for MMOs; i cannot just play it; i have to change the UI, resize it, change font, etc.

Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland
Originally Posted by Radamenes
For me the sweet spot was dragon age origins where combat was in real time but you could create tactics for every character.
Cant say I get this statement at all.
DA:Origins had this AI editor where you could set up how characters behave when they are controlled by AI. So you could kinda set up what they are to do, without actually having to control it.

Not a fan, but there is a group of players who like this kind of play. Deadfire did something similar.
It seems he didn't even play that game.
The tactics window was one of the best aspect of that game, it eliminated the need to micromanage your party; If you set up your tactics right, you could just focus on playing your main character, most of the time. Of course, you still had to micromanage in the most difficult fights.

Originally Posted by Wormerine
I really can't say. I would say the appeal of BG3 is very, very different than that of Infinity Engine games and Tim Cain's RPGs - their focus and priorities are just in different places.

But if the combat is what you are worried about, I wouldn't. If you suffered through Fallout1&2 just fine, than BG3 shouldn't scare you.

D:OS1&2 are closes counterparts to BG3, but in my opinion BG3 is superior in quite a few aspects. While I have issues with BG3 narrative, it is stronger than in previous titles giving players more direction. I did feel D:OS1&2 had a lot of aimless exploration while looking for something interesting to happen. D:OS2 act2 was an extreme drag, and BG3 has nothing close to that. I also feel combat in BG3 is a bit more sporadic - or at the very least it's combat offers quite a bit more variety, while D:OS2 armor system made everything feel homogeneous.

So, yeah. I can't promise that you will click with BG3, but I think it would be worth giving a shot.
I did play through them, i mean fallout 1&2, but that was years ago.
I tried newest versions of xcom and xcom 2. I didn't enjoyed it that much.

Originally Posted by saeran
Originally Posted by Radamenes
I also tried divinity original sin 1&2.
In the first game i got lost while exploring the beginning of the game.
In the second i got bored by the second act, i got that every encounter was turn based.
At the beginning it was nice but later it has become a nuisance since i was winning every encounter but everyone had to take they sweet ass time.
In my experience the 'enemy turns take forever' aspect is not that different in BG3 compared to DoS2. I like turn based combat myself, but if you have low tolerance for how long it can take to resolve a battle, then I think BG3 might not be much fun.
That is what i am afraid of.

Live or die as long is battle is worthy and honor is gained.

Or just chill out man laugh