Thanks for @SteelTempest! That is the line I was thinking of. I waited until after the tabernacle before choosing that option wondering if it would be different if I asked then and was disappointed that it was not. The voice actor does deliver it with certain fervor . . .
So as it stands Gale is still thinking that Mystra used him as a plaything even after learning the truth. And this one of the many flaws with Act 3. The Larian authors were still using the DOS2 template when thinking of the gods - and that framework constructs gods as parasites that treat their followers as toys to be discarded when broken. But the gods of Faerun aren't like the gods of Rivellon . . .
As far as tropes, I think you are right. I think the UR template - one behind both of your examples - is a xtian one. A hero is a martyr, someone capable of infinite love because there is no greater love than self sacrifice. Indeed if we ask why we can't raise Gale after he dies you would do better to examine the template than to dive into FR lore. True Resurrection only requires a name it doesn't even require a body. (and a description will substitute for a name)
@Anska On the Hubris reading
I think we've hit a keystone if not *the* keystone of our different readings. I don't believe Gale when he says he went to get Mystra a present, I think he's lying to himself.
Borrowing some relationship dynamics from my family for a silly example. Dad - really likes fishing / Mom - really likes books and reading.
Dad: "So I went to the new bait and tackle shop because I heard that your mom's favorite author likes to hang out there - an autograph would have been the best present ever! Unfortunately the author was a no show. But the trip wasn't wasted, I did get this new fishing rod"
KillerRabbit (internally): Sure dad you went to the bait and tackle shop to get a present for mom
Gale: "I know, I'll get Mystra the best present ever in a manipulative grand romantic gesture. Who knows, perhaps such an effort would persuade her to relent and show me what she is hiding. And if I happen to see some arcane secrets that Mystra hadn't managed to hide away that wouldn't the worst outcome would it? But that's not why I'm doing it! Nope, I'm not trying to manipulate her and/or find a way to uncover some secrets. This is an innocent romantic gesture like . . . like . . . proposing to someone in the middle of a sports stadium!
. . .
I think Gale went in search of arcane knowledge. The gift would either persuaded Mystra to reveal her secrets or the book itself would include some of Mystryl's secrets that she hadn't secured.
While I like the "needed to return to research and study" interpretation I think he did intend to do what an adventuring researcher does - look for knowledge in a dungeon and study it. Making his failure one based in hubris and not in failure to remember what makes a wizard a wizard.
Because my Tav was multiclassed as Cleric of Mystra / Wizard I got to see both conversational options when finding Karsus' book. From memory the wizard option was something like "you need to uncover these secrets that's what wizards do" and the cleric options were something along the lines of "you are contemplating a blasphemous act, put it out of you mind immediately"
So in Larian's view a proper wizard should seek to defy the gods and becoming their equal. Perhaps you are smarter than Karus, Gale? (and I sooo hate that they changed the ending to make this work in a way players could feel good about)
@Ussnorway I would like to see Larian numbers on this. How many people get to act 3, complete the companion stories and then just quit or start another game?
So I do think that Mystra announcing that Gale had proven himself worthy of the trust she placed in him and returning him to his lover would be a good ending. But, as @SteelTempest notes that ending also has problems.
I really want a no mindflayer ending without using an exploit.