The "You're being arrested for bad behavior" dialogue seems to be broken.
I just lost an Honour Mode run in the goblin camp. I was prepared for a difficult battle with Dror Ragzlin with legendary actions and his entourage. I sent my stealthy character in first, succeed to sneak attack, and then instead of the expected surprise round, I am greeted with the "You're being arrested for bad behavior" dialogue followed by combat where most of the bad guys go first (and my high initiative stealthy character has already used his action). Dror Ragzlin killed Lae'zel before she was even able to attack with his smites and Shadowheart was thrown to the spiders. This left me with one character who had an action on the first turn and a party wipe on the second.
In other games, I would defy my Paladin Oath if I didn't let the bad guys haul me off to jail when attacking them. This is especially annoying in Moonrise Towers where most of the enemy guards have this "You are arrested for bad behavior" dialogue when attacked. How are the good guys supposed to clear out the evil doers without breaking the paladin oath?
The intent of the dialogue makes some sense. If it were limited to being caught stealing things marked red, or if a guard walked up right after the party killed someone. To have this dialogue interrupt a combat encounter does not make sense.
"He that can smile at death, as we know him. Who can flourish in the midst of diseases that kill off whole peoples. Oh! If such a one was to come from God, and not the Devil, what a force for good might he not be in this old world of ours." -Bram Stoker, Dracula