Every other rpg I played only gathered the audience of either from RPG fans, RPG veterans, old-school gamers, etc.

But baldurs gate 3 managed to interested not only rpg players but also people who normally do not play RPGs.

Same as World of Warcraft who managed to garner interest from people who are not MMO players.

I played wow with people who are into video whatsoever. They only played wow because their kid played wow. I met girls in wow who only played wow because their boyfriend played it. And so on.

BG3 is kinda similar, it somehow managed to convince casual gamers to try this game and stick with it. RPGs and casual gamers usually do not work well usually.

One time I saw a Twitch streamer who bought bg3 and refunded it just because she learned it is turn-based game. The inclination to buy it was there.

What caused this game to go mainstream?

I cannot categorize myself since I am kinda mix of everything. I am filthy casual because I do not care about score, achievements, etc. I am rpg gamer since I love those types of games. I played RPGs because they usually offer the best price to time spent investment. The same goes for MMOs, I enjoy them because I create a character who is always evolving.

As a rpg player bg3 doesn't tick the right boxes. The kingmaker: wrath of the righteous does.

Bg3 offers dumbed down dnd ruleset aka dnd 5e combat dnd 3e or 3.5e.

It is turn-based compared to rtwp. I tried D:OS 2, solasta, wasteland 2&3, XCOM enemy unknown, XCOM2. Neither of them grabbed me. I tried giving these games a shot. I own all of them.

People who love nwn and dnd 3.0 are playing nwn ee or nwn diamond and their multiplayer servers. People who love rtwp are playing Wotr, tyranny. People who love wh40k are playing rogue trader.

Those games never garner large appeal that this game have, I spend countless hours watching youtube videos, reading twitter, etc., to find THE thing that gave it mainstream appeal but I cannot find it.

Maybe I am missing something. I really want to discover the thing gave it mass market appeal.

Thanks for the info,


Live or die as long is battle is worthy and honor is gained.

Or just chill out man laugh