Originally Posted by KiraMira
I wish they at least had given her her own tent. I can't really imagine a scenario where Minthara and Halsin would be fine with sharing a bunk like they seemingly are now. Especially when they just met.

In my last game, Minthara joined the party while Halsin was sitting by Art's bedside, so Minthara moved into his tent and wouldn't give it back, and then grabbed the last good bunk at the Elfsong, leaving poor Halsin standing around like a lemon in the middle of the camp grin But the point stands and I agree: now that we can recruit them both it feels as though they should get a tent each or at least the last one to join should get a better spot to hang around than just some random-seeming place.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"