The best D&D CRPGs I've played since BG2 were ToEE and Solasta. Both were good in part but ultimately disappointing.

BG3 matches some of the better TT session in beats and themes. It has an adventuring day, decisive choices, camp time and party dynamics. It goes wilderness, save the town, save the city. And it had a ready made popular setting with massive lore to draw upon.

It's this last reason why I'm probably not going to buy Larian's next games. I played a lot of DOS and a little DOS2, and it's pretty weak lore wise.

And also, I don't want to learn another system. 5E is a really really good system. I don't want to downgrade. I installed WotR, and encountered systemic analysis-paralysis - that's a game design flaw from the 2000's!

Back to BG3, we've got quality VA, cinematics, better developed romances, quality model design...

Oh, and turn-based. Yes. Please. Single-player, can save anytime, and couch co-op.

There's more. BG3 is overflowing with positive game choices and features that make it very close to the TT experience. Which other game tops that?