A typo for "Pact Glaive" referring to the glaive you can summon as part of the Pact of the Blade bonus.
I'm guessing this is a D&D thing and not just Larian but why can't you "upscale" a "created" pact weapon as you level? Like create a +1, +2 or +3 version of the creatable pact weapons as you scale in level? Sure they'd just be basic "plus" weapons with no special abilities and there's better weapons to get, but it's be nice to be able to do so.
It's a D&D thing.
Created pact weapons are +0 variants unless you have the Improved Pact Weapon invocation which makes them +1 weapons (And also enables you to create ranged weapons). This particular invocation is specific to the Xanathar's Guide to Everything module.
For the most part, this is because the feature of creating a Pact Weapon is a niche ability really only notable at low levels where it's a free magical weapon, for fighting Rust Monsters and other such beasts that can destroy items or for specific scenarios where you are "Unarmed" in a particular location.
For most actual games, you'd simply swap to converting a physical object into a pact weapon once you found a +1 weapon (Or simply a weapon with a bonus effect).