Okay I already put this to the official support but after week waiting didnt get single results even when I sent save files they asked me for.
So Im askin here. The game refuses to load any save I created. Disabled cloud saves and autosaves whcih helped me little cos the game even when it s disabled still autosaves and cloudsaves whcih okay I get it personal prefeerences arent supported but why cant I load the game? When I try to load the game, it says that im playin on single save file(DUH IM playin on honor mode) and cant load previous save file....? Which previous save file arou talkin about? There is only one file to load what previous save file are you talkin about? Is the game so dumbly made that it cant recognize there is only one save I wanna reload or am I fuckin missin somethin? Alredy created 47 new games and the problem is in every single one of them Doesnt matter is it is any difficulty at all. Doesnt matter if it modded or vanilla.