Joined: Oct 2023
Another week another batch of mods, excitement for some and disappointments for others. When patch 7 first dropped I used to browse the new mods every day, but with the current state of console mods that would be torture. That said, I have had my eye on a few and I'm wondering what sort of mods other console players are hoping to see every week. Add some of yours down below as well as how long its been since they were first published.
Some of mine are: (in no particular order)
Beyond Divine Smite (78 Days Ago) Gloom Stalker Rework (54 Days Ago) Way of Shadow Monk Rework (31 Days Ago) Rox's Everyone Can Glow (40 Days Ago) Cantrip Mastery (65 Days Ago)
As is, I'd be surprised if Larian is still supporting mods on Console a year from now so here's hoping some of these make the cut.
Last edited by Paen; 05/12/24 02:58 PM.
Joined: Nov 2024
Oath of the Eldritch Hunt is a big one,but one I'm hoping gets approved despite its LOOOOOONG shot is the WOW warlock class mod.
I'm a sucker for minion classes,and I'm tired of the necromancers.Its basically the only one that's genuinely made with summoning demons in mind.
Edit:Also the Oakheart because again,idiot summoner here.
Last edited by Bepo78; 05/12/24 04:27 PM.
Joined: May 2024
Always prepares wizard and 4x spell slots
Joined: Nov 2024
Smooth Shadowheart (40 days)
Joined: Oct 2023
I guess there was bound to be sombody waiting on another hair mod..
Last edited by Paen; 06/12/24 04:00 AM.
Joined: Dec 2023
I'm hoping to get the Rogues extra mod, I'm hoping rogues get some love next mod.
Joined: Oct 2024
Still waiting for any new race mods, cause frankly we're long overdue for some new ones. I get they're working to fix the crashing issue on console, waiting on aasimar to turn up. Hopefully before the end of the year.
Joined: Oct 2023
Happy to see at least one of the mods mentioned has come to console, kind of insane it was released 99 days ago. Another mod I'd love to see come to console is Gem Draconic Ancestries: 5 New Ancestry Options. (94 Days old)
Last edited by Paen; 16/12/24 08:42 PM.
Joined: Mar 2024
I want to be able to hide my cloaks.
Joined: Oct 2023
Same! I also think that shouldn't require a mod but here we are. one more for the list.
Invisible Capes and Cloaks (59 Days)
Joined: Oct 2024
Shadar Kai or literally ANY race mods.
Joined: Dec 2024
FF Hair Mod
Duskblade by BG3DuskbladeClass (51 days)
Demonhunter by GrumpyWumpy (49 days)
Joined: Oct 2023
Now that mod approval has resumed I wanted to update some dates.
Beyond Divine Smite (113 Days Ago) Gloom Stalker Rework (89 Days Ago) Way of Shadow Monk Rework (66 Days Ago) Rox's Everyone Can Glow (75 Days Ago) Cantrip Mastery (100 Days Ago) Oath of the Eldritch Hunt (59 Days Ago) Oakheart Sentinels Ver. 2 (71 Days Ago) Spell Slot x 4 (113 Days Ago) Aasimar Race Mod (41 Days Ago) Smooth Shadowheart (124 Days Ago)
Think I got all of them?
Some of the mods we got today have been out for half as long with fewer downloads and Thumbs up than many of the above, there's no rhyme or reason to what gets approved.
Joined: Jan 2025
I'm not sure if they're doable for consoles, but I'd love some of those fabulous dresses and jackets I've seen various youtubers use.
Joined: Nov 2024
Coming back to this:There's a FF tactics job mod recently added that basically adds a class with an entire system of other classes including SUMMONER(:D).
Course it's gonna be forever until it might be approved,but knowing it's there makes me giddy.
Joined: Oct 2024
I really wish they'd just either fix the race mod issue and let Aasimar and Shadar-Kai through or confirm that they're done even trying. This limbo of will they or won't they is keeping me from getting any deeper into a new playthrough.
Joined: Oct 2023
Lot of releases this week! we can cross a couple off it looks like.
Rox's Everyone Can Glow (75 Days Ago) Spell Slot x 4 (113 Days Ago) Gem Draconic Ancestries: 5 New Ancestry Options (this should have been on my original list, so I'm adding it cause I'm pumped we got it!)
Last edited by Paen; 17/01/25 01:37 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
More to take off the list.
Gloom Stalker Rework (107 Days Ago) Cantrip Mastery (117 Days Ago) Oakheart Sentinels Ver. 2 (71 Days Ago)
Joined: Oct 2023
No mods this week? Did I miss a memo?Anyways, I wanted to add [BETA] Transmogrification Lite to the list of things I've got my eye on, even though it's still in BETA and the author hasn't requested it for console yet, I'm very excited to finally, maybe getting Transmog in BG3 .. EVEN THOUGH IT SHOULD BE BASELINE LARIAN!
Joined: Nov 2024
I'm still waiting for he FF tactics class approval.
Joined: Nov 2024
Your yelling at clouds at this point man.We aren't getting 400 mods till the end of the year,much less a transmog system.
Joined: Nov 2024
FYI, transmogrifying armor isn't as easy as A = B. The code won't allow the existing method of swapping weapon visuals or character visuals to be applied to armor. I do not know if there is a technical limitation causing this, or Larian just didn't want to add the code for it, but armor transmogs currently either require manually editing each file, or scripting that makes my brain bleed. I saw how the Transmog Lite author does it and reading all of that scripting hurt my brain. They essentially code for individual armor pieces.
I do agree, though, that it would have been a good base-game function. They could have tied questing to it, or a made it a gold sink.
Joined: Oct 2024
While still waiting for any news on the Race mod issue, I really wish someone would add a Jaheira Romance mod (possibly with their own voice acting), would be pretty cool (or even if Larian wanted to make it a surprise add to Patch 8, but I highly doubt that's going to happen as the amount of time and money it would take is immense, and the patch itself is already in stress testing).
Joined: Dec 2024
I'm a simple person, I just want to use the "Astarion Dice Skin" mod, it's so pretty! I have my eyes on this mod since a while but no validation yet. The "shadowhearts dice skin" mod, by the same author, is also pretty.
Joined: Jul 2022
I am dreaming of a mod that makes me think I am actually of the PC Master Race variety...instead of a Console Pawn.
Joined: Oct 2024
Or Mac, I have it on console and Mac, and wish that they'd fix the race issue because apparently Nexus Mods aren't working and break saves since Larian first released their own mod manager, so I want certain mods that were already available back on my Mac, or made available on console. I just want to play as a Shadar Kai, and my first instinct about the Race Mod crashes is that a mod with multiple rather than mods that make one at a time available might be the issue. That could be the issue as to why Kuo Toa seems to be fine while the rest lay in limbo.
Joined: Nov 2024
We aren't getting the race fix likely until the end of the year with how slow they've been with everything.We're sitting at 330 mods over 3k,they very clearly aren't prioritizing modding as a whole otherwise they'd have stepped it up by now.
People forget Modding isn't something you add over "good will",it's something you use to keep your game afloat long after it's no longer in the public eye.