I don't know if this would count as bumping, haven't yet read through the thread(seems like it'll be a good read!), and it's probably late, but I'd like to give my two coppers on two spells.

Grasping Vine: I'm sure plenty of people have complained about this one already. I would turn it into a cantrip, remove the concentration requirement, and make spawning a new vine de-summon the current one like Find Familiar or similar. It would feel worth casting as a cantrip, sort like an action sink for enemies, possibly wasting their turn. If they don't ignore it outright.

Shaping of the Ice: This so uniquely terrible, a waste of a turn and a ki point. I would change it to creating a stack of cubes as a ramp facing the caster and provide instant high ground for the one character that climbs it. The durability of all cubes could be lowered so the entire structure could easily be destroyed by a single spell, and I think that would keep it fair. It would be an easy big advantage, but also a risk as you could be easily knocked down or have the cubes be destroyed under you and take fall damage. It would also have cool synergy with Eaglehearted barbarians.

These two just annoy me so much.