I got into Act 3 last night and I didn't have any issues. I ran around the beginning portion of the city. Got into Elfsong. Etc, etc.
Now when I load up Act 3 I can barely play for two minutes without something crashing. It will either:
a.) Just crash. Crash report comes up. And that's it.
b.) My computer crashes. I know it's about to happen because my LED lights will start to cycle through colors.
c.) I'm in the middle of a conversation and I can't get out of it and the NPC just stares into the void.
I tried:
Lowering my graphics.
Lowering my frame rate.
Using Vulkan.
Changing DPI.
Checking my PC's temp to make sure it isn't overheating. It's not.
Updating drivers.
Closing a bunch of background applications.
I can't figure out what to do.
Last edited by dragonsnjetpacks; 07/01/25 10:51 PM.