Lae'zel: same as above. I do still get annoyed at her pushiness in act 1 (IE telling me she wants to taste my sweat within ten minutes of meeting me and then condescends when I say no... how the hell is Halsin the one that got labeled a creep by half the fanbase when Lae'zel does THIS?) but if I ignore that part I love her.
I am guessing this is more of a rhetorical question since you have probably followed the many lengthy discussions about Halsin that have just been going around in circles. But if you are genuinely confused I think it mainly boils down to three groups of people.
1. The homophobic straight males who find it gross to be hit on by a man, but hot if a woman hits hits on them. They have the same issues with Gale and Wyll even though they have a far less blunt and aggressive approach than Karlach and Lae'zel.
2. Shadowheart and Astarion stans that are fiercely protective of their li and take dislike towards sharing the attention of their li with Halsin and are more neutral towards Lae'zel who they don't see as competing for that attention.
3. Women and queer people who have had negative experiences with uncomfortable interactions with older white men that sound a lot like Halsin. Even in my limited experience with dating apps and social media, I've had those weird interactions through DMs with random older men who approach you out of nowhere, and oddly I've never had that issue with young, brainwashed, fascist, alien frog girls. So Lae'zel just doesn't trigger that same ick reaction (Edit: Though, if I had had such experiences, I am sure Lae'zel would be equally triggering)
But, to be clear, our experiences with media are always personal and subjective. There's no absolute truth that we have to agree on. I am not trying to ruin anyone's positive impressions by trying to convince them that they are wrong. My mantra always is, other people are not in my game and I am not in theirs, so how they enjoy and play their game has no effect on me.