Serious question. I really love Minthara's character.💜
But what purpose does she serve as a companion? Why is she a companion? Originally she was evil run exclusive. And according to Adam Smith, she was only recruited around once in 10 runs (as of November 2023). So not many people played with her (back then). A secret companion? A companion especially for evil runs. Probably. Well not many play evil runs. Or only once and then never again. And not everyone who starts an evil run recruits Minthara.
No offense to my fellow Minthara lovers. 💜
But I don't fully understand Larian's intentions with this character. 🤔
Is she some kind of "disposable" companion?
You recruit her once (maybe/for evil run) and then never again.🤔
Edit: but yes. Way more people recruit her probably now. Thanks to the Ko recruitment.
![[Linked Image from]](
Understandable question and the answer is quite simple;
she has no purpose (in full release).
During Early Access Minthara was an incredibly popular and well-thought out character, one so cared about that even the descriptions of her unique gear told so much of her backstory. Constantly kept receiving substantial development efforts and the only character of the entire cast with a fully functioning sex scene at the time (her classic 69 scene which at the time was far more explicit than the PG13 scene we got today). She along with her sex scene were constantly being improved, revised and adjusted... and her fandom was huge and as obsessed with her back then as Astarion and Shadowheart fandoms are today. Actually nay... far more than any fandom today, as just the camera angle changes of her sex scene alone stirred so much discussion and feedback, not to mention her hairstyle change.
She was supposed to be the carrot-on-a-stick, the guide in the darkness, the beacon in the mist, the unique treasure for daring to do something different... the other half of the story that players would not be witnessing unless they joined her (unlike today where one can experience absolutely everything in a good playthrough). She was supposed to be the companion that would guide the player through the other half of the story, into the inner circles of the cult and all its intricacies together with Nere and Kar'niss and even Ketheric Thorm (yes he was a redeemable companion)... but alas it was not meant to be.
BG3 had severe development management issues during production, as most of the game's production was simply "winging it" as they kept going. And once they lost their faith in their own Early Access writing too the majority of the game got rewritten and thus Minthara got abandoned in development hell as the focus entirely shifted to exclusively the good choices and good companions.
Due to this Larian hasn't had a clue what their intentions are with the character ever since Early Access' final Update #9, as once the rewrites started for full release Minthara lost the majority of her original story and ultimately got murdered due to so much content ripped out and too many critical bugs. That's why she has no purpose and therefore is stuck in this miserably buggy and unfinished state a year after release with so much content missing, treated like some unwanted piece of dog muck by the side of the road as her buggy carcass merely got tossed over to the good path and quickly discarded in the evil endings, instead of actually improving the character and filling the gaps.
Her mistreatment began when out of nowhere she got turned from a Cleric into a Paladin with EA's final update (despite all of her unique gear being made for a Cleric) and also had her unique
[Amulet of Misty Step] taken away from her (which tells a bit of her backstory). Since then everything went downhill for her in terms of development, causing less and less people to care about the character after the game released due to so many critical issues denying players access to even the miniscule amount of her content that remained (couldn't be romanced, had no kisses either, most of her dialogue couldn't be accessed due to broken triggers etc...)
She simply exists today as a broken unfinished remnant of their once radiantly shining passion that has completely faded away for the character, drifting without a purpose because her original purpose got stolen from her when the story she was a part of got ripped out. Naturally despite the problems she's still a phenomenal character with incredibly well-written personality and dialogue, her lovably unique insights remind me a lot of Kreia from Star Wars KOTOR II as the parts that she still does have is some of the best writing in the game... but that's all she is, just well-written pieces of an unfinished story barely stitched-together without a middle and an end.
Once their most developed and cared-for character, today just a barely-functioning unfinished mess.
Minthara's unique amulet that got taken away from her during Early Access to be just random loot;![[Linked Image from]](