I completed my first run using Tactician Enhanced + honor mode with a party of 6 over the holidays. It was pretty entertaining!

Kudos to the the peeps who helped make it happen.

In addition to the Adjustable Party Limit and Tactician Enhanced, I was also using the hotbar extender which was cool. The way the Party Limit and Tactician Enhanced mods work, they add a couple icons to the hotbar, so having the extra space there was helpful. I don't like a super busy hotbar or sliding overmuch, so basically I'd expand all the spell and action bars minimize the consumables silder, and felt pretty good to go there.

I liked especially the toggle to Dismiss companions down to the limit 4 at various points, or while in camp ending the day. Initially I was dismissing them manually one by one, but it's a lot easier to hit long rest and one button than doing that. Much appreciated, that little addition.

For me the benefits of having 6 companions totally outweigh the downsides, both for the mechanics and the RP, but also for the difficulty and encounter grind. Like clearly if the player wants to micromanage each encounter and each character, then having two more ups in the turn order sequence is a big boon to the player, but an extra enemy action balances against that pretty well. I also find that with more characters in the party I'm just less inclined to micromanage the hell out of every turn, and much more likely to push the short/long rest a bit further, and take more risks, especially when playing as a caster.

It's a little uneven in some of the encounters, like for Boss fights it sorta comes down to how many minions they have on the enemy team. Most times if I was against the ropes it was because of some rando bit enemy with an extra crossbow bolt or magic arrow attack, as opposed to like Boss legendaries killing us. Though that almost happened too, paranoid dreams lol. Still, it was good times and pretty solid. I think by the time we get to Act III, difficulty scaling is much harder because the player has access to such powerful magic, potions and gold. But then again, when it comes to BG I'm not necessarily looking for the most punishing difficulties imaginable, just a way to make 6 work and feel satisfying, which I think the mod achieves.

Another thing I like is that while roaming around with 6 there is significantly more banter. This is also a bit uneven, since everyone is chattier at the beginning of the Acts and tend to hush towards the end, but still it made a difference for me.

It's also very satisfying for me to create a portrait spread with a nice color balance to it. With 6 I feel like I can get a nice rainbow going on there, and cover the full spectrum, whereas with only 4 I just feel like it's missing something there. Similar to the way in which rolling with 4 I always feel like I'm missing a Druid or Bard or whatever, I also often feel like I'm missing the Green character or the Red character. Or where the dyes won't match the vibe, I don't know say Wyll becomes a bard and tries to rock remedial rhymes, like it would be cool to change the fade on the lighting to match. I know gold is covered, cause Lae'zel is always in the party, but for the rest of the rainbow 6 gives me a better shuffle to work with.