Trying to create a new Paladin subclass. Go to test in game mode. I create a new character with the ccStartNew console command. Going through the Character Creation dialog, I'm good through selecting Class Paladin. When I click down on the Subclass, I see my new subclass as one of the options (Oath of Shadow), but the icon is not rendered above the name. There are four log messages that read "Couldn't find the file Assets/ClassIcons/hotbar/OathOfShadow.png" in the Message Log. The file is there, and properly named as far as I can tell. There's a message right before that says "please regenerate the metadata" but I'm not sure how to do that.
Anyway, when I click on the Oath of Shadow subclass, the toolkit stutters and then crashes with no additional log messages in the Message Log window. Is there somewhere else I can look for log messages related to the crash, and maybe a core file to pass along?