I've definitely thrown more stuff in BG3 than I ever did in BG1 or BG2, but the UI for it is pretty awkward.
For starters, I dislike how all the other attack icons are shown in Red so they're easy to parse, but then the icon for Throw is in brown and presents more like the movement abilities say Dash or Hide etc.
I also agree that it would have felt a lot more fun if the Thrown or Missile Weapons had an attack icon similar to the Ranged weapons (Bows/Crossbows), perhaps with their own flavor Maneuvers and special animations which we see for other weapon types or weapon attacks.
For example, the Enraged throw that Berserkers get, that looks like an attack Icon...
![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/svR7WxX4/300px-Enraged-Throw-webp.png)
I'd rather have had something like that as the standard Thrown Weapon Attack icon, then maybe a secondary variant in Brown (or Blue) as the Icon for stuff like Improvised throws, such as yeeting Potions or Environmental or Quest Objects or Goblins. This later could bring up the inventory or the mini bar the way it works now.
But for the thrown weapon attack (and the equipped thrown weapons) those should have an actual equipment slot, similar to the Ranged Weapons which remain equipped. I don't particularly like the framing or conceit that we have to be 'wielding' all this stuff in our off hand or main hand. It makes Fighters in particular feel like they can't do the sort of in-combat juggling to change weapons on the fly while they're in the midst of the fight, which is sorta the fighter type hallmark to me. My class fantasy has it easier for Martial Fighter types to use a wide range of weapons, but since equipping stuff takes an action really works against that whole angle. Having more equipped weapons in the loadout ready-to-go would allow those sorts of brawlers to stake out some territory. Like maybe they don't have the most menacing all around or singular weapon specialization, but they have weapons' versatility and the ability to switch weapons on the fly to counter particular armor or damage types.
Right now the main benefit of something like the Returning Pike seems to be distance (usually exceeding what can be achieved with a bow or crossbow) and also reliability to hit, with consistent damage. So just ballpark, you can count on it do an easy 20 dmg early on, if thrown from high ground. Plus it seems to beat a lot of resistances and sorta ignore AC. Like the thing just almost always hits! Plus it's very satisfying to watch the double hit when the enemies get knocked prone, but then it gets quickly outmodded if the player isn't really micromanaging their build or their playstyle for it in combat.
It's also a little wonk that a character who uses Thrown weapons needs a bunch of extra stuff to make the click tedium there feel worthwhile. Like you need special Ring and special Returning weapon, probably a Feat and a STR potion to boot. Also kinda just feels like yet another way for them to build up Karlach as the late addition to the mix. I tend to just always have her with those Returning weapons, even though I think Bestial Heart is more fun for me, I enjoy the movement stuff there. But it's like as soon as I pick up that Pike, you know nothing else is going to get equipped, cause it takes too much work in the moment. Feels like the opposite of Tavern Brawler-y improvisation when the meta is mostly keying off the specific weapons; Returning Pike or Returning Trident. I mean it's cool that we got a harpoon now basically, but the other types sorta left by the wayside.
I can't help but feel like they locked it in a bit too much by using the Javelin or Returning Pike as the archetype, as opposed to the old standards for BG missile weapons: the Dart, the Throwing Dagger, and the Throwing Axe/Hammer.
That last was particularly fun, since it was more of a fighter exclusive. Like there's just something about that class fantasy of a Hatchet tossed with the perfect rotation and single revolution to nail whatever.
Or I don't know maybe the rogue or wizard, who keeps that throwing dagger tucked into their boot for just the right moment. Some ninja style dart that's delivered with a more dexterous flick of the wrist, as opposed to like a ragey hurl hehe.
In BG1 and BG2 I associated especially the Throwing Daggers with Mages, since it was one of the few weapons they could use effectively, like if for some reason the player passed on the obvious choice of Sling to use the ammo slots lol. But in BG3 that's not really the vibe, which is clearly more ragey barbarian right? It's a bit goofy that players can throw a Pike farther than they can shoot an arrow from a longbow, but I get used to stuff like that since it's more arcade gamey with big enhanced leaps and such. Still it just seems like if my Urchin Durge wants to rep a bandolier with like a dozen daggers ready to throw at all times, that it could just be a more standard button for that sort of attack. You know simple Icon keying off the thrown weapon attack. Lots of stuff just does bludgeoning damage. The specialty returning weapons get you the piercing though which is more useful generally so there's that too. But I mean crushing damage from thrown hammers and slashing or piercing from pointy or edged weapons, that sort of deal. The same way if I equip a Halberd or Longsword I get some special extra things going on there.
Torches same deal. It shouldn't need to be in the hand. Torches in hand look cool, but it's not worth the tedium. Maybe the character could just stake it into the ground when combat begins automatically, and then use both hands for weapons, so that torches would still get used after the Light Cantrip is achieved hehe. Also throwing torches, torches tossed on the ground to make a perimeter in the dark, those sorts of things. Throwing a torch should be at least as reliable as Shadowheart's firebolt for lighting stuff up hehe. If used as an actual weapon, maybe the standard issue Torch gets some extra bonus there to make it cooler. I don't know the Aragorn maneuver for some extra extra? But like that's only the look is versatile torch weapons, otherwise you'd think we could just sorta stake it into the ground and have both hands ready for whatever else. Shields get the shield bash, so maybe some flavor more like that? I just think there should be slots for all this stuff at the ready. There's room on the avatar equipment screen UI for more stuff to have loadouts. Hotbar still feels too slim for me, I want to extend it wide rather than just raising it 4 rows. Especially for multiclass and spellcasters or gish type combos, the space in the hotbar just feels like it's always at a premium. For radials I guess it will just keep going and going, but there too it would be nice if all the attacks would group with a really easy to spot icon. Again like the enraged throw. If used improvised it makes sense to hunt down the specific weapon, but I mean for stuff that's part of the plan, ready and equipped so it doesn't get lost. Mundane Daggers or Javelins etc for sure should just stack, or else have specialty properties like the magical arrows. You know, poison throwing daggers, stunning poison daggers, if we have options there, but otherwise defaults to regular throwing daggers in stacks of like 10 or whatever. Least daggers can hang from the imaginary belt! heheh
Ps. Also in BG1/2 Fighters had 4 quickslots for weapons. I think Rangers/Paladins/Multiclass Fighters and the like had 2-3 quick slots. They should just double that number. So maybe pure Martial types can have up to 8 weapons ready-to-go and equipped. Depending on the type of fighter they might lean towards having more Melee weapons loadouts, or more Ranged loadouts, or perhaps working in thrown weapons and such as well. Other half fighter types might have a more limited number of weapons loadouts, with full casters having the fewest number of weapons loadouts, but still more options than were available in say BG2. The idea being to allow players the option to switch between equipped weapons more readily in-combat. Otherwise the meta totally favors picking just one weapon and building everything around that choice. That's fine too, but I miss the fighter that can pick up anything and just go to town. Or I don't know maybe the bard has some extra flare there too, like a nod to one of their old perks which was to have some extra weapons options. I'm fine with the no equipping of armor in Combat, but at least with the weapons, seems like it could be easier to set up. Given the constraints of the screen real estate, maybe just adding an extra pair of slots above the existing ones would be enough?