Could we please fix essential things like "Recast Speak with Undead", "Hunters Mark", etc being auto-added to the radial menu when playing with a controller?
I just introduced a friend to BG3 this week, and I was totally shocked to see that some essential re-cast spells aren't auto-added to the menu, as my friend would've never ever known that they could be recast, let alone how to get them on the radial menu again.
I don't have access to patch 8 yet, but I couldn't find anything regarding those fixes in any post, while they seem like fundamental bugs to fix for everyone that plays with a controller.
Same issue here. Recasting the Ranger's 1st-level spell Hunter's Mark functions properly via the sub-radial menu. However, the Hunter's Mark ability tied to the 'Hunting Shortbow' is bugged: its recast icon disappears from the radial menu after concentration breaks, forcing manual re-addition.