So why torture the rest of the companions?
So you have options?
I mean ... sometimes you make some choices, wich lead to some scenarios ...
Like when you be-headed Karlach in early game as a Githyanki, who would NEVER turn to Mind Flayer, but in time you find out that Vlaakith is a treacherous b**** and so you want to side with Orpheus ...
What are your options then?
Side with Mind Flayer and loose your rightful prince.
Let your rightful prince sacrifice themselves.
Or sacrifice yourself.
Neither of that options is what your character would do. :-/
And sure, those are consequences for your decision bcs you killed Karlach ... but even if she is alive but is chilling in your camp, you simply cant use her.
It feels odd (to me at least) that Larian allows only one companion to have this end ...
Thiking about it a little futher, in perfect world they would all react differently ...
Imagine that if you could as every companion ... but those who would be against it would get super high persuation/intimidation/deception check ... like 30, or even 40, but not 99 (xD) ... something only super-focused character could pass, still something a player could achieve.
But then, when you would fail ... and lets be honest, most people WOULD fail that check ... they would become hostile.
But then again, if we would knock them out, we would be able to turn them against their will.
I mean, for hells sake, we can be evil enough so we quite literally "drown the whole world in blood of our victims" ... lets not pretend that some of our characters would shy away from such option.