I don't know, how you would separate companion decisions from how your main character inlfuences the world
The way i described it abowe?
I mean ... its not going to change, ofc ... but in my honest opinion:
If i meet priestess of Shar that wants nothing more than to proove herlsef to her goddess, since she do actualy believe that she is THE chosen one and becoming her most loayal servant is her fate, her sacret dury, her birthright, and the only thing in the world she wants ... and that was training and serving her whole life just for this single goal ...
Then i left this person sitting in camp, ignoring her completely the whole time i travel, never engage with her in any conversation and quickly end those she starts herself ...
Then we get to Nightsong ... wich she should sacrifice to fullfill all those things mentioned abowe ...
She should NOT ... and let me repeat that: NOT ... change her opinion on the spot, just bcs those people who she traveled with for few past days (even if weeks) "seems to be quite nice people".

I just cant take that as good writing and im not even sory for that.

but the point is, that the other companions make decisions based on what they experienced with your character ON THEIR OWN
Well in that case, the point is wrong ... since that is not the case.
Again, as described abowe.
Wyll doesn't even have that little bit of freedom
That is certainly one way to look at it ...
Another would be that Wyll dont want to make those decisions himself, he needs someone to make them for him, bc in that case no matter the result, he is not responsible ... he just "followed orders".
so if you want to make the companions totally random decisions, feel free to make a thread about it
For one ... that is not what i said.
For two ... lookig at your rank, you dont seem to be moderator, so how about kindly let them decide that?

I fear that storystuff has been sidelined due to the loud complaints and crys about and for kisses and hugs and romance stuff (which gave us Halsin - a companion totally void of anything, but romance stuff in act 3) on every platforms.
I think you hit a point here ...
After all Swen said it clearly on game awards "our developers made the game they wanted to play" ... it just seems they have different priorities, and that is perfectly normal.
If you go through this thread it's not only about the decisions anymore, but a lot of stuff, that could make Wyll a bit more on par with the other characters.
I keep saying that since release ...
Since Wyll was re-written, most of all about him was lost and he become boring.
Some Fylimar recently told me to suit myself.

You obviously didn't even know, he could help save Karlach and that those two can become an implied couple if you don't romance either of them.
That obviously, huh?
Well ... i did ... still didnt find it any relevant for said topic, nor this one ... and i have no way, or desire to proove im telling the truth ... but know that this "obviousness" was and still is false.

I even know that when my Taviefling romanced Karlach and we returned to Avernus together, Wyll went with us.

I also read, that people call him stupid for making the deal with Mizora and not making his own decisions: They obviously ...
That word again ...
Have it ever crossed your mind that you judge maybe a little too fast? O_o
I mean ...
I quite honestly thought that this is kinda big part of Wyll's story ... prejudice and suspicion ... lots of people would hate him just for selling his soul, and after all, he never could have said anyone how did that happen ... until the point in game, where he can tell you.
So ... i would even dare to say that if people call Wyll stupid from first few expressions ... then Larian did good job, bcs that is exactly how he should have ben seen at that point.