Okay, locking this thread as it’s not promising constructive engagement and the OP hasn’t been back since posting. They are very welcome to PM me to request it’s reopened, or to pick up the debate on the megathread at
https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=814862#Post814862.@Ussnorway, for future reference if you disagree with or have comments about moderation please PM the moderator rather than risk derailing the thread further. In this case I’d have explained that you’d misunderstood, and yes the “not-so-good technology” I was referring to was indeed the translation or AI tool the OP seems to have used to craft the message. My reference to the rules was directed at Tuco and RagnarokCzD’s one-word reaction replies. Explaining that is of course yet more off topic posting, which is one of the reasons we encourage folk to contact us offline rather than debating with moderation in-thread.
And @Tuco, please refrain from negative comments on other discussions. We all have different interests, and frankly after all this time a lot of the things that can be discussed about the game have already been thoroughly debated, so let’s all just engage if and when we feel we have something constructive to add, and otherwise ignore and get on with something we are interested in.