I've posted about this on Discord and other socials, but I also thought I'd post about it here. This mod was done in collaboration with my cowriter Sonaak Kroinlah. Link to the mod itself:
link . We hope you enjoy the mod. Feel free to give feedback as well.

As for the description of the mod, I figure I'll just copy it from the mod page:
About the Mod:Unlike many of my other D:OS2 mods, this one isn't as simple. This mod represents on and off efforts over the years. It represents the will of two people to see a character they like done justice. And that character is Red Princess Sadha. Why her, though? It's simple: she means a lot to me. And I do mean a lot. I'll spare you the details, though. Still, in the base game, she's sadly not very consistent or fleshed out. In fact, I'd consider, for her role in the game, I'd consider her one of the least fleshed out NPCs in the game, comparatively. So I sought to correct that. Together, with my cowriter Sonaak Kroinlah, we bring you the Sadha Expansion mod. A mod that aims to expand and revise on Sadha and interactions with her. A mod that hopefully does justice to Best Princess.
Summary of some of the changes:
A revision and expansion on the character of Sadha and interactions with her. It is our hope that she is more likable, smarter, more consistent, more outright benevolent, and more.
Sadha is pro-peace, anti-slavery, does not want to use her kids for combat, and more.
Can discuss with Sadha if TRP is permadead.
Sadha will call you out if you cheated on her as either a player Prince or non-companion Prince player. You can then discuss things with her.
Can discuss Sadha's motivations, call her out for certain things, ask things you used to not be able to, and more.
Since she's so important to me, Sadha is unkillable and auto-resurrects if killed. However, you can knock her out in Arx and she'll stay that way for the rest of the level. I am not willing to remove this feature... sorry. If it were anyone else, I'd be willing to work around it, but not Sadha. Again, she's too important to me. I guess on the "bright" side, you can keep abusing her if you'd like. Also, attack her with Prince (has to do damage and be in Arx) to make them "break up" of sorts.
Sadha is better in combat and put up a better fight before going down. She has more skills as well.
Discuss things with Sadha after you've helped her, including the fate of Arx, the Ancient Empire, her views on slavery and her kids, and more.
Can gain or lose attitude with Sadha depending on some choices. Don't expect a lot of depth, but it's there. Can even get her to appear with a green outline.

Numerous bug fixes, consistency tweaks, and more. Including my Sadha Face Fix mod.
In the optional Extras mod, get a more explicit path to help the survivors in Horrorsleep with a dialogue branch with Brahmos. Enjoy a buffed Circle of Suns. Follow up with the survivors in the Kemm Estate and give them Sadha's regards. And more.
And more.
There are currently two files for the mod: the Main one and the Extras one. They are split up for extra compatibility. The Main mod pretty much only deals with things pertaining to the Red Princess herself. The Extras mod deals with some changes to make the changes in the Main mod work better. It also features some consistency changes. This is a bit less likely to be compatible with other mods and is not "in scope" of the Main mod, so again, it's kept separate.
Do note that the added dialogue lines are not voiced currently. While it is possible to add in custom voice lines with the script extender, I do not know how to do this currently. And more importantly, I lack voice actors and the money to pay them. I do not want use AI voice acting with this mod (and indeed, Larian frowns on it), so my only hope here are volunteers. Especially for the Red Princess herself. Just note that I cannot afford to pay you at this time.
It is my hope that you enjoy the mod. We had a fun (if somewhat tough) time making the mod, and I hope that shows. Feel free to leave feedback, report bugs/issues, make suggestions, and more. As for our plans for the future, we hope to continue to keep working on the mod. Out next planned addon to the mod is another extra mod that can teleport Sadha to the endgame Lady Vengeance so you can talk to her and so she can have a better sendoff. No ETA on that right now, though.
Installation:Manually extract the .pak files into your Mods folder. By default, it should be in your Documents\LarianStudios\Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition folder. Afterwards, boot up the game and tick the mod's checkbox to activate it. Sort it in your load order at your will, though the extras mod should be loaded after the main one. Or use LaughingLeader's mod manager. Trust me, it's great.
While the mod does not need it yet, it is set up to use the script extender. Since I might require it in the future, it might be best to download and install it. It can be found here. And it's just idea to have it in general. It will speed up load times and reenable achievements with mods, among other things.
The mod's files are named with A Test. This is holdover from a much earlier point in development. However, it's held on so long that even the internals of the mod keep the "A Test".
Uninstallation:Simply deactivate the mod(s) in your load order. To be more thorough in its removal, delete the mod's .pak files in the afore mentioned directory.\
Compatibility:The Main mod file will incompatible with anything that edits Sadha's character file or most dialogue files dealing with her directly. This means it is incompatible with my Sadha Face Fix mod. However, it's redundant with this mod since it contains the same fix. One mod that should be compatible with this mod is Wait Your Turn - Better Reflections since this mod does not edit the PDD with Sadha.
The extras mod is further incompatible with mods that edit the stats of the Circle of Suns or most of the dialogue files of Brahmos and the Shadow Prince in Arx. As well mods that edit the dialogue files of the lizard nobles in the Kemm mansion or the ghost of the dead lizard assassin in Arx.
Provided are the raw files of both the at least the 1.0 versions Main and Extras mods to make editing them and making compatibilities easier. Also for easier preservation of the mod.
Mod is only for the Definitive Edition. Also, I own the GOG version of D:OS2 so there's little chance of this getting a Steam Workshop release at the moment.
This mod is best used with a new game, or at least one before you've interacted with Sadha in a run. This is so all the correct flags can be set.
Permissions:You are free to use this mod in any way you like as long as you credit me, Sonaak, and the others that helped us.
Mod Team:Myself, King Feraligatr: project lead, modder, writer, etc.
Sonaak Kroinlah: writer, editor, etc.
All Others:LaughingLeader, Pip, Luxen, and the rest of the D:OS2 modding community: modding help.
LaytonsGal, Aethernea, Faneposter, Scroll Keeper, Ebony McCloud, Prop, Ysulayn, and many more: ideas and moral support.
Larian: For making the game in the first place.
Divinity Engine Wiki: For being a nice resource.
You, the player: For using the mod or just reading here in the readme.
Links:Some links to some Discord servers and other places you might want to join or check out:
Larian's server:
https://discord.gg/uDcm5npWfdMy modding server:
https://discord.gg/nMErcdEpSs "