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#956589 20/03/25 01:34 PM
Joined: Oct 2024
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Joined: Oct 2024
Version Number (Stress Test only)

Hey folks,

If you’re participating in the Patch 8 stress test, look out for Update #3, which is now going live!

Thanks to your support and feedback, we’re moving along with our third update to the Patch 8 stress test, which targets several crashes and gameplay fixes, and brings us closer to release.

Today’s update also introduces more balancing tweaks and fixes for the new subclasses, so that you can make the most of them.

Remember to share your experience with us! We want to hear about how you’ve got on with Patch 8, so make sure to fill in the feedback form found in your access email. If you’re playing on Steam, you can click on the banner from the game launcher. Report a bug by clicking here!

Patch 8 Stress Test - Update #3

Crashes and Blockers

  • Fixed a crash when switching between keyboard and mouse and controller in Character Creation.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the game was reloading the UI.
  • Disabled the 'Smooth' split screen animation option when DLSS is enabled, which was, in fact, not smooth.
  • Fixed a rare and random crash related to materials.
  • Fixed a UI-related crash.
  • Fixed a freeze on the PS5 caused by disconnecting and reconnecting the internet connection while logged into the Larian Network.
  • Fixed a potential softlock related to the HUD remaining on screen when loading into a savegame made right at the start of a cinematic.
  • Fixed a potential crash related to the Rewards UI after finishing a dialogue.
  • Fixed a potential crash for the multiplayer client when the host accepts the client's request to join a game and then immediately enters Photo Mode before the client starts to load in.
  • Fixed a crash when taking custom avatars out of Withers' Wardrobe in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a crash when switching between keyboard and mouse and controller in Character Creation.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the game was reloading the UI.
  • Disabled the 'Smooth' split screen animation option when DLSS is enabled, which was, in fact, not smooth.
  • Fixed a rare and random crash related to materials.
  • Fixed a UI-related crash.
  • Fixed a freeze on the PS5 caused by disconnecting and reconnecting the internet connection while logged into the Larian Network.
  • Fixed a potential softlock related to the HUD remaining on screen when loading into a savegame made right at the start of a cinematic.
  • Fixed a potential crash related to the Rewards UI after finishing a dialogue.
  • Fixed a potential crash for the multiplayer client when the host accepts the client's request to join a game and then immediately enters Photo Mode before the client starts to load in.
  • Fixed a crash when taking custom avatars out of Withers' Wardrobe in multiplayer.


  • Fixed characters' armour sometimes becoming invisible (and see-through) when dropping their Wild Shape or moving from Act I to Act II. Begone, Halsin-who's-just-a-floating-head-and-arms.
  • Fixed the game freezing when dragging items while trading or bartering.
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue where the host would get a black screen for 15 seconds when transitioning to a crime dialogue.
  • Fixed an Honour Mode issue at High Hall where all party members would die when reaching the top of the stem if anyone in the party was being dominated by an enemy, causing a Game Over.
  • Fixed the skiff at the Morphic Pool sometimes appearing in the wrong spot or floating in the air.
  • Fixed a bug that would give you the option to go back and choose Explorer, Balanced, or Tactician Mode instead of just Custom Mode after experiencing a Game Over in Honour Mode.
  • Fixed shapeshifted items, like those in the Chest of the Mundane, not appearing shapeshifted if they're created while a region is loading.
  • Fixed body type 1 duergar incorrectly receiving halfling stats instead of dwarf stats.
  • Fixed Gimblebock getting stuck if his attack triggered a Reaction.
  • Fixed characters not being able to pick up any items if an invalid pickup request was, somehow, stored in the savegame.
  • Fixed a bug causing non-Dark-Urge avatars to say Dark Urge lines. You're not all obliged to be wretched things with headaches.
  • Fixed a bug where difficulty and game settings wouldn't save properly when adjusted after experiencing a Game Over in Honour Mode.


  • Fixed a bug where the Mod Verification window wouldn't accurately show whether a recently downloaded or updated mod was enabled or disabled.
  • Fixed a mod issue preventing some modded classes and subclasses from levelling up.

Cross-Play & Multiplayer

  • Fixed lagging and freezing on cross-play for all players when a client joins a session.
  • Your cross-play Friends List will now group your friends by console.
  • Fixed a crash on the client's end when a local host attempts to start split screen.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from logging back into your Larian Account after losing internet connection.
  • Fixed a bug preventing a host from inviting a client whose game is suspended to the multiplayer lobby. The client would instead get a persistent 'Please wait...' message.
  • Fixed an issue causing random session time-outs and disconnects for multiplayer clients.
  • Fixed a loop on PS5 that would keep taking you back to the PlayStation Plus upgrade screen if you try to join a lobby without permissions.
  • Fixed an online permissions error preventing clients from joining hosts in a split-screen game via the cross-play lobby.


  • Fixed the new subclass icons for action resources not showing up in Character Creation.
  • Fixed characters facing the wrong direction when shooting Luminous Arrow.
  • Updated Bound Hexblade weapons to apply Hexblade's Curse if they're equipped in the off-hand slot.
  • Deepened Pact now correctly grants an Extra Attack via Pact of the Blade on Honour Mode.
  • Updated Booming Blade to only be usable once per Action taken. If the initial attack was not Booming Blade for Extra Attacks, one of the Extra Attacks can be Booming Blade.
  • The War Magic and War Priest Extra Attacks will now disable themselves if the Bonus Action needed for the Extra Attack is used before the Extra Attack.
  • The Death Domain Reaper passive will no longer disable itself when Metamagic: Twinned is on but will retain its inability to stack.
  • Hexblade's Banishing Smite tooltip will no longer be specific to Ranged attacks.
  • Fixed the animation missing for Swashbucklers' Flick o' the Wrist action when used by short or large body type 2 and 4 characters with a two-handed finesse weapon.
  • The Song of Defence reactions are now sorted in the correct numerical order in the Reactions UI.
  • Bladesong Climax will no longer work if you have the Bladesong Impeded condition. Bladesong Climax and End Bladesong will also no longer be removed from the hotbar when you gain Bladesong Impeded; instead, they're now disabled and have a clarifying warning message in the tooltip indicating that Bladesong is impeded.
  • Clarified that Circle of the Stars' Chalice Healing must be used on the turn it gets activated.
  • Drunken Master's Redirect Attack will now use Unarmed Strike back at the attacker instead of attacking any other new target.
  • Updated Bursting Shot to now not cause every enemy in the AOE to display ‘miss’ when the target is missed.

Photo Mode

  • Added some messaging for multiplayer to explain that only the host can toggle Photo Mode on and off.
  • Fixed a bug causing the selector to jump to the top of the Frames tab when adjusting any of the Frames sliders on controller.
  • Fixed a split screen bug causing Player 2's screen to turn black when Player 2 stops listening in on a dialogue and then Player 1 enters and exits Photo Mode.
  • Fixed camera movement getting blocked if you enable the Track Character option and then click the Reset button in the top left of the Camera Settings panel.
  • Fixed body type 2 and 4 characters' pinkie and ring fingers stacking vertically on their hand instead of sitting next to each other in the Monk: Spellcaster pose.
  • Fixed the Dramatic: Kapow pose causing the Barbarian starting armour to stretch on dragonborn characters.
  • Fixed a Photo Mode message on the Steam Deck that would overlap with the button prompts.
  • Tidied up the Photo Mode keybinds in the Keybinds menu.
  • Fixed a bug causing the camera to drift upwards infinitely after you take a photo and return to Control Camera mode.


  • Fixed a bug where body type 1 and 3 characters' chests would clip through their armour in the spectral preview that appears when preparing to cast certain spells.


  • Fixed some clipping and textural issues with the Barbarian starting armour when worn by body type 1 gnomes.
  • Fixed the Cleric starting armour bouncing around a little too much when worn by body type 1 characters.


  • Fixed an issue causing developer scene stages sometimes briefly appearing on-screen or blinking when fading out of Character Creation.
  • Fixed the Appearance sliders in Character Creation on controller moving erratically.
  • Fixed item labels being offset or offscreen for Player 2 on split screen.
  • Fixed a split screen bug where when two players looked at a tooltip for the same item, they would see the stats as though they were both the second player to open it.
  • Fixed a bug on the hotbar for summons and followers causing the icons to appear shifted down.
  • Fixed a bug causing Cosmic Omen: Ability Check to disappear from the hotbar and spellbook after loading a save.
  • Fixed a button prompt missing from a message on the main menu about how to start a split screen game.
  • Fixed the Down button on the PS5 controller sometimes skipping over several options when cycling through them.
  • Fixed a bug where the UI wouldn't fully update one way or the other when switching between the mouse and keyboard UI and the controller UI.
  • Fixed some visual issues with the tab animations when flicking between the tabs in Character Creation.
  • Fixed a 1-frame glitch where swapping between two party members' Inventories would briefly show the first character's equipment in the inventory of the second character.
  • Fixed the tooltips for the combat log not consistently appearing on controller even if you have the tooltips toggled on.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from pasting special characters into the password form when logging into your Larian Account.
  • The filters in the multiplayer lobby now filter properly.
  • Fixed the generic icon for some passive features missing from their tooltips in the Character Sheet.
  • Fixed visual issues with the white translucent VFX that appears over portraits in the Party Line, caused when dragging one character's portrait over another's.
  • Fixed the character tooltips that appear beside character portraits on the Party Line not showing up correctly on hover.
  • Fixed a tooltip bug while trading where hovering over any equipped item would display a faulty tooltip, but trying a second time would magically fix it. The tooltips now populate correctly the first time around.
  • Fixed a bug causing the sliders in the Gameplay options to autoscroll continuously when the left stick is flicked to the left or right.
  • Fixed an issue causing the game to freeze for a second when switching between two characters with the Character Sheet open.
  • Fixed a bug on controller preventing you from scrolling through the spells in the Replace Spell UI when levelling up.
  • Fixed the footwear slot in the Character Sheet deciding to just not show up.
  • Fixed the ‘Venture Forth’ text shaking during Character Creation while the button is held down on controller.


  • Fixed a bug causing Shadowheart to appear dead when loading older saves should she have been killed in the showdown with Lae'zel. This fix prevents the bug from happening in new playthroughs.


  • Fixed a bug causing damage riders to be added multiple times in Honour Mode.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Apostle of Myrkul to appear tiny when you reload your game during that combat.
  • Fixed Sneak Attack not activating for actions that spawn additional projectiles, like Curving Shot.

Last edited by Larian Community Team; 20/03/25 04:16 PM.
Joined: Feb 2025
Joined: Feb 2025

Thank you for a fixes.
However yesterday I found out an error ... and it keeps to be still there.
I play XBOX console, tactical level.

I'm in Moonrise Tower and just release prisoners and wanted to scout area.
When I jump into Oubliette area (I did it from guard tower) I can't make a save.
I did try several attempts moving around up to Horror monsters.
Any attempt crash game.
I've just made a test in new patch and still I got a crash.

Joined: Feb 2025
Joined: Feb 2025
Any update on invitations? We know that it is not guaranteed that we will be selected to play the stress test. Could you at least give us some indication if there will be more waves of invites or how close we are to the release? Thank you for your efforts. Best.

Joined: Dec 2024
Joined: Dec 2024
Can anyone who is playing the stress test on PS5 confirm whether that horrible, much-reported cutscene audio and animation bug has been fixed? I worry that it's not being caught by the devs because they're working with the PC version and the bug only appears after playing on PS5 for a while.

For those who don't know, on PS5, after playing for a while characters in cutscenes will not play their voice lines for the first second of their animation, then the voice line starts and the animation resets, but then both voice and animation get cut off one second too early by the next line. This basically ruins every cutscene in the game unless you restart the game every 30 minutes or so.

Joined: Mar 2025
Joined: Mar 2025
For what it's worth, so far as I can recall, I haven't encountered that problem since installing the Patch 8 update on my PS5. I'm not saying it's definitely fixed, just that it seems like it's not longer an issue for me.

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Originally Posted by Sercatum

Thank you for a fixes.
However yesterday I found out an error ... and it keeps to be still there.
I play XBOX console, tactical level.

I'm in Moonrise Tower and just release prisoners and wanted to scout area.
When I jump into Oubliette area (I did it from guard tower) I can't make a save.
I did try several attempts moving around up to Horror monsters.
Any attempt crash game.
I've just made a test in new patch and still I got a crash.

Hey! Thank you for reporting this. If you haven't yet, please forward this to our support team so they can take a look -

Joined: Mar 2025
Joined: Mar 2025
Hi, hi, new to the forums, and I've got a question that I hope can be answered here because I didn't know where else to submit it:

I received a redeem code for PS5 Patch 8 stress test that was absolutely buried under other emails. I received it at the end of February, according to the email date, and the code states it cannot be redeemed when I entered it.

Is this because it expired? I didn't see a "redeem by" date, so I was really hoping it would work. Is there a way to fix this, or am I pretty much just out of luck and need to wait?

Last edited by PyjamaPanda; 21/03/25 03:21 PM. Reason: Typo
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Now I lowkey want the tiny Apostle of Myrkul back. I bet that was hilarious 😂

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Joined: Mar 2025
The update seems to have broken Bladesinger somewhat 😔 Hoping there will be a quick fix on the way to get it back to the way it was.

For those of you out there who have not tried Bladesinger yet, it’s one of the coolest new playstyles! I’m obsessed! Larian did such an incredible job with it. The animations are so damn beautiful! It also makes melee range spells on Wizards way more relevant. It’s awesome to be a Wizard with a sword and a dagger instead of a staff who’s covered in blood at the end of every fight. This is gonna be my new go-to subclass.

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Joined: Feb 2025
Hi, thanks again for the Update and hard work on this Patch overall. I have more to document for Mechanical issues with the game and will start with the most immediate issue this update is Bladesong seems to not provide bonuses. I will be making a thread in the feedback section to track my documenting of it, and it seems others have also run into this issue, too!

Again, thanks for listening to feedback and fixing issues like the Pact of Blade on Honor!

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Joined: Feb 2024
Anyone with access tested to see if MInthara is broken in new creative ways or is she working just fine during this testing process so far?

Joined: Mar 2025
Joined: Mar 2025
Originally Posted by Xenonian
Anyone with access tested to see if MInthara is broken in new creative ways or is she working just fine during this testing process so far?

Except for some small issues like her mouth not moving in a couple of camp dialogues, Minthara seems to be less buggy than before in Patch 8. I even got to see some dialogue between her and Dark Urge I’d never seen before due to some kind of blocker and it was an awesome conversation. We’ll see if anything comes up as I go, I’m in late Act 2.

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Joined: Mar 2025
I’m I able to cross play with friends if I’m in the stress test and they are not? How can I test the cross play if they can’t join my game? possible fix for this?

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Originally Posted by Cecil
I’m I able to cross play with friends if I’m in the stress test and they are not? How can I test the cross play if they can’t join my game? possible fix for this?
no you can't play against people on a different patch... the "fix" is to roll back your build or wait for them to join the test

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Yoda: That is why you failed.
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Originally Posted by Larian Community Team
Updated Booming Blade to only be usable once per Action taken. If the initial attack was not Booming Blade for Extra Attacks, one of the Extra Attacks can be Booming Blade.
Fascinating ...

I honestly thought that all that homebrewing around bladesingers was bcs this would be too hard to implement corectly ...
It seems its not.
Now all we need is to set it like this for Bladesingers only and let it work as regular cantrip for others. ^_^

There still may be hope for patch 8. :3

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by PyjamaPanda
Hi, hi, new to the forums, and I've got a question that I hope can be answered here because I didn't know where else to submit it:

I received a redeem code for PS5 Patch 8 stress test that was absolutely buried under other emails. I received it at the end of February, according to the email date, and the code states it cannot be redeemed when I entered it.

Is this because it expired? I didn't see a "redeem by" date, so I was really hoping it would work. Is there a way to fix this, or am I pretty much just out of luck and need to wait?

Hello and welcome! There was an issue with a particular set of codes that was sent around that time, please reach out to our Support Team about this and they will look into it!

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