The game crashes frequently on my MacBook Pro (both in co-op/single player). In random moments everything freezes, the Mac loading cursor (rainbow circle) spins, and then the computer reboots. When entering the password, the game starts again (and crashes again).
At first it only happened in underground locations (first time in the twin dungeons), then it started happening on the beach (where there is a fight with orcs on the way to the cave). Sometimes I can play for 20-30 minutes without crashes, including fights. Sometimes the game crashes a minute after loading.
I launched the game via Steam, and without Steam. Steam overlay is disabled.
I’ve tried to hold cmd button, and disable/enable workarounds. I’ve tried full screen mode, windowed mode, false full screen mode. No apps are running in the background. I tried lowering the resolution, tried many possible combinations of graphics settings. Vsync is disabled.
(I had a similar problem with DOS2 DE, but there disabling vertical sync solved the problem, but in DOS EE nothing helps...)
MacBook Pro 2020
Os X Sierra 15.3.2
2 GHz 4-core Intel Core i5
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 1536 МБ
16 ГБ 3733 MHz RAM
60+ GB of free storage
Thanks for any help!