made the screenies I promised, please scroll and tell me if you saw the same colours.

Well, I'm confused. I saw this screen before anyway, but please remember that I didn't reach the point at which Josie is already polymorphed into anything. This picture reminds me of nothing. Although when I look at the Demon of Lies, I see the white spot you may have meant before - I guessed properly that this is what I should look for: white eye on the hips. Josie didn't get it.

Also picture of Demon of Lies made me confused because it shows Him in both shapes: real and polymorphed at the same time. I wonder if this could be my problem - I never searched for any creature that Josie might have turned into, while she was still standing in front of me in her own body. It comes from the fact that I'm not sure how Polymorph spell works. Does it make a creature exist in two forms at the same time?