Fire flew thru the air and the ground crumbled around us as the world around us was being shattered in conflict. The Laurentians had attacked us without warning and without cause...or so we thought. Some 300 people myself included boarded the the frigate Idaron once we were all loaded in the underground hangar the doors opened and the powerful engines hurtled us into the chaos outside. We flew almost unnoticed climbing ever higher into the atmosphere. It was as if the invaders were attacking the planet and ignoring everything else. We reached the end of our battered planets atmosphere and prepared to jump into hyperspace. I took one look back and realized that our planet was no longer recognizable. Great rivers of fire could be seen and whole continents had plunged into the sea....noone down there is going to live I thought to myself. In that moment the craft hurtled us into space to where? Noone knew. I sat down in utter disbelief, our planet was gone our history erased. As time passed the refugees of earth grew restless, myself included. We difted thru hyperspace lost to everything. I could only hope that there had been a plan and that we would meet with the rest of those who escaped. As if some devine had been listening to me and decided the answer was no, all hell broke loose. The red flashing lights that signaled an emergency we spinning wildly and sirens blared in my ears. Something was very wrong....with a neck cracking jerk our craft exited hyperspace. I took a moment to look out the window and saw strange looking creatures latching themselves onto the hull. I ran to the bridge to see if I could be of help, but other plans were already underway. The crew had found a small planet nearby that we could survive on. I watched as our battered ship plummeted towards the surface of the planet. The searing temperatures of passing thru the atmosphere had taken care of our assailants but we were going to crash. Our captain (someone could be him/her) Was very skilled and though in a tight spot made a reasonably smooth landing. Everyone wanted off the ship and the captain was no different. He flipped a switch and some buttons and all the emergency hatches opened. I followed after the crowd and saw a gun on the floor. This could come in handy I thought and I picked it up and took it with me. I stepped onto the ramp and looked out into a desolate waste. There was no sign of civilizaton in sight. The only thing that broke the barren landscape was a trickle of a river off in the distance, with what I guessed was plant life along its banks.