There are 12 paths, each with 8 skills = 96 skills

You are right. I have not played for a while so i mixed up path and skill, me stupid. But there are rely just 88 skills sence i never gor so far that i can pick Path of the Divine, in despair that my ranger wont be able to fisnih the game i have quit playing. I have several characters around lavel 20 to test things but never got far in the story.

I have made a poll on the Swedish CRPG (Computer Role Playing Game) mail list to all that onws Devine Divinity. Question was if they would look at the upcoming Riftrunner title, only 24 answers so far (decent amount of answers on so short time). One answers Yes, 20 perhaps if they fix some of the bugs, three answers no. Divinity are a liked game on the mailing list but alot of uss are unimpresst that the bugs are not fixed yet and the broken skills are the most irritating bugs. My guess is there there is alot of Divinity owners that is going to think twice before buying a second title before the major bugs are fixed in the first one. Yes i think broken skills are major. And the inability to fix the skills that have been broken sence the release are astonishing.

What i was rely hoping for when i started this thread was to get a message that a new patch was in the works. I still hope for a new patch becurse the game will be on my shelf untill then. I and lot of others will not look closer at Riftrunner untill they do fix the bugs for all we know Riftrunnel will also contains buggy skills that they wont fix. Guess i will be back in a month or so to look for the path.
