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Baldur's Gate III - General Jump to new posts
Gayming awards 2024 ZOZO1006 5 hours ago
Congratulations Larian.

Good job an awesome achievement.
I hope Swen will put those awards somewhere public.
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Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Did I stumble into a rare ending with Rafael? Buba68 9 hours ago
I talked at the brothel with Rafael and told him that I will "think about" his offer.
And did not do anything about it.
After the first encounter with the Netherbrain I told Emperor to bugger off, and then devil showed up and with An Offer I Could not refuse, so I sold my soul for The Hammer.
I freed Orpheus, had him become an Illithid, and went on to High Hall.
Then, at the Brain Stem, I agreed to Gale's offer to go and blow himself up, ignoring Orpheus' pouting. Gales was a gonner anyway, so why not use his death in a useful manner?
Gale waved goodbye and started climbing, then KABOOM!, the quay scene, the afterparty, and credits.
My son - who watches and reads all the spoilery stuff on Youtube and Reddit/Facebook, says I bypassed some Rafael cutscenes/monologues, as I destroyed the Crown of Krassus.
Is he correct, that through my twitchy finger on the spacebar in cutscenes and ignoring half or more of quests I bumbled into a rare ending?

In short - I did not do ANYTHING about the Hammer, sold my soul to Rafael, then had Gale blow up the Netherbrain.
0 39 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Multiplayer Bug, Game stops working until I leave... DrHell 13 hours ago
I have a problem in Baldur's Gate 3 now for quiet some time...

Some months ago after the game came out I played it with a friend of mine for like ,3 playthoroughs. But suddenly it started to completely bug out for me. When we played it just randomly started to cause issues like not able to talk to someone, not able to interact, move, grab anything or anything else. Sometimes also I can't end my turn in combat or not even attack. And it lasts every time for everyone until I leave the game. Then it works for everyone else again. So I am clearly causing the issues but I don't, understand why. It not just bugs out now for me and my friend it also bugs out when we play with others people too like in a group of 4. It just doesn't work anymore for me. Sometimes the problem happens after 3 minutes and sometimes it holds up an whole hour before snthjg happens...

I already completely deleted the game and all files, and reinstalled it but the problem keeps happening. My internet should be stable and everything fine so I don't know why I have this problem.

Please help I can't play the game anymore with my friends if that stuff keeps on happening to me and can't be solved except if I leave...

I am playing on PS5 btw...
0 44 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Forum issues, Durge cape issues Silver/ Yesterday at 10:33 PM
Issue 1/Technical

First off, I wanted to create a new account as it would have been so much faster, but that option is currently unavailable. Literally -- "Fehlerhinweis für Inhaber der Website: schlüsssltyp ungültig" - the captcha program stopped working, with an error message that denotes it as explicitly forum owner business. You might want to get that looked at.

Secondly, the "temporary password" just would not work. Took me half an hour to log in after digging up the correct old email. I could not remember my name.

Thirdly, half your unhide/show password icons are missing and copy key disabled, which makes checking if a password is entered correctly a small mess on top.

Issue 2/bug?

Is it a bug? I don't know... I can't remember the English name for the item, but there is only one cape. I remember it working with any enemy kills before, but on this new run:

- full custom party
- cape on night 2
- forgot about it, only noticed it had not activated once by the time I killed the spider matriarch. I've wiped out the entire blighted village, several undead, some NPCs, etc, nothing. Is there a new condition to get it to work, or is the item currently completely dysfunctional? It doesn't seem related to temporary hostility or undead status, it just does nothing. For the record, I'm working with several mods ATM, none of which have caused issues yet, but just in case.
0 30 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Annoying Portrait Art Bug Ragnarök Yesterday at 12:40 PM
Just recently I came back to BG3 after having paused playing it shortly after the first full release (already played the ea version, too). Because of the many bugs at release and the several big patches, which came afterwards, I waited to play again until now.

Unfortunately I've encountered an annoying portrait art bug. During character creation and the prologue everything is alright, but somewhen during Act 1 the correct portrait art in the "inspiration" screen switches to the default Tav, instead of your created character, which is very much disappointing and frustrating. Please fix it!

I've tested it with a different character, too. This portrait art bug just overwrites your character at some point in the inspiration screen.

This is how my character looks like
[Linked Image from]

The mc is replaced with this during the course of the game
[Linked Image from]
0 49 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Special arrows - sometimes one, sometimes two Buba68 01/07/24 10:25 PM
Maybe already covered in another thread ...
I have an impression that the 1+ range attack characters sometimes can loose a single "special" arrow, being forced to use a "mundane" arrow for their 2nd (and 3rd) shots in that Action. I could live with that, treating the magical arrow as some sort of "bonus action". However, I am sure that there were encounters where I could shoot one smokepowder arrow after another.
Is this one of those it usually works this way things?
0 46 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Tasha's hideous laughter not working right rasonage 30/06/24 08:30 PM
I had cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on a harpie, and it succeded, she went prone and was laughing... but when it was her turn, she got up, flew down and killed the tiefling kid... then went right back to prone, laughing.
if they're laughing and prone and don't shake it, isn't that supposed to nullify any of their actions?
0 64 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Sound loop. Artakoto 29/06/24 06:30 AM
Sound loop
The game is working fine. But the game seems to be playing over and over this audio of weird screams and some sounds of like very big wings flapping. It even played while in camp. I am still in the first region of the game.

Has anyone had this happen?
0 33 Read More
General announcements Jump to new posts
Rules update + Call for Moderators Salo 27/06/24 10:17 AM
Hello all!

We are back online from this week's maintenance and this should have resolved the loading issues that the forums had been experiencing for some time now! If you notice any lingering issues please feel free to drop me a DM and we will look into it with the rest of the team!

Rules Update

We have taken some time to update the forum rules which you can now find here.

You will also receive a pop-up to accept them again the next time you log in.

This change aims to make them match our official Discord Server rules and to clarify any common misconceptions about them. We recommend checking them out as a reminder even if you’re a long-time user of the forums!

Moderator Recruitment

With our forums now back in action, we are looking for more people to join the moderation team here on the Larian Studios Forums! This will involve keeping an eye on reports and threads, as well as making sure they are kept civil, on topic, and that no rules are broken.

If you’re interested please fill out the following form and we will be in contact with you in the following weeks!

Moderator Application Form
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Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Character Sheets and Savegames (export/import) Black_Elk 27/06/24 05:43 AM
Most of the Character sheet screens we can access via the in-game UI and various tab menus leave a little something to be desired. To get at the main Character info probably takes like 3 or 4 different screenshots just because of the way the information is presented. It's done in discrete tabs rather than all together (with a flashy portrait say) or the sort of thing that might be exported as a single image with all the deets. Or similarly just to have a glancing view on it as party of the save/load menu or a character folder that can exist outside the game without having to go into the campaign to get at it.

We have the avatar/inventory combo view in the main HUD, and the party inventory combo view, (which I'm sure is interacted with most since we're constantly managing everyone's inventory) but it's sorta cluttered. Also oddball how search/tabs are all at the top, when it would make sense to have them at the bottom hehe, since usually I have already scrolled down for to the bottom of the inventory for the glance around view. Anyway that's a different issue. Point here is that it's just that the information is scattered around and hard to get at sans all the extraneous stuff like the current area environment or rest of the party along with the hotbar. We have an avatar view where we can minimize the equipped items so we just see the paper doll rather than the helmet and weapons slots or whatever, but again it's all very in-game focused.

What I mean is more the basic thumbnail cliffs notes view, that shows our Character in isolation (separate from all the inventory screens) along with our Stats and Skills, Class, etc present in a way that's easier to digest at a glance. Our Equipped Items etc, Portrait and Avatar on display (perhaps an after action review) maybe some details like most powerful foe vanquished. Experience gained for the party (broken down by stuff like combat, inspiration, quests), favorite weapon, just some information like that, but where it's all shown together in a single screen rather than us tabbing around. A summary of that information could then display within the gamesave as a pop up, 'hover over for more details' and then we see our Character sheets before loading that save.

The advantage of having the details and a larger avatar/portrait there is mostly organizational, but also for flare and like having the hall of heroes to actually display somewhere without having to go into the individual save to find that info. Right now all we got is the screenshot and the save name, but if it popped up with a Char sheet that would make it a lot easier to navigate through a collection of characters for different runs.

The Char sheet could also function like a de facto Character import/export if that ever materializes, where certain details (say Items or Xp gained, inspiration, any campaign specific stats or notes) those could all be blanked when the character is brought out of retirement. Say to run again, or import into MP session, that stuff. I imagine a situation where the equipped items would then default to standard unenchanted kit and the XP just scales to meet the current party wherever it's at, but where the Character visual and basic stuff is saved. A default Bio that just lists the essentials like name, background, class stats whatever to show up in blurb form on a screen like that, pick me in dodgeball, but the char sheet version. Seems like it would be useful. I'm not sure what a photo mode would entail, but it could also go there too, like some sort of Char Sheet highlights reel of big moments I guess. I'm hoping photomode somehow means custom portrait mode, since a character sheet creator would be a cool way to stage a shot.

I guess the long and short of it would be something a little closer to a classic PnP character sheet, or a screen where that information is organized or might conceivably be printed out even, as like a double sided leaflet on a physical sheet of paper, rather than VTT style where everything has to be somehow interactive with hella sub menus and random stuff to click open/closed. Anyone else feeling that? I just think it would be handy
0 84 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Dolor Dominate Bug act 3 SAWMCNUTT 25/06/24 09:05 PM
After casting dominate person on Dolor for the "investigate murders" quest line. I am now forever hostile towards my own party.

Has anyone solved this issue or have a work around? I am 91 hours into an honour mode run and it's completely bricked my campaign.
0 52 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Weird problem since yesterday. Illius55 25/06/24 07:42 PM
Hello everyone,

I have been playing BG3 for a few months now. (On and off.) And my current character is the best I have played with so far. And until yesterday it all went great, but yesterday I wanted to play for a while, finishing some stuff in the Lower City. But for some reason, my game crashed after maybe playing 2 to 4 minutes? So I reloaded and tried again, but the same thing happened again in a different location of the Lower City. After the third time I checked online and then validated the game files. According to steam the game was missing 163 files, so after those files were downloaded I no longer felt like trying to play.

So I tried to play again today in the evening, but the same thing happened again, twice in a row? So for the freaking fun of it (No it was not.) I validated the game files again … and again I got the message that 163 files were missing and the got reinstalled again!? And this evening I saw that when I clicked on the send button, that the crash report was being sent, but right after that the line … “1/1 failed”. Something is really weird with my BG3 game right now, and I can not seem to continue my current character?

In case my system specs are needed:

* Operating System: Windows 11 Pro
* Motherboard: B560 ATX Wi-Fi / 1200 Socket (ATX)
* Processor: Intel i9 11900K - 8 cores - 16 threads - 3,5 GHz (Turbo 5,3 GHz)
* CPU Cooler: Master Liquid 240mm RGB(Active.) Air Cooling. (Passive.)
* SSD: 1TB M2.0 NVMe (Read: 3500MB/s, Write: 2700MB/s)
* External 5 TB WD Elements 25A3 USB Device
* RAM: RGB 32GB DDR4-3200 MHz (2x 16GB)
* Graphics card: Nvidia RTX 4060 8GB
* AOC Q27G2S - QHD IPS 165Hz Gaming Monitor - 27 Inch
* Outer casing: Sharkoon REV100
* Power: 750Watt - 80Plus GOLD
* Lan: Realtek 2.5 Gbps
* Sound: Realtek ALC892
* USB: 11 ports (Of different kinds.)

I would really appreciate all the help I can get to solve this, because right now I have no idea what is happing with my game.
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Baldur's Gate III - Help Tips & Tricks Jump to new posts
Does Illithid Fly trigger Boon of the Raven Queen? Saint_Blaise 24/06/24 02:51 PM
The first part of the description of the Corvid Token is: "While wearing the amulet, the wearer's jump and flying speed increase by 1.5?m / 5?ft". Per the Jump tooltip, jump distance increases. However, the distance in the tooltip for Illithid fly (and fly from spell/potion/gear) does not change.
0 74 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Multiplayer Discussion Jump to new posts
Xbox co-op getting kicked to Home. Jokermania5150 23/06/24 10:59 PM

I've been plying with my friend in co-op since we receive our physical editions. Everything was ok until we reached the Goblin Camp, went inside, and defeated Minthara. The game now kicks us out to the Home screen almost immediately. We have to save the game every round. Last night we loaded in, mid fight, I ended my turn and as the camera zoomed in on a Goblin, booted.

We bought this game just to play together. It would be great if we could do that without having to restart every minute or two. We're wondering if it's just the Goblin Camp and it's sanctuary?


0 79 Read More
Divinity - Original Sin 2 - Bugs & Technical Problems Jump to new posts
Co-op crashes during dialogue and more... GucciCrocs 23/06/24 03:57 AM
So, I started a co-op game with 3 other friends for D:OS 2, and it was going great until we got to the radeka cave and started the dialogue. Since then, everytime I talk with an NPC, or eavesdrop on a conversation, my game crashes, it usually does this once I exit the dialogue. I have tried a fix that involved me and a party member swapping characters, saving, quitting, and joining back. That fix worked until randomly in combat I crashed again and I crashed during dialogue again. Keep in mind, I do not only crash during Radeka's dialogue, it's just that once we got into her dialogue, I started crashing. My specs are as follows:

Zotac Gaming Geforce RTX 2060
Ryzen 5 3600
G skill vengeance 16 gigs (forgot the latency and other stuff)

I also tried installing the game onto an SSD, didn't work, and the windowed mode thing doesn't work either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Weapon spells greyed out The-Fluffy 1x 22/06/24 11:07 PM
During a Fight with Myrkul in act 2, I found that all the spells that originated from Weapons and armor that i had equipped were greyed out, even after unequipping and re-equipping everything. After a long rest it came back just to happen shortly afterwards. After a LOT of trial and error i found out that what was causing it was moving items from 1 characters inventory to another would grey out the spells for character who inventory the items were orientating from. Is this a bug or new update thing i missed out on? cause i dont appreciate losing fireball cause i decided to move health potions from one inventory to another. BTW this does also happens outside of combat
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Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Halfling racial bonus does not apply to Monk flurry of blow quickbunnie 22/06/24 01:42 PM
When using flurry of blows, there is no dice reroll for critical failures, which defeats the purpose of rolling with a halfling monk to begin with. Additionally, topple/stagger seem inconsistent if working at all. Push is working fine though.
0 92 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Stuck at Solid Door Artakoto 21/06/24 06:38 PM
Hello! Can someone help me please workaround or get past the solid door that gets you to Orin? I have the Amulet of Bhaal on Laezel but it does not open. Yes. I do have mods on. But removing the mods makes the save file unplayable as the game will crash and exit after the loading screen every time. There is no corpse to shoot here like the previous door and I don't know what to do. I don't want to start a new game. Can someone help me please?

[Linked Image from https]
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Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Sacrificed cultist bug Menma2991 19/06/24 01:07 AM
I have decided to take one of the Sacrificed Cultist in the nautiloid at the start of the game in Lae'zel inventory, to use the amulet we find in the beginning ruins to speak with the dead, wanting to know what they have to say, but once I use it, I see the dead Cultist levitate, then black screen for a second then the game came back to normal, I just thought it was simply not working, but my game just became strange, when I arrive at the Druid Camp, there was no battle with goblins at all, even the usual cinematic when you arrive doesn't play, but everyone talk about it inside like it happen, Auntie Ethel doesn't seem to be in the Tiefling camp either, didn't go further in the game, so I don't know if they is other effect of on game
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Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Purring cats - Tara/Gale Buba68 17/06/24 09:42 AM
I'm a bit deaf (old age :P) but I had the impression that when "getting her reward" i.e. a cheeck scratch after delivery of the Ring of Evasion, I could hear Tara purring. Any other instances of purring cats in the game?
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Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Magic Images Not Showing in Scenes Juni 16/06/24 10:56 PM
I have now played multiple playthroughs where no magic images appear during Rolan's magic scene and Gale's magic-teaching scene. There is a burst of purple "mist" during these parts, but there are no actual images. This results in the characters looking at "nothing" in the air. I have deleted and re-installed the game itself and it does the same thing. I have not yet tried deleting save data after re-installing and hoping this is the last resort.

Please help! frown
0 101 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
mod ideas Hellfist 16/06/24 05:24 AM
1) races: war forged, rabbit race, a cat and wolf-like race (even a werewolf sub-race for humans and others that let them change as per lycanthropy ) frog race, thikreen and other darksun races, and so many more
2) classes seemed pretty well covered as well as sub-classes, but more would be cool
3) more voices, not just generic but some that are like famous people like Christopher Walken, Schwarzenegger, and others some generic deep or those with a Celtic or Scottish flare and other nationalities would be great as well.
4) Things that would add to the game like random encounters or variation on some enemies, there is a few like this already and it does spice it up a bit.
5) horses not sure if this is possible but I see cows and such so horse riding would be cool and would make for open combat as well as some sub-classes like mounted knight to be made, in this case mounted wrong riders would be cool as the enemy, saw a mounted dragon but never got in a fight with it though.
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Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
PS5 crashes in Act 3 Essabe 15/06/24 06:33 PM
Hello all,

I don't know if anyone can help me. I have experienced a few crashes in the ps5 version, including one that required an earlier save, but suddenly now my game always crashes after about 10 mins of play. It was originally after entering the Bhaal part of the sewers but now crashes whatever I do or wherever I go. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this? This I have tried:

  • Restarting the PS5
  • Clearing the PS5 cache
  • Reverting to an earlier save
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the game
  • Turning off the internet on the PS5

It seems if I start a new game then the game doesn't crash, but I only played about 20 mins so can't be sure.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. For a dad without much time it's frustrating to get stuck so near the end!

0 111 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
Adding fandom songs to the epilogue? ArneBab 15/06/24 03:25 PM
Is it possible to add new music to the epilogue via a mod?

I just listened to unchained and it would be so awesome to be able to add this this and many of the other songs from the fandom to play in the epilogue as played by the god of music.

Karlach song:
0 109 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
Modded voiced player Katarsi 15/06/24 08:17 AM
Is it possible to create a mod that enables the player to talk?
This would probably have to involve body animations while speaking, and also the possibility of editing existing (written) lines for the player. The voice itself would probably need to be generated by some AI application which could "learn" from existing voiced lines for the player and expand on them.

Comments, ideas, suggestions, brainstorming?
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