Patch 7: EA

The following notes were taken while playing through the nautiloid at the beginning of the game. I just wanted to see how far my cat could go.

Tav is a wizard and has "find familiar" ready.

Tav wakes up and recruits Us.
Tav summons a cat.
Cat moves past Lae'zel who is up on a ledge. She doesn't care.
Cat meows at the 3 imps in the area and they are surprised. Combat begins.
Cat runs back and jumps up near Lae'zel on the ledge.

BUG: Lae'zel and the ledge disappear. The camera must be angled just right for them to appear but it is a very particular angle. The cat looks like it is just floating in mid air. This camera issue usually happens when a character is high up.

The imps run over to the ledge but will not climb up.
Cat meows at closest imp; skips turn.
Imp snarls; Lae'zel is still in sneak; imp skips turn.
Cat meows again; skips turn.
Imp kills cat.

New cat runs past Lae'zel and meows at the imps.
Cat runs back to jump up on ledge.
Imps chase.
Cat moves directly behind Lae'zel and enters sneak.
Imps growl; skip turns.
Cat skips turn.
Lae'zel still in sneak and does not engage.
Imps growl, cat stays hidden and skips for 3 more rounds.
Tav and Us sneak up behind the imps.
Imps are defeated; Lae'zel stands...unimpressed.
Lae'zel does not introduce herself or jump down.
I cannot talk to Lae'zel.
The party moves past Lae'zel.
Lae'zel says something, something, " the helm!"
Lae'zel continues to stand on the ledge...unimpressed.

BUG: Lae'zel cannot be talked to. Pickpocket, attack, and examine are available options.

Tav and Us wait by the restoration device and a new cat is summoned.
Cat scratches through the membrane door.
Cat sneaks into the helm entryway.

BUG: The camera dips into the floor a lot here. I can see under the nautiloid.

2 mindflayers are fighting Zhalk. None can die.
No imps or hellsboar are at the entrance of the helm.

BUG: Cat is still sneaking but red line-of-sight areas are not showing. Sometimes this happens. It fixes itself eventually but it is annoying.

Cat is revealed!
2 imps and 1 hellsboar pop into existence.
Cat is killed by hellsboar.

New cat sneaks back to the helm entryway.
Zhalk has killed the mindflayers by now.
Cat enters combat and attacks 1 imp once.
Cat runs back and exits the helm.
Cat dies.
Did the helm kill the cat?

New cat sneaks back to the helm entryway.
Cat sneaks into the helm room enough to succeed a stealth check.
Cat exits helm but does not die.
Cat sneaks back into helm to fail stealth check.
Combat begins.
Cat exits helm and tries to run away.
Cat does not die.
1 imp and 1 hellsboar give chase.
Hellsboar stops. Imp keeps chasing.
Cat makes it into the room where Shadowheart is trapped.

Tav and Us move toward the room where Shadowheart is.
Cutscene plays with dragon blowing up stuff.
Tav and Us make it to the cat.
Tav and Us are entered into combat.
The hellsboar gets excited and continues to move again.
Imp and hellsboar defeated.

Tav and Us wait by the restoration device.
New cat sneaks into the helm.
Cat makes it to transponder.
Only Zhalk and 1 imp exist in the helm at this time.
Cat does sneak attack behind Zhalk.
Zhalk gets mad and kills cat.

New cat sneaks back into the helm.
Cat engages enemies and attempts to lure them to Tav.
Tav frees Shadowheart; greatful; joins party; stands by restoration device.
Cat successfully lures Zhalk to party.
Tav uses restoration machine.
Shadowheart uses Guiding Bolt.
Us keeps Zhalk in melee - away from Tav.
The cat didn't survive this one.
Zhalk is killed to avenge cat.
Tav kills sleeping person in the room to level up party.
Tav and Shadowheart level up without issue.

New cat enters helm.
Cat engages remaining imp and attempts to lure it out.
This imp does not go for it.
The imp will only chase if it first gets to take a shot at the cat.
Tav uses restoration device and cat disappears.
The party enters the helm and kills the imp.
The party does not move toward the transponder; not in combat now.
The party tries to exit the helm and all die.
Game over.

Conclusion: The helm is over powered.