Most of the Character sheet screens we can access via the in-game UI and various tab menus leave a little something to be desired. To get at the main Character info probably takes like 3 or 4 different screenshots just because of the way the information is presented. It's done in discrete tabs rather than all together (with a flashy portrait say) or the sort of thing that might be exported as a single image with all the deets. Or similarly just to have a glancing view on it as party of the save/load menu or a character folder that can exist outside the game without having to go into the campaign to get at it.

We have the avatar/inventory combo view in the main HUD, and the party inventory combo view, (which I'm sure is interacted with most since we're constantly managing everyone's inventory) but it's sorta cluttered. Also oddball how search/tabs are all at the top, when it would make sense to have them at the bottom hehe, since usually I have already scrolled down for to the bottom of the inventory for the glance around view. Anyway that's a different issue. Point here is that it's just that the information is scattered around and hard to get at sans all the extraneous stuff like the current area environment or rest of the party along with the hotbar. We have an avatar view where we can minimize the equipped items so we just see the paper doll rather than the helmet and weapons slots or whatever, but again it's all very in-game focused.

What I mean is more the basic thumbnail cliffs notes view, that shows our Character in isolation (separate from all the inventory screens) along with our Stats and Skills, Class, etc present in a way that's easier to digest at a glance. Our Equipped Items etc, Portrait and Avatar on display (perhaps an after action review) maybe some details like most powerful foe vanquished. Experience gained for the party (broken down by stuff like combat, inspiration, quests), favorite weapon, just some information like that, but where it's all shown together in a single screen rather than us tabbing around. A summary of that information could then display within the gamesave as a pop up, 'hover over for more details' and then we see our Character sheets before loading that save.

The advantage of having the details and a larger avatar/portrait there is mostly organizational, but also for flare and like having the hall of heroes to actually display somewhere without having to go into the individual save to find that info. Right now all we got is the screenshot and the save name, but if it popped up with a Char sheet that would make it a lot easier to navigate through a collection of characters for different runs.

The Char sheet could also function like a de facto Character import/export if that ever materializes, where certain details (say Items or Xp gained, inspiration, any campaign specific stats or notes) those could all be blanked when the character is brought out of retirement. Say to run again, or import into MP session, that stuff. I imagine a situation where the equipped items would then default to standard unenchanted kit and the XP just scales to meet the current party wherever it's at, but where the Character visual and basic stuff is saved. A default Bio that just lists the essentials like name, background, class stats whatever to show up in blurb form on a screen like that, pick me in dodgeball, but the char sheet version. Seems like it would be useful. I'm not sure what a photo mode would entail, but it could also go there too, like some sort of Char Sheet highlights reel of big moments I guess. I'm hoping photomode somehow means custom portrait mode, since a character sheet creator would be a cool way to stage a shot.

I guess the long and short of it would be something a little closer to a classic PnP character sheet, or a screen where that information is organized or might conceivably be printed out even, as like a double sided leaflet on a physical sheet of paper, rather than VTT style where everything has to be somehow interactive with hella sub menus and random stuff to click open/closed. Anyone else feeling that? I just think it would be handy