I have a problem in Baldur's Gate 3 now for quiet some time...

Some months ago after the game came out I played it with a friend of mine for like ,3 playthoroughs. But suddenly it started to completely bug out for me. When we played it just randomly started to cause issues like not able to talk to someone, not able to interact, move, grab anything or anything else. Sometimes also I can't end my turn in combat or not even attack. And it lasts every time for everyone until I leave the game. Then it works for everyone else again. So I am clearly causing the issues but I don't, understand why. It not just bugs out now for me and my friend it also bugs out when we play with others people too like in a group of 4. It just doesn't work anymore for me. Sometimes the problem happens after 3 minutes and sometimes it holds up an whole hour before snthjg happens...

I already completely deleted the game and all files, and reinstalled it but the problem keeps happening. My internet should be stable and everything fine so I don't know why I have this problem.

Please help I can't play the game anymore with my friends if that stuff keeps on happening to me and can't be solved except if I leave...

I am playing on PS5 btw...

Last edited by DrHell; 03/07/24 01:02 AM.