I talked at the brothel with Rafael and told him that I will "think about" his offer.
And did not do anything about it.
After the first encounter with the Netherbrain I told Emperor to bugger off, and then devil showed up and with An Offer I Could not refuse, so I sold my soul for The Hammer.
I freed Orpheus, had him become an Illithid, and went on to High Hall.
Then, at the Brain Stem, I agreed to Gale's offer to go and blow himself up, ignoring Orpheus' pouting. Gales was a gonner anyway, so why not use his death in a useful manner?
Gale waved goodbye and started climbing, then KABOOM!, the quay scene, the afterparty, and credits.
My son - who watches and reads all the spoilery stuff on Youtube and Reddit/Facebook, says I bypassed some Rafael cutscenes/monologues, as I destroyed the Crown of Krassus.
Is he correct, that through my twitchy finger on the spacebar in cutscenes and ignoring half or more of quests I bumbled into a rare ending?

In short - I did not do ANYTHING about the Hammer, sold my soul to Rafael, then had Gale blow up the Netherbrain.

Last edited by Buba68; 03/07/24 05:06 AM.