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Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: Sneak attack buff Rumman 9 hours ago
Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland
From the D&D5 Playerbook:

Sneak Attack
Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.
You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemyisn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue table [thats 1d6 for every odd level you posess].

yeah it's once per turn in 5e. In Bg3, it's once per round. If you use sneak attack as reaction in Bg3, you cant sneak attack when your turn starts. This is not how it works in 5e. In a game where there is so much homebrew power creep, nerfing sneak attack from base ruleset doesn't make any sense.

I'm talking strictly about honor homebrews, when things like the tavern brawler, triple casting leveled spells in a turn(haste + metamagic), double damaging persistent area of effect spells ie spirit guardian, cloud of daggers, moonbeam etc. (once at casters turn, once when opponent's turn starts), arcane acuity stacking, no attunement limit etc. exists, it destroys the baseline power level of that 6d6 sneak attack of 5e. Thats why I asked for the buff, so playing pure rogue doesn't feel like playing a weaker version of another class.
3 88 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
Cantrips - how do they upgrade? Kasai Yesterday at 10:43 PM

Never mind! After comparing the Firebolt cantrip, which upgrades its damage and the Eldritch Blast cantrip, which upgrades the amount of targets, I was actually able to find it, so for everyone interested, here goes:

The property I was looking for is called "LevelMapValue".

You can find the game's LevelMapValues by opening the "Uuid Object Editor" where it is located in the following folder path:

Shared -> Levelmaps -> LevelMapValues

So you can either copy one of the existing ones by right clicking, then selecting "Create derived in" and then selecting your own project, or simply navigate to that folder in your project and create one from scratch.

Still, thanks to anyone who was about to answer! laugh


Hi everyone!

I'm finally trying myself at modding and as a first little exercise I want to create a cantrip. I've learned almost all I need to get started, but there's one last piece of info, I could not figure out so far:

What property is responsible for upgrading cantrips at character levels 5 and 10?

Example: The Firebolt cantrip deals 1d10 points of fire damage by default, then gets an additional d10 at character levels 5 and 10 each for a total of 2d10 and 3d10 respectively.

So my questions:

1. Which property "tells" the cantrip to upgrade at character levels 5 and 10?
2. Which property (if it is a different one) defines what those upgrades should look like (i.e. additional damage dice, additional targets, etc.)?

If somebody has already figured that out and could tell me, or if there already is a post, which explains that (I didn't find any) and you could point me to it, that would be super appreciated.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
0 27 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - General Jump to new posts
Re: Name Censorship Ussnorway Yesterday at 09:53 PM
yes i once worked at a school where the word therapist was not allowed to be typed into a web browser
9 728 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: New player on Mac - Please fix the restrictive camera Halycon Styxland Yesterday at 09:06 PM
One cant look upwards on PC either.

Maybe there is a mod for that, but that would be a recent addition.

Personally I keep playing an older 6.x version because I still havent finished my walkthrough.
1 103 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Build Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: POLL: What patch 8 subclasses are you most looking forward to trying? The Red Queen Yesterday at 09:03 PM
I’ve just removed a post from this thread pending review by the Community team. Please keep things on topic and avoid antagonising other fans or implicitly criticising them.
35 8,184 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: Patch 8 Redeemed Dark Urge Beetle Yesterday at 07:28 PM
This is something that has been requested since the release of the game by a lot of people (there are quite a few areas where Dark Urge feels incomplete due to lack of companion reactivity) and at this point I just don't think it's ever going to be fixed.

It saddens me since other things have been added with new animation and voice lines (evil endings, better reactions to Astarion running from the sun, new Ansur cutscene) but the Dark Urge stuff was just ignored.
4 868 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - General Jump to new posts
Re: BG3 Fan Fiction SPOILERS and POTENTIAL SPOILERS GM4Him Yesterday at 04:11 PM
Updated BG3 blog. Book 4: Ascension of the Mastermind, Part 3, Chapter 28. Witch War. Hope you enjoy it.

It is the final book in the Baldur's Gate 3 The Afflicted fan fiction. At last, the Afflicted have arrived at Baldur's Gate, but they quickly learn that there is SO much more going on than the Cult of the Absolute. Numerous schemes, conspiracies, and intrigues quickly entangle them and threaten to enslave or destroy them. Will the Afflicted stay united? Will they survive? Will they overcome? Or will the greatest mastermind succeed and ascend to absolute godhood?

This story is free on the blog site to all who wish to read the Baldur's Gate 3 story using characters I created as the protagonists.

MAJOR SPOILERS if you plan on playing the video game. Hope you enjoy.

Book 4: Ascension of the Mastermind (MAJOR SPOILERS!!! It is highly recommended you play the video game first. This story is based on choices and decisions I made while playing the game as well as on what I thought the characters would do if they weren't restricted by the video game. Also, SPOILERS for the Demon Hunters story as it is the prequel to the Afflicted story. Three of the characters from Demon Hunters - Aelun, Vlynrifane, and Fiovay - are among the main characters of this story. There are other characters from Baldur's Gate 3 that are in Demon Hunters, so the two stories are closely tied together. As before, I will be releasing portions of this story as I complete them, so watch for updates regularly.
157 39,982 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
Need help creating a Passive in the BG3 Toolkit WlfVenom Yesterday at 03:04 PM
So I am in the process of making a new class using the BG3 toolkit and I seem to have hit a wall.

The problem is I am trying to create a passive feature that can be toggled on during combat with the following properties

If you get a killing blow it

1. restores your action point

2. lets you move up to half your speed

And it will do this until you no longer get a killing blow at which point it toggles off and you need a long rest.

I should also say I know nothing about coding, so any help getting this to work using the Stats and Uuid Object editors would be greatly appreciated.

I have tried copying a passive that restores an action point and telling it to activate OnDamage and IsKillingBlow() but when I try it I don't get the action point back.

Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to get it to work?
0 39 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: All the things we want to chatter about Astarion & other stuff, without hijacking another thread :) Marielle 26/03/25 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sini
[Linked Image from]

Wow, Astarion looks really good in the hat. Oh, how I wish it was the cover for the BG3 add-on...

Originally Posted by Sini
He now always keeps the musicbox in his owlbear backpack, and Junior also holds it while he sleeps. He can't figure out how the musicbox got into the sewers with all the old mirrors. But he's very happy to have found it again. Now his dad can sing to him every night a lullaby, and he can always sing karaoke with Junior. How did Grandpa Bhaal know what Junior wanted (and Astarion not) hahaha?

I imagine Astarion leaning over the kid's crib and singing a lullaby... With his beautiful voice, which will sound soft and gentle at that moment... And sometimes it will sound with joking and playful notes, when Astarion will throw in some of his trademark jokes, replacing the text of the lullaby in some place, and if the kid is asleep, he will not hear it, and if suddenly the little prankster is not asleep, but only pretending, closing his ruby eyes to then sneak out of bed and get naughty, he will not stand it and will start giggling and open his eyes, and everything will be clear with him at once! True, then it will be necessary to cradle him, until...

- Well, darling, are our naughty little pointy ears finally lying on their pillow? - Dark Urge in her nightgown opened Junior's bedroom door with a sigh.

- No, Mom, they're on the back of the chair... Dad fell asleep in it.
345 86,910 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: Justice for Minthara ldo58 26/03/25 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Laurentia
How depressing… I haven’t played this game in a while- almost two years! And other than kissing and knock out recruiting, Minthara has no new story content? Correct me if I’m wrong?
I read there's a "hidden" scene with unrecruited Minthara in the endgame.

In the upper city flaiming fist citadel , where you gather your allies after return from the astral prism. It seems there's a hidden hatch down to the sewers somewhere, and if you go down you need to fight a gang of cultists that are lead by Minthara.
603 228,286 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: to remove dead party members from party Tamyndris 25/03/25 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Anska
Not related to your overall request, but you really should heed Gale's warning about reviving him within the time span he mentions. Just in case, you are not aware of the potential danger a dead wizard holds aside from his aura. If you recruit Lae'zel (or the other companions), she should bring along an additional revivify scroll too.

ah, you are right, I remember something about that wizard : ) .. thanks for the warning.

guess, I have collected enough strength to set things right ... starting with a very un-roleplaying google search for Gale's resurrection process ...
2 160 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Re: framedrops in multiplayer? healcaster 25/03/25 07:20 PM
it only happens when i connect to said friend, never in singleplayer. i don't join other multiplayer games very often, but can't think of a case when i connected to another (if it has i don't remember). whenever that permanent framedrop happens, my friend doesn't experience it. i'll try to test around some more
2 105 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: Spiked Growth Buff/As Rules The Red Queen 25/03/25 06:36 AM
Let’s take the temperature down, folks.

And definitely not make disagreements personal.
13 2,385 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: WTF does "unter-scunter" mean? Ussnorway 25/03/25 03:11 AM
A direct translation would be "above (the) party" and is probably a reference to camera angles
2 237 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
Re: Toolkit error, please help... TinyGnomeDruid 24/03/25 05:05 PM
I know this is old but I found this from google, in case anyone else ends up here, I renamed my Mods folder in here

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods

and that fixed it.

some one of my mods was having duplicate IDs, the toolkit seems to load all the mods there instead of what is chosen so it's pickier then the actual game.
1 684 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: Patch 8 - Yet another Booming Blade post Salo 24/03/25 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Ewind
Thank you very much for the update! We really appreciate the information.

Two questions if I may,

1: Will the cantrip be compatible with all types of Extra attacks moving forward, or is there any chance it will be further updated to the player having to choose between the Cantrip Action or the Attck Action (making it so none of the Extra attacks can use Booming Blade), like it works in 5e? (Personally I like the change that allows Booming Blade to be used once with any of the Extra Attacks, but I also understand trying to stay as close to 5e as possible. I'm personally good with either option.)

2: Will the 5 foot range be kept from 5e, thus making the cantrip not compatible with anything that grants Reach, or will Booming Blade be compatible with Reach weapons? (Again, am good with any of the options. )

As always thank you for the hard work and for taking the time to keep the community updated.

1: There are currently no plans to change this.

2: Booming Blade should be compatible with reach weapons!
4 571 Read More
Divinity - Original Sin - Enhanced Edition Jump to new posts
Crashes on MacBook Pro keikoreiko 24/03/25 10:08 AM
The game crashes frequently on my MacBook Pro (both in co-op/single player). In random moments everything freezes, the Mac loading cursor (rainbow circle) spins, and then the computer reboots. When entering the password, the game starts again (and crashes again).
At first it only happened in underground locations (first time in the twin dungeons), then it started happening on the beach (where there is a fight with orcs on the way to the cave). Sometimes I can play for 20-30 minutes without crashes, including fights. Sometimes the game crashes a minute after loading.

I launched the game via Steam, and without Steam. Steam overlay is disabled.
I’ve tried to hold cmd button, and disable/enable workarounds. I’ve tried full screen mode, windowed mode, false full screen mode. No apps are running in the background. I tried lowering the resolution, tried many possible combinations of graphics settings. Vsync is disabled.
(I had a similar problem with DOS2 DE, but there disabling vertical sync solved the problem, but in DOS EE nothing helps...)

MacBook Pro 2020
Os X Sierra 15.3.2
2 GHz 4-core Intel Core i5
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 1536 МБ
16 ГБ 3733 MHz RAM
60+ GB of free storage

Thanks for any help!
0 68 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: Patch 8: Update #3 Bladesong Bonus - Broken Salo 24/03/25 08:23 AM
Hello and thank you for reporting this!

The team is aware and looking into this issue.
3 307 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Latest News Jump to new posts
Re: Stress Test Update 3 Salo 24/03/25 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by PyjamaPanda
Hi, hi, new to the forums, and I've got a question that I hope can be answered here because I didn't know where else to submit it:

I received a redeem code for PS5 Patch 8 stress test that was absolutely buried under other emails. I received it at the end of February, according to the email date, and the code states it cannot be redeemed when I entered it.

Is this because it expired? I didn't see a "redeem by" date, so I was really hoping it would work. Is there a way to fix this, or am I pretty much just out of luck and need to wait?

Hello and welcome! There was an issue with a particular set of codes that was sent around that time, please reach out to our Support Team about this and they will look into it!
15 3,893 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
Re: Osiris -Store value aruless 24/03/25 04:32 AM
Go to the discord, you gonna have more luck there for anything related to making a mod.
1 96 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback Jump to new posts
Re: BG3 as an online RPG platform Trantion 23/03/25 11:39 PM
Running a D&D campaign is very different from creating custom levels for a video game. If I were to start using a modded BG3 as a virtual table top, I'd need to create or find full 3D environments for every encounter location at the very least - possibly all the main areas of cities and the roads between them, too. I couldn't just hand-wave travel except for any encounters on the way. And I'd need to script all the events and all the puzzles, rather than just narrating them. This is probably why WotC's attempt at a full 3D VTT recently failed. 3D interactive D&D seems cool, until you start thinking about what it actually requires from a GM
4 250 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Multiplayer Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: joining failed: can't join this game right now! Sniffinc 23/03/25 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Infinid
Hello Friends!
Today my pal and I attempted to return to the multiplayer game that we've been doing weekly / monthly for about a year now. He received the, "joining failed can't join this game right now." I found this thread, so we backed up to a save in a safe area and started from there.
We're at the end of the game, just about to encounter the Nether Brain. Going back to a safe save took us to the Morphic Pool. I think everything is red-zone after that. After playing for a while, we decided to test by having him leave and see if he could join again. He could not.
At this point, we didn't have the five to eight hours that we estimated it might take to play through without an option to save in a safe zone, for the next game.

My question: "Do we know if this is a new feature or a bug?"

He and I thought it might be a patch to increase the difficulty of the bigger battles. This thread, on the other hand, makes it sound like we should be able to save in a red zone and then reload and restart our multiplayer game.

While in a redzone, your game is not joinable. You need to gather your party before advancing beyond the Morphic Pool.
8 56,496 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Modding Jump to new posts
Re: Is the Race Mod Fix ever coming? Witchi_Michi 23/03/25 06:37 PM
Yeah, that's what gets me is that when they respond, there's zero estimation. Which says to me that they're not overly concerned with fixing it anytime soon or dedicating any great deal of time to the fix.
16 4,235 Read More
Chat (German) Jump to new posts
Re: Divine Divinity Alix 23/03/25 01:26 PM
Gegen LMK mit D:OS2 Engine hätte ich nichts...

Es macht zwar Spass im 3D Modus in BG3 über die Dächer von zu laufen, aber Grafik ist eben nicht alles.
18 4,608 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: I have never been mocked so hard for choosing a romance route in a game before Ussnorway 23/03/25 01:55 AM
ime her view on sharing largely depends what colour her hair is
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