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Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback
Re: Disappointed in Larian HenryDoughnut 3 hours ago
I must admit that today I’ve felt rather discouraged about my attempts to bring awareness to the unfortunate situation surrounding the game. It’s pretty clear that it’s not working, and that Larian is pretty set in stone after patch 7 of just making technical adjustments to the game and then just riding off into the sunset without ever giving it the attention and closure it deserves. Unfortunate, but sadly probably what will happen to this gem of a game, because people’s romantic fantasies can only keep the game alive and profitable to Larian for so long. I’m pretty torn up now between continuing to fight against this absolutely atrocious decision by Larian, or just giving up while I’m ahead before I become labeled as an “annoyance” in the community. I ultimately do want to enjoy what the game does have to offer, and now it’s often feeling like I can’t do that because loading it up to play just gets me angry and thinking about the wasted potential on the screen in front of me.
82 3,184 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback
Re: Keyboard and Mouse Support on Consoles Fuguss 7 hours ago
Originally Posted by FX0x539
I guess it's all comes down to preference, myself I've played nothing but PoE for the past decade, so it suits me really well!

Yeah, its a case of preference. I don't mind point and click for the old school diablo and command and conquer games. For games where you are navigating 3d cities and actually trying to navigate some traps, I would MUCH rather deal with my own input guiding the character around them than the games where I have a big enough issue with the companions springing traps WHILE I in the process of disabling them let alone trying to walk around a fire and not into it.

Personally I got it on ps5 because I thought it'd be awesome to play on a HDR OLED TV, which undoubtedly is the case.. But knowing I got the shorter end of the stick because of *reasons* just feels bad man. Reading all these critical posts in the forums speaks volumes as to how Larian really are as a company. They're being praised in the public for making a good game, sure thing but they can't even reply to these threads? No moderator / developer activity on here?? What is this... Rest assured I'm not buying a Larian title again.

There is actually a decent reason why developers don't respond in suggestion threads many times. It can actually cause more problems for them in the long run. Think of it this way, if they respond specifically to a certain topic too many times or not enough on another, players start reading into that too much, let alone the players who feel their views are special and don't like the fact they aren't being responded to while others are or they actually got responded to but didn't like the answer they got and want to become a Diva over it and try and become "Youtube Famous" over it.

From a drama and a liability perspective, it's safer on their part just to remain silent on these things and only respond sparingly.
6 238 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Battle after pickpocketing withers Blackbird Yesterday at 11:29 PM
I tried to pickpocket Withers.
After one attempt, the other members became hostile. This led to a combat where Scratch , Barcus Wroot and Halsin were killed. Gale joined teh fight and i couldn't control him.

Since its my Honor mode run, I cant reload another save.
I'm also playingo n adrka Urge run.

Is this normal? or not. All the others failed attempts at pickpocketing didn't lead to a battle.
0 25 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: All the things we want to chatter about Astarion & other stuff, without hijacking another thread :) Sini Yesterday at 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Marielle
Gale isn't particularly compassionate about Dark Urge? Yeah, Astarion's laugh is just adorable. <3

If you have a romance with Gale, he will leave you after talking to Gortash if it comes out that it was all your plan. His love for you can't have been particularly great, even if you are a "little lamb" Dark Urge who has forgotten everything and wants nothing to do with the previous life. I see Gale as a hypocrite. I'd rather be an "evil bastard" for Astarion, whom I freed with my plan. My Dark Urge always kills Gale.

Originally Posted by Marielle
Oh, yes, there is no doubt that Astarion was the obvious choice! After the discussion of a particular abandoned companion ends - the dialog matches. The dialog is great, Astarion also says, “Nothing that compares to you” in that tone of voice, and he has such an attentive gaze while doing so, it must be very satisfying. It's a shame that just for someone who fell in love with him and wouldn't look at anyone else, Astarion wouldn't have words like that. It's not that it would be a pity to offend Gale or Karlach - to start anything with them is not at all pleasing, and so breaks the roleplay and the story of the beginning of love for Astarion... Unfortunately, so much attention is paid to all these “love triangles” that they completely did not think about those players who love only one companion, and do not want to participate in this “geometry”. Although this relationship conversation scene could be added for this variant as well. Basically, only the beginning of the dialog changes, depending on which companion you rejected, just one line for the one who immediately rejected all the advances of the other party members, then the same dialog and that's it. That would be perfect! And fair, in terms of making interesting game content available to all players. Same with Halsin, by the way, if you accept his “offer”, there will be a dialog with Astarion, and Astarion will say that he noticed Halsin's feelings and he seems to be worried about it. I reject Halsin right away, I'm just disgusted to even verbally agree to such a thing, and Astarion doesn't care at all. Nothing he noticed, nothing bothered him, he was probably doing his manicure and not paying attention, lol. No, if there was even a line about him worrying about his manicure instead, that would make me very happy too. smile

But the bugs should hopefully be fixed.

I would also prefer it if this passage could be slightly modified if you reject the offer of other companions and choose Astarion. My Dark Urge is too evil for these companions, when I have them in the group, they complain constantly and I'm definitely not going to get any approval, flirting has already failed anyway. It doesn't fit into my game to flirt with them either. My Dark Urge has completely different things to worry about than flirting with everyone. My Dark Urge prefers to tease Astarion and be celebrated by Minthara.

We then all sit around the campfire and Astarion manicures our nails. smile One should not underestimate the value of well-groomed nails on the battlefield.

Originally Posted by Mariella
Oh thank you, that is so sweet and adorable! <3 And so touching - the white little nose and eyes from under the hat.... <33

“I don't thank you for the visit, my evil friend, but I will say it is devilishly inspiring!”

The most affectionate smile and a wink toward the little ruby eyes.

Sceleritas' hat lifts up a little and the cute little white bat face looks carefully out from under it and looks after the waving lady. The little bat turns and lifts the hat further with its butt and then crawls out from under it to jump onto the hat.

"She looked delicious Sceleritas. I would have liked to bite her finger."
123 6,805 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Re: Cleric Deity Bug Quincey Yesterday at 11:13 PM
I just get this:

[Linked Image from]

Though I assume you guys are playing on PC? This is from the console, I think I forgot to mention this is happening on console in my fist post. Apologies for the confusion.
7 161 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Latest News Jump to new posts
Re: Deluxe Edition Console Shipping - PS5 North America and Xbox MthrFknVtrn74 Yesterday at 10:36 PM
Just keeping everyone up to date on shipping progress:

Label created 7/9/24
Delivered to Santry, IE 7/24/24
Friday, 7/26/24
Arrived at FedEx location
Scheduled delivery tomorrow

So one FedEx gets the package the game arrives quickly
148 12,394 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - General
Re: What games to play other than BG3 only? Lotus Noctus Yesterday at 09:09 PM

593 86,775 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: Alternative to the double arbitrary GM decision with Orpheus' and Emperor? Podarge Yesterday at 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Auric
Rather than calling into question his trustworthiness or conviction in a narratively satisfying way like for instance just running away in the Astral Plane because he doesn't think we can win, you're left with "so he was full of shit all along." It likely ended up this way because it made sense for Daisy and they just didn't adjust it enough.

No? The Brain's orders reach the prism and are now almost relentless. He would have been quickly forced to obey anyway.
Wind mill Act3
Mind Flayer: I cannot risk this body. I have heard the call - we will all be needed for what is to come.

The way I see it, trust is irrelevant in this current configuration.
He is stuck with us for lack of a better option (if it's true that some tags linked to some dialogue lines have been unused/abandonned, none of them specifically concern his lines about "trust", it seems it's pure bluff), and because he is a control freak. It's probably better for him to take things into his own hands and choose his next action while he still can, rather than waiting for external factors like Tav's mood to decide his fate.

And even if Orpheus were to begrudgingly agree to cooperate with him, no one could pretend to ensure the Emperor's protection once his task is fulfilled.

Originally Posted by ArneBab
There would be a lot more wrath involved, and the Emperor won�t take the chance and it won�t be possible to convince him as a non-illithid, but either subduing him instead of talking to him (Otto�s dance plus vines plus net arrows)

He should be cautious enough to keep reading the surface thoughts of his allies, especially in such a critical moment. Not to mention that he normally already forecast this option (You can make only one move at a time. But the Netherbrain calculates every possible move at once. It knows what you will do, it knows everything you could possibly do. You cannot outmanoeuvre it. To defeat it, you would have to think like an illithid. Better yet, be one.)

Originally Posted by ArneBab
or tricking him into transforming me into an Illithid and then convincing him with the vast Charisma bonus
It might be even worse. The game should have pushed its intention and penalised both the ones who commune with the big tadpoles that the Emperor specially nurtured and the Tav who communed with him at the deepest level by preventing them all to disobey his decisions.
Emperor's hideout, the githyanki Ch'r'ai Har'rak: Most illithids prefer to dominate their thralls through transformation, yet here you stand, untransformed(/only partially transformed).

Imo that's the limit of the scenario, if you give to the Emperor the power he should have then, he would totally steals the adventure from the players.

Originally Posted by ArneBab
And it could actually add another hard choice: if you have a companion, the Emperor could ask you: �If I take this risk, will you leave (name of companion) and join me after we defeat the brain?�

It is clear that that�s something he wishes for (�you are exquisite!�), so that�s additional leverage. And it preserves the plot aspect of forcing a hard choice just before the end.

I'm not sure why he would even ask? Thrall-bond is superior than love (The Emperor: Not love, no. What I had with Belynne Stelmane was much more than that). And if it's for dirty business, exceptionally strong personality or not, Tav's mind and soul are altered beyond recognition, romance stuff will be finished soon enough for them to ultimately knock the Emperor's door and seek for his guidance.

"You are... exquisite." is probably just the best move to do since Tav is very vulnerable as this moment, they need both reassurance on their appearance and encouragement, not only to keep them at their best of efficiency but also to convince the companions to imitate them.

It's too late to complain since this possibility is already in game anyway, but I’m not fan of the idea of being able to convince everyone to commit the things they disapprove the most with just a dice roll.
9 874 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Help Tips & Tricks Jump to new posts
Re: stacking effects ? healcaster Yesterday at 05:41 PM
yeah, everything i'm checking rn is in honor mode. it'd suck if it's just because of that
8 323 Read More
Chat Jump to new posts
Re: Games that made us gamers Vigorr Yesterday at 04:01 PM
For me, it was definitely The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
37 7,073 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Latest News Jump to new posts
Re: Closed Beta Delay & Patch 7 Highlights fylimar Yesterday at 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Salo
Originally Posted by Salo
Originally Posted by Devsety
Will it be possible to play the beta through GeForce Now? Now when starting BG3 there is a beta in the list, but GeForce now requires to run it separately frown

If you're in the Closed Beta, you should be able to launch it through GFN! Please do report to our Support Team if you experience any issues.

Update on this: At the moment it's only possible to play the beta on PC via Steam, we will let you know if this changes.

Just a quick note, since the feedback section on Discord is closed: There are still doors, you can't shoot through or fire a spell through - in Grymforge for example.
28 1,701 Read More
About this website Jump to new posts
Re: I'm on some spammer list? Buba68 Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Thanks for the insight, Silver.
3 42 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback
Re: Is this a joke? No, really, where is the punchline? Sven_ Yesterday at 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Sven_
Owlcat have released three massive 100-200 hour games, numerous DLC plus Enhanceds in the space of ~five years. If they'd patch their clearly "quantity over quality" stance, iterate and throw out the trash, they would easily climb to the top tier. I genuinelly hope they do... because the good parts of their games are real good.
Gosh, I am with you there. I wish so much I would enjoy playing through Pathfinder games (slogged through Kingmaker, failed to get too deep into WotR).

In case this mind sound mocking the Owlcats: It's frustration on my part. I have fond memories of Kingmaker as well, in particular early stages. Plus any game that is insipred by Realms Of Arkania's travelling and camping system does something good. However, I'm still not gonna revisit that either. I only need to think of the grind in the final chapter/s or so. And how the last couple maps had the same Wild Hunt super mob paste&copied all over them. Finding the right buff routines to make it out alive is challenging once. It's okay twice. But dozens of times?

That's just a low effort filler to make an already immensely long game even longer, as studios can do much better even when on a tight budget. And with Wrath, I wasn't near that final stage of Owlcat escalation yet, despite the in-game clock showing like 80+ hours of play-time total... Seems I didn't miss out on anything.

I think this all is a vital topic for the entire genre though. There's devs that try to go all-out LOTR, despite having the ressources for an episode of Xena - Warrior Princess at best. There's also genuinelly audience expectation that games offering less than X hours of playing time are ones to be picked up on a Steam discount at best. More importantly, outside of BG3, EVERYBODY is working on a budget. And even BG3, see the ongoing debate about the last act...

This obsession with campaign length needs to stop.
54 2,438 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Re: Multiplayer Act 3 T-Posing and Crashing/PC DJT Yesterday at 10:50 AM
I have a solution that's worked for a friend and I. It's not a fix per se, but my friend and I are almost finished with Act 3 and we nearly have our golden dice!

The issue started once we entered the Lower City. As some of you have pointed out in this forum, it happens when entering the Lower City via door, portals, passageways etc., so any entrance that shows the 'Use mouse' icon over it (small mouse icon with the two gears below) to enter the Lower City will cause the crash.

Furthermore, using the Leave Camp button will also cause the game to crash if you used the Return to Camp button while inside the Lower City.

And finally, we have found the joinee's game crashes before they can even load into the host's server if their character's last location was in the Lower City.

Dealing with the last issue first: Firstly, the host should move the joinee's character out of the Lower City to Camp or a dungeon. Then, we found that joinee is always able to join when they drop their video quality settings to the lowest pre-sets from the options in the game's main menu. Then they can either join via Steam invite or lobby searching. This gets the joinee into the server. That's the first hurdle overcome.

The solution to the crashing is quite simple, when entering the Lower City, always enter via a map waypoint. Just open your map and click a waypoint.

Crashes still occasionally happen this way, but we've found that if the joinee also drops their video quality settings to their lowest before fast-travelling, this tends to avoid crashes quite consistently. The video quality settings can be returned to the joinee's preference after entering a dungeon (or any other entrance) that uses the 'Use' mouse icon. Just remember to lower the video settings again before fast-travelling back into the Lower City.

Once you enter the Lower City via a waypoint, you could increase your video settings again, but we found this increases the likelihood of a crash while exploring the area. I found playing at the lowest video quality was a small price to pay for the fun of playing through Act 3 with my friend.

Of course, accidents happen. It's very easy to forget about entering the Lower City via a waypoint. Your game will crash when this happens. But, all you need to do is Force Quit the game, get the host to move your character back to camp, drop your video quality settings back down the lowest from the Main Menu, and then rejoin the lobby (the same way I mentioned above).

I hope this helps. I hope it works for you as it has for my friend and I! Maybe when Patch 7 comes out in September this issue might be fixed, but until then, give this a try. Good luck!

(I should say that the joinee in our case was playing on the Mac version of the game with an M1 Pro 32GB and usually runs the game at ultra video quality where applicable with FSR turned off. We were also playing as origin characters, not Tav's, but since joinee Tavs remain the server even if the joinee themselves isn't in the server, I see no reason why this wouldn't also work for Tav playthroughs too).
46 15,499 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback
Re: For "good" ending paths, please add more options (Spoilers) Buba68 Yesterday at 09:54 AM
I want to recruit and romance Khaga, our happy ending being the creation of a Juvenile Correction Facility.
1 88 Read More
Divinity - Original Sin - Enhanced Edition Jump to new posts
Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition Ps4 Pt_Br Ricabala Yesterday at 03:30 AM
Good evening friends,

I would like to know if there is any forecast to release an update for the original divinity sin enhanced edition on playstation with the texts in Brazilian Portuguese.

There was an update to the PC version in 2022, however, nothing in the Playstation version. Strangely, the update took place in the original divinity sin 2 and it was translated on the playstation.
0 29 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback
Mattis' Lucky Ring JandK Yesterday at 12:21 AM
I think it would be great if Mattis' Lucky ring actually gave a secret behind-the-scenes +1 bonus to every roll when worn.

If the real roll is, say, 15, just have the dice show a 16 instead. The player would never even have to know.
0 46 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Re: Character creation is bugged. Silver/ 25/07/24 11:23 PM
Sounds like the words of someone who isn't ready to pay up after messing with folders for a whole day... and coming to the unfortunate conclusion that they need to start over smile. This extent of damage to game files does not come from nothing. We are not fools here. Between using verification of files as an argument and temper tantrums, we know you're a choleric newbie modder.
16 262 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Build Discussion Jump to new posts
Danger Sense Bugged (Barbarian)??? The Reddest of G 25/07/24 10:42 PM
I've been messing around with multiclassing my Tav as a barbarian, but whenever I have specced the character so that his first class isn't barbarian (for dex saving throw proficiency) I've noticed via the combat log that the character loses advantage on dex saving throws via Danger Sense.

Whenever I spec back into barbarian as the original class, I regain the use of Danger Sense, but I obviously lose proficiency in Dexterity based saving throws. I looked online and couldn't find anyone talking about this, but I figured I'd ask if anyone has experienced something similar and if there's a fix. Of note, in none of these tests have I been afflicted with a negative condition that would prevent the use of Danger Sense. Thoughts?
0 39 Read More
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Re: Not sure if this is the right forum, but new here; and just wanted to intro myself. Vigorr 25/07/24 06:01 PM
Nice to meet you! I'm also a big fan of the Larian games. BG3 is incredible, right? Looking forward to geeking out about RPGs with you!
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Re: no sms coming Vigorr 25/07/24 05:58 PM
I had the same issue with not getting the SMS for logging in. I checked my spam folder and still found nothing. In the end, I reached out to Larian Studios' support team, and they helped me fix it pretty quickly.
3 2,418 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Patch 7 Closed Beta - Bug reporting Salo 25/07/24 03:51 PM

As this is a Closed Beta and development is ongoing, you’ll likely encounter a few bugs, but any bug reports you submit will also help us identify issues that may only be discoverable at scale.

Follow the normal bug reporting system and contact our Support Team using this form:

Please note: You’ll want to type ‘Patch 7’ in as the game version.


If you’re joining the playtest, we recommend temporarily removing third-party mods so that you can experience all that Patch 7 has to offer without worrying about compatibility issues!

To learn more about how you can unload your mods temporarily, please visit:

Alternatively, if you use a mod manager, you can unload your mods directly.

If you've decided to try supported mods through the game's brand-new in-game mod manager, please remember to let us know if you're using mods and whether they're third-party or supported when submitting a bug report! 🙏
0 63 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Suggestions & Feedback
Patch 7 Closed Beta Feedback Salo 25/07/24 03:18 PM

Dice are once again rolling, and the Patch 7 Closed Beta has gone live on Steam!

If you’re one of the randomly selected players to take part, you should now have an entry in your Steam Library called Baldur’s Gate 3 Playtest (with Gale’s handsome face staring at you).
If you haven’t, don’t worry! We will continue to add players throughout the Closed Beta, so keep an eye on your Steam Library.

As not everyone will have the opportunity to participate in the Closed Beta, we would appreciate it if you could keep any spoilers about the new evil ending cinematics to a minimum, so players can enjoy these themselves once Patch 7 releases in September!

I have set up this thread so you can share your feedback about Patch 7 and its content. You are free to start your own threads but please make it clear on the title that they are about Patch 7 and spoiler text when necessary.

You can also find a general discussion thread on this link:

Thank you all!

[As stated above, please expect Patch 7 spoilers underneath this post]
0 144 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Patch 7 Closed Beta Discussion Salo 25/07/24 03:18 PM

Dice are once again rolling, and the Patch 7 Closed Beta has gone live on Steam!

If you’re one of the randomly selected players to take part, you should now have an entry in your Steam Library called Baldur’s Gate 3 Playtest (with Gale’s handsome face staring at you).
If you haven’t, don’t worry! We will continue to add players throughout the Closed Beta, so keep an eye on your Steam Library.

As not everyone will have the opportunity to participate in the Closed Beta, we would appreciate it if you could keep any spoilers about the new evil ending cinematics to a minimum, so players can enjoy these themselves once Patch 7 releases in September!

I have set up this thread for discussion of Patch 7 content and the Evil Endings. You are free to start your own threads but please make it clear on the title that they are about Patch 7 and spoiler text when necessary.

You can also find a Feedback thread on this link:

Thank you all!

[As stated above, please expect Patch 7 spoilers underneath this post]
0 239 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Re: Did I stumble into a rare ending with Rafael? Ussnorway 25/07/24 12:41 PM
is it a known ending = yes
did you miss some content = yes your son has a point but you did end the game in a logical way... as you pointed the wiz kind of had it coming so its not really that rare that he dies unless you mean waiting that long to do it

next play you will pay more attention
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