Larian Studios
Posted By: James 540 Books are`nt readable - 11/11/12 07:13 AM
Hello there,I have Russsian version of Beyond Divinity from Divinity Anthology No 1.50001 and I have a problem all books are`nt readable there is picture of sphinx (there are statues of theese creatures in catacombs beneath Alerot) instead the text
Posted By: Raze Re: Books are`nt readable - 11/11/12 08:56 AM

There are some books in the game that just contain images (see Art of Divine Divinity). In the starting cell block, you can find a manuscript with the image of a sand demon, for example. Some of these also have runes on them, which can be translated; the Beyond Divinity Strategy Guide contains a chart of which Rivellon and Raanaar runes correspond to which letter (it should be in the forum somewhere, as well, but I can't seem to find it...). Nothing important is written in runes, though, so it isn't necessary to do any manual translating (one of the artists working on DD put his web site URL on an image in runes).

There are also books in the Raanaar language which will be automatically translated after you find 3 books located throughout the game, which 'teach' you the language.
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 11:20 AM
Raze вы не поняли про что вам написали. Вам написали что в игре баг с книгами, все книги в игре содержат изображение льва, или сфинкса, вместо текста. Там где должен быть текст находится просто изображение льва! И это на всех книгах в игре.
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 11:22 AM
Raze you do not understand about what you wrote. You wrote that a bug in the game with the books, all the books in the game include a lion, or a Sphinx, instead of text. Where should be the text is just an image of a lion! And this is all the books in the game.
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 11:28 AM
[Linked Image] The picture on all books
Posted By: Raze Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 02:42 PM

That is definitely a bug then, if it is all books.

Did you already try verifying the cache for the game?
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 02:54 PM
The integrity of the cache checked 22 files have not been tested, but it did not help. Error with books remained.
(Целостность кэша проверил, 22 файла не прошли проверку, но это не помогло. Ошибка с книгами так и осталась.)
Posted By: Raze Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 03:57 PM

I installed the Russian version and found the same sphinx image in the manuscript dropped by the prisoner in the starting cell block (which should be a sand demon), as well as the note in the room past Fergus, which should give the combination to unlock the nearby door and disable the trap.

I don't know if you contacted, but I have reported this bug.
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Raze
I installed the Russian version and found the same sphinx image in the manuscript dropped by the prisoner in the starting cell block (which should be a sand demon), as well as the note in the room past Fergus, which should give the combination to unlock the nearby door and disable the trap.

Then do not understand why we have there Sphinx?
(Тогда не понятно почему у нас там Сфинкс?)

Originally Posted by Raze
I don't know if you contacted, but I have reported this bug.

I not contacted customer support, because bad writing in English. I communicate with you through an interpreter =)
But if you wrote them about this problem, thank you. I hope they will solve this issue.
I'll see your forum in the hope of a solution.
Я не связывался со службой поддержки, потому что плохо пишу на английском. Я с вами общаюсь при помощи переводчика =) Но если вы написали им про эту ошибку, то спасибо вам. Надеюсь они решат этот вопрос.
Я буду просматривать ваш форум в надежде на решение проблемы.

Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 07:22 PM
Who uploaded the English version of the game, there is nothing wrong with the lyrics. After that, reload the Russian version, and again, instead of text picture sphinx.
Сейчас загрузил английскую версию игры-там всё нормально с текстами. После этого снова загрузил русскую версию и опять вместо текстов картинка сфинкса.
Posted By: Raze Re: Books are`nt readable - 14/11/12 07:36 PM

That is what I did. I set the game to Russian during download, and Steam installed the English version; verifying the cache got the language changed, and the content of some books and manuscripts replaced with a sphinx (the spell book Fergus drops on the starting level was fine).

Larian is going to look into this problem.
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 17/11/12 01:18 PM
Спасибо Spasitel007 ваш ник отражает вашу сущность)) Вы действительно мой СПАСИТЕЛЬ))!
And I have an addition there is Intro Movie on English Language instead Russian
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 17/11/12 04:55 PM
James 540 да не за что, в этом есть и ваша заслуга, если бы вы не создали эту тему, то наверно никто бы не поднял этот вопрос=)
Посмотреть бы в глаза тем людям, которые занимались русской версией Beyond Divinity, вместо того чтобы исправлять игру патчами, так они этими патчами только еще больше ошибок создают. Или русскую версию просто тупо не тестируют после выпуска патча на наличие ошибок. Хочется уже нормально сесть и пройти эту часть Divinity получив при этом удовольствие от игры, а не разочарование.
Надеюсь хоть с нашей помощью эту часть Divinity улучшат и уберут все "косяки" игры.
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 19/11/12 04:20 PM
Raze when about to wait patch corrects mistakes games?
Raze когда приблизительно ждать патч исправляющий ошибки игры?
Posted By: Larian_QA Re: Books are`nt readable - 20/11/12 03:57 PM
We'll have a patch that fixes books and not being able to enter your hero name soon.
At the latest early next week, but hopefully sooner.
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 20/11/12 05:47 PM
Larian_QA thanks for the reply. We will wait smile
Larian_QA спасибо за ответ. Будем ждать smile
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 22/11/12 12:14 PM
Уважаемый Spasitel007 я прислал вам личное сообщение прочитайте его пожалуста нажмите My Stuff(личный кабинет) на самом верху страницы а затем Messages (сообщения) напишите если несможете прочитать еготогда я напишу прямо здесь(я так понял сайт не понимает русского языка) с нетерпением жду ответа .Заранее спасибо.
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 22/11/12 02:22 PM
James 540 я прочитал ваше сообщение, но так как личные сообщения на этом сайте не поддерживают русский язык, то отвечу тут если не против.
Насчёт ошибки с Самюэлем подтвердить не могу, так как в данной версии игры я не дошел до него из-за ошибок с книгами. Просто я не хочу продолжать проходить игру пока не исправят эту ошибку. Такой уж я человек что играя в ролевые игры я предпочитаю знать всю информацию, которую преподносят в игре. А если я не имею такой возможности, то для меня теряется интерес к игре, до того момента пока не исправят эту ситуацию.
Я бы вам посоветовал попробовать объяснить ситуацию с Самюэлем (на английском) на этом сайте разработчикам создав новую тему и приложить при этом скриншоты указав в скриншоте на ошибку, которую вы нашли, если это возможно.
Кстати, было бы намного проще объясняться если бы на этом сайте были бы русские разработчики данной игры, которые имеют отношение к русской версии игры Beyond Divinity
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 22/11/12 09:12 PM
Доброго времени суток. Да уж тут мы с вами очень похожи).Дело в том что я объяснял об этой ошибке как нашим локализаторам так и Larian Studios (на этом форуме топик Strange difference(Samuel is 6th level)) я даже обращался за советом на фанатский форум ,но на сайте Бука(наш локализатор) такой проблемы неподнималось и похоже техподдержка там не работает на фанатском форуме тоже ответа не дали а Larian сказала точнее их комманда техподдержки ,что в данный момент не может исправить ошибку так как возможности разобраться с игрой у них ограничены вот собственно сам ответ на английском:
Dear customer,

Thank you for purchasing and playing our game Beyond Divinity.

I’m afraid we cannot help you in this matter as we cannot reproduce the issue.

Our support capabilities for this particular game are also very limited at this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Kind regards,

Octaaf Fieremans

Larian Studios

Скажите пожалуйста, а до куда вы дошли в игре? Ошибка с уровнем монстров касается не только Самуэля просто она самая заметная.Такие ошибки появляются чуть ли не с самого начала игры назовите до куда вы дошли а я вам смогу назвать монстра(или попытаюсь) которого ошибка коснулась или с которым вы можете встретиться.
Если вдруг вы дошли до второго акта то знайте что Тибары и мутанты должны быть 8 или 9 уровня вместо этотго они 1го
P.S У меня возникла проблема при снятии скриншотов при 1280 на 1024 вместо этого они у меня получаются в 2560 на 1024 не знаю почему(,но может вам бы хотелось на них посмотреть и выложить их в нормальном виде да и самим убедиться были ли у вас такие глюки.
P.P.S Извините что немного испортил вам впечатления от игры рассказав про Самуэля.
Posted By: Larian_QA Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 11:34 AM
Hi James,

As far as I can see in our support mails, this response (which is edited and changed for some reason?) was in regards to running divine divinity in a higher resolution than 1920x1080. You were trying to run it at 2560 x 1024, which is not supported.

The full message of the mail is also not pasted in this thread.

If you have any questions or remarks, put them here or contact (preferably in English, as google translated text is hard to interpret sometimes).
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 12:51 PM
Hello Swen I am very glad to see you.No you did`nt understand me right.I have few screenshots from Beyond Divinity at 1280*1024 but as a result there are screenshots at 2560 x 1024 I don`t know why:(I wanted to shoot some issues of the game ,for example- unreadable books in my Russian version from Divinity Anthology 1.501(you have already promissed about the gathering patch)

BUT I have other issues one of them it`s difference of creatures levels between Russian and English versions I wrote about this more than year ago .Topic -Strange difference (Samuel is 6th level)
This topic about dismatching of level of creatures between Russian and English Version
For example English ver. Archdemon Samuel- level 41
Russian ver. Archdemon Samuel- level 6
English ver. Tibar - level 8 or 9
Russian ver. Tibar- level 1
English ver. Samuel seeker 9 level
Russian ver. Samuel seeker 1 level

I also wrote about this year ago too...
Below you can see the response to my letter for Support Team

Dear customer,

Thank you for purchasing and playing our game Beyond Divinity.

I’m afraid we cannot help you in this matter as we cannot reproduce the issue.

Our support capabilities for this particular game are also very limited at this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Kind regards,

And I gonna to show some screenshots about other issues and disadvantages of the game
I can only hope that you`ll fix that.
Thank you in advance
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 01:02 PM
Fixed bug with books!! Thank you very much! smile
But there is a bug with the intro, it is in English, but should be in Russian frown
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 01:18 PM

I can confirm this information
In fact there is English IntoMovie instead Russian one
And Thank you very much Larian for the fix now I can read the books
Posted By: Larian_QA Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 01:53 PM
You can find the original RU intro here:

Just replace it in /static

We'll still have a look at the levelling of characters bug, but this might not be such an easy fix and could take some time.
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 02:02 PM
Thank you very much I will be waiting for it))
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 04:47 PM
Larian_QA you have not talked about this a bug?
The game does not support the Russian language when writing the name of a character and when he signed the check boxes on the map
Larian_QA вам еще не говорили про этот баг?
В игре нет поддержки русского языка при написании имени персонажу и когда подписываешь флажки на карте.
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Posted By: Raze Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 07:16 PM

I'm not sure about the map flags (will check), but the name issue should be fixed.

- fix for books not being displayed correctly
- fix for not being able to enter hero name
- various minor code fixes
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 23/11/12 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Raze
- fix for not being able to enter hero name

I do not know how the others, but I for some reason it is not corrected in the Russian version of the game. These screenshots were taken after today's game update
Не знаю как у других, но у меня она почему-то не исправлена в русской версии игры. Эти скриншоты были сделаны после сегодняшнего обновления игры

Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 24/11/12 12:23 AM
I have the same problem but I thought it was incorrect Windows working with Unicode and I am going to test one of the solutions

Unfortunately those solutions didn`t help me,it seems Beyond Divnity not support Russian language correctly at this case I agree with Spasitel007

I think it is high time to rename this topic as Problems and disadvantages of Beyond Divinity or maybe create new topic with such name as alternative .And I wanna to add few screenshots which could show various issues of this game maybe I will at the next week
Posted By: Larian_QA Re: Books are`nt readable - 30/11/12 10:41 AM
There is now a hotfix available for RU and PL only:

Simply extract these files in the root of your installation folder (overwrite the previous files).
This fixes the input for Russian characters.

The incorrect level of characters is however not that easy to fix and will most likely not get patched any time soon. We've had programmers look at this particular issue and it goes quite deep into data and code, which is the reason why we cannot provide you with a quick or easy fix.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Although this is a serious issue, we hope it does not destroy the game experience for you.
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 30/11/12 01:01 PM
Hello Swen,thank you for news and your hard work.I no WE will be waiting for the next fix
P.S In any case I have(discovered) many others disadvantages soon I`ll write down about them later
Basically it relates for the game engine itself for example this quite famous issue as- Sticking of NPC in the objects ets...
Full list of issues I`ll post at the next weak I hope
Posted By: Spasitel007 Re: Books are`nt readable - 30/11/12 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Larian_QA
There is now a hotfix available for RU and PL only:

Simply extract these files in the root of your installation folder (overwrite the previous files).
This fixes the input for Russian characters.

The incorrect level of characters is however not that easy to fix and will most likely not get patched any time soon. We've had programmers look at this particular issue and it goes quite deep into data and code, which is the reason why we cannot provide you with a quick or easy fix.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Although this is a serious issue, we hope it does not destroy the game experience for you.

Larian_QA thank you, it really helped. Nice to see that Larian Studios are working people who are always ready to help with any problem. Thanks for the help smile
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 18/12/12 10:39 AM
Hello! Is there any progress about character`s level bug? hahaha
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 09/01/13 05:07 PM
Hello there! Some time ago I wrote about characters level bug
I know it`s like a big splinter but will you please tell me about any progress at this matter
Thanks in advance!
Posted By: Raze Re: Books are`nt readable - 09/01/13 10:46 PM

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this will be fixed. The initial save game would have to be redone to fix the character levels, which would be rather involved. Even if this didn't cause any further issues that would need to be addressed, the changes required would mean the entire game would have to go through QA again.
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 10/01/13 02:03 AM
Thanks for response Raze!.In any case I will be trying to solve this issue it`s a great pity that I have no tools nor source code(or something like that),but my stubbornness don`t make me to give up and I also like Divinity Series VERY much...
Is there any way to join for Larian Studios (but unfortunately I have no capabilities at programming scripting etc.) or at least become one of beta-testers distantly?It will be great to send bugreports or something else if it possible of course)
Posted By: Raze Re: Books are`nt readable - 10/01/13 02:20 AM

Lar mentioned a possible closed public beta test for D:OS (Possible Alpha/Beta Testing?), so presumably there could be something for DC, as well. With previous games Larian has just had public playtesting sessions in their studio, for those who could make it there.
Posted By: James 540 Re: Books are`nt readable - 10/01/13 02:25 AM
Thank you I `ll take it into consideration
Posted By: Russian Re: Books are`nt readable - 15/03/14 09:36 PM
Hi there! I specifically checked in here to express my gratitude for your support of Russian-speaking fans. Without it, I could not complete the game. Thank you.

P.S. All your base are belong to us sorry for my engrish.
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