Larian Studios
Tremendously enjoying Div2, great immersive world and story, despite annoying bugs (stuck in loading screens or dialogue). What really gets me is the details, and the little humourous references. I found the ones below so far (10 hours in)

-A book with the answer to life, the universe and everything (Douglas Adams RIP)
-A knight named Brave Sir Robin (from Monty Python and the Holy Grail!)
-A guy named Eugene, walking around with an Axe and you tell him to be careful with that axe! (Pink Floyd!)
- A Smith called Wesson (arms manufacturer)
-A lackey that is a master in stitching up creatures,named Igor.(Discworld)
-Quoth the parrot 'Nevermore' (from the Raven), along with books that parody famous real world books.
-Three undescript people that serve you names Tom, Dick and Harry.(a saying)
-A servant names Hermaphroditis, who speaks with both a male voice as a female one. (From Hermaphrodites, with both male and female genitalia)

Which did you find?

"I'm a bit shaken, but not stirred" dialogue option -> James Bond

Not sure what you mean by the *sigh* but the post you referenced is about "Divine Divinity" references not pop culture references.

Anyways, the crazy hermit on Sentinel Island shouts "I am the walrus" quote from the Beatles song.

I'm not sure, but those 5 ex-slayers from a sidequest in the fjords, seem to be like the power rangers. With the crazy poses and how they end up in armor instantly when the camera shifts.
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