Larian Studios
Posted By: Unreal Warfare IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 16/01/10 06:01 PM
I can see fanboys dehydrating due to their blood boiling from insane amounts of nerd rage.

Originally Posted by IGN
US, January 15, 2010 - The more you play, the better it gets. Such is the way of things with many role-playing titles as their gameplay systems evolve, narratives progress, and new items and skills become available. It's especially true of Larian Studios' Divinity 2: Ego Draconis since it starts out so slow. The next in the line of Larian's Divinity games, this is a Western-style traditional high fantasy setting filled with fireballs, wizards, goblins and dragons. It's the type of fantasy world we've seen plenty of times before, most recently in Piranha Bytes' Risen and BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins, though those examples contain a greater breadth of distinguishing qualities that make them stand further out from the pack than Larian's effort. Still, there's plenty of satisfying content to dig into in Divinity 2, provided you're willing to overlook some of its generic and underdeveloped aspects, of which there are quite a few.

Please note that much of this review applies to the PC version. If you're looking to buy this on Xbox 360, well, read the closing comments of this review and see if you're still interested. While it's a pretty good adventure on PC, it's a messy game on Microsoft's console thanks to various technical and interface issues. Included below is the review of the game's content in case you're curious, but you really shouldn't be picking up this version of the game for any reason.

Events whir into motion with your character joining the ranks of the Dragon Slayers, an order that likes to hit dragons with magic and sharp things to wipe them out. Soon after the introduction and brief tutorial sequence everyone's alerted to the presence of a nearby dragon, and you're whisked away on the most unremarkable airship ever designed to a large forested zone with a town filled with NPCs and quests. Instead of heading after the dragon, it's recommended that you hang back and talk to the townsfolk, and in this way you'll start to collect quests and swat baddies in the field, swapping Goblin hearts for cash and experience, and hopping through trapdoors into dungeons to shatter skeletons, banish ghosts, and tangle with bandits. Considering your character is pretty weak while this is going on, your gear isn't very good, and the overall quality of the fiction and setting are fairly bland, I'd understand if someone bailed out at this point. If you stick with it, though, it gets a lot better.

This may look decent, but in motion it's a mess.While many of the game's more interesting bits aren't made available until later on, one part you do encounter almost immediately is the mindread function. This is a character skill that allows you to swap experience points for extra information when engaged in dialogue sequences with NPCs. I suppose it adds another layer to interaction, and can sometimes offer up additional information like secret passwords or quest information, but I just had such a hard time appreciating how it worked. It's a personal preference, so maybe you won't find the system as unlikable as I did, but the frequency of the rewards didn't feel like it matched up well with the value of what I was required to give up.

On the subject of character skills, what you get here isn't particularly novel, but entirely functional. Divinity 2 uses a classless system, so as you gain experience and level up you're free to drop a point into any of the available skills. They're split into your basic ranger, mage, and fighter categories, and while useful, they're all pretty basic. You get things like poisoned arrows, fireballs, magic missiles, creature summons, and heals, and the best bit about it is that you're free to mix and match whatever skills are available at your current level and develop your base character statistics to match your play style. It's not a system that's going to surprise anyone, but it works well enough and allows for a number of different hybrid character types to be constructed.

It's still going to be a challenge at the beginning because of how powerful the enemies tend to be when you enter a new area or main dungeon. This isn't so much a criticism of the game, but the power of the opposition and the fact that they don't respawn once killed means you'll want to clear as many fields and complete as many side quests as possible before tackling the main story content to ensure you'll have a shot against some of the ultra powerful bosses and enemy group encounters. The good part about this is that it forces you to carefully consider which skills you're powering up as you level, and to take advantage of some of the game's quirkier systems, such as your summonable creature.

At least the items are interesting.This leads into the parts of game that add some welcome depth to the experience. By consulting a reclusive necromancer early on, and later through your Battle Tower, you can mix and match heads, arms, torsos and legs to create a helper creature that can be summoned in the field and in many cases prove to be quite useful in combat. There's a wide range of parts to include, and while many offer simple variations of statistic boosts like more health and defenses, others change the class of the creature entirely from fighters to mages tied to different spells. If you're a mage or ranger that prefers to fight from a distance, it's great to have a melee creature to run interference, and for fighters it's helpful to have a partner launching magic from afar.

More customization systems are conveniently consolidated when you finally take charge of the Battle Tower, which then serves as your primary base of operations. Here you can brew potions, enchant equipment, and find numerous other NPCs who are willing to help you out on your journey. You can even send out runners into the field to collect reagents and spend cash to improve their armor and weaponry to better ensure success. At this point in the game, which is a fair way in, you'll also be able to morph into a dragon, which has a significant effect on zone design and exploration from that point forward.

Because the game allows you to freely swap between dragon and human form, the first zone you encounter after gaining the transformation ability, Orobas Fjords, is designed to accommodate your ability to fly and breathe fire. Your dragon form can also be upgraded with additional abilities and can be further augmented with dragon armor pieces. Larian adjusted exterior and even some interior spaces to accommodate your dragon's flying ability, which keeps the game interesting and makes the latter parts feel far different from the humble and frankly boring beginning bits. While that lends a nice sense of progression to the game, the generally clunky combat and AI issues tend to limit the appeal and depth of the encounters.

Since you'll often find yourself going up against powerful foes, you're going to have to get creative. Instead of rewarding player skill in terms of the abilities you've selected, combat is often more about exploiting AI glitches and slamming potions as rapidly as possible to stay alive until you're at a decent enough level to steamroll everything in your way. It's unfortunate that enemy pathfinding tends to be so weak since it breaks whatever sense of immersion the game tries to cobble together, but it's also fortunate since it allows you to duck behind debris or pillars and regenerate health and mana reserves in the midst of an otherwise impossible fight. You'll also find enemies tend to get stuck, even while out in the open, which seemed to happen more frequently when they reached the edge of their agro range tethers, which makes the experience feel unpolished.

Combat is awkward, especially with the console aiming systems.Regardless of which style of combat you decide to engage in, the fighting doesn't have much of a feel to it. Swings with large swords don't feel weighty, there's no sense of tautness to pulling back a bowstring, and launching magic blasts doesn't feel like it has much of an impact. Every attack feels floaty and disconnected from the actions taking place on screen. The spell and magic effects aren't impressive at all, which doesn't help, meaning you'll need to rely solely on the damage numbers to get a sense of your growing power. At least some of the item drops you get can be useful, particularly when you factor in the charms and enchantments that can boost their power.

The story itself is interesting enough once it finally gets going, though it's peppered with some ridiculous fantasy clichés. There's a wizard, for instance, who actually wears a blue robe decorated with stars, has a giant white fuzzy beard, glasses, and a pointy hat. On the outskirts of your Battle Tower are an enemy type called a Dragon Elf…wonder how they came up with that one. Yet for every cliché there's often a counterbalance, such as a stitched up necromancer's love interest who spews her rage through a hilarious lisp and lots of other quirky humor elements. The disposable nature of your Battle Tower gatherers, for instance, is suitably underscored by their names: Tom, Dick, and Harry. These don't quite redeem many of the game's more disposable narrative elements, but do a decent job of giving this fantasy world more of a distinct personality.

The visuals that bring this world to life aren't going to impress anyone, as the standard fantasy armor designs, environments, tombs, dungeons and characters have been seen plenty of times before. They're still well executed however, and the later areas are much more interesting to look at than the beginning sections. The way everything animates is more distracting, particularly when it comes to how exaggerated some of the death animations can be. Hit an enemy with an arrow and they might fall over or pinwheel in the air like somebody slammed their ankle with a sledgehammer. Music is even less noteworthy. You can tell Larian was trying to lend an epic feel to the world and encourage a sense of boundless, fantastical adventure, but the uneven and derivative nature of each track feels like it'd be more appropriate as an ironic choice on the jukebox of a local bar. The voice work, on the other hand, occasionally rises from mediocrity to deliver flashes of genuine emotion and humor.

Bonus! You can punt ducks.

Closing Comments
I can’t recommend the Xbox 360 version of this product to anyone. The occasionally glitchiness of the PC version was much more pronounced on the console, particularly when it came to enemies getting stuck in the environment. The aiming mechanic is cumbersome and confusing when dealing with more than one target, which happens frequently, the menu system and interface are a chore to sift through, and character movement and control is more imprecise. An inconsistent framerate, low level of detail compared to other Xbox 360 releases in this genre, and jerky animations combined with the already unoriginal art style makes this an unpleasant experience for anyone. Even worse, at one point a door disappeared from the environment so I couldn’t actually exit and had to reload a previous save (which didn’t solve the issue), and in multiple instances save files I overwrote multiple times didn’t load correctly. That’s pretty poor, and part of the experience you should be aware of if the Xbox 360 version is your only option.

Originally Posted by IGN
4.0 Presentation
Inconvenient interface and some serious glitches like save file problems and disappearing doors.

4.5 Graphics
You can see what Larian was trying for, but the chunky framerate, poor animations, and general lack of detail will impress nobody.

6.5 Sound
Forgettable overworld music and effects, but some decent voice acting that gives the game more of a personality.

5.0 Gameplay
Kill, quest and customize your character. It’s executed capably here, and though combat can be awkward, there’s enough here to keep you interested.

4.5 Lasting Appeal
The items and armors are designed well enough to keep you motivated, but the downsides of this version limit the enjoyment you can get out of it.

4.8 Poor OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
Posted By: virumor Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 16/01/10 06:17 PM
Forgettable music... lolwut?

PC version has a fair score at least: 7.0
Posted By: ironcreed Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 16/01/10 08:23 PM
IGN = IGNore abbreviated. :hihi:

Seriously, they are certainly entitled to their opinion. Yet, in my opinion, this is by far one of their worst reviews.
Posted By: Ben-Juda Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 16/01/10 10:07 PM
One one hand, I think that the review was too harsh. When the game worked - it was a hell of alot of fun to play. But my 360 version developed a game killing save bug which completely wrecked the game. So, though I think the game was better than the rewiew in many ways I have to aggree with his conclusion on the 360 version. Until the save bug is fixed no one should buy the 360 version of the game - it in many cases simply does not work. Infact, Microsoft should recall the game or put a patch out immediately. I am still attonished that Xbox would release a game with this kind of game killing bug in it.
Posted By: Libertarian Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 16/01/10 10:40 PM
Has anyone read the recent fanboy baiting "editorials" and such coming out of IGN recently? That site is looking for attention these days.

And on the topic of this review, IGN is a filthy lying coked out gutter whore!
Posted By: Ninjavitis Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 16/01/10 11:46 PM
I strongly disagree on the music. In all honesty, I really hope the composer(s) who did the music for divinity 2 are getting payed very well, because they did an excellent job on the music.
Posted By: ironcreed Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 17/01/10 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Ninjavitis
I strongly disagree on the music. In all honesty, I really hope the composer(s) who did the music for divinity 2 are getting payed very well, because they did an excellent job on the music.

The fact that they knocked the music alone is enough to completely discredit this review.
Posted By: PseronWyrd Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 17/01/10 03:22 AM
I agree that swords don't feel weighty and two-handed swords in particular swing much too fast.

But criticizing the music, of all things? *boggle* For me, the music was the first thing about D2 that actually impressed me. When I was about to give up after experiencing the unreal combat and unsophisticated dialog it was the music that kept me playing the game. And I'm glad I did because eventually I was able to look past the dialog and combat mechanics and begin to enjoy all the other aspects of the game.

This is an excellent example of why I stopped reading gaming reviews years ago.
Posted By: TemplarofSteel Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 17/01/10 06:15 AM
i was surprised too that they slammed the music because i felt the music went very well with the game.
Posted By: Pyrion Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 17/01/10 07:57 AM
Yeah, the music was nice, it's the ending that was crap.
Posted By: Magicpants Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 17/01/10 08:18 AM
Seems like they are underrating the graphics and music because they don't like the game play. I wouldn't trust any reviewer that gave it lower than a 6.0 or higher than an 8.0 overall.
Posted By: Kensei Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Magicpants
Seems like they are underrating the graphics and music because they don't like the game play. I wouldn't trust any reviewer that gave it lower than a 6.0 or higher than an 8.0 overall.

Beautiful game. Forgettable music? The weeks I played the game, it was soothing to hear the soundtrack when I entered the game each day.

Still looking forward to the soundtrack smile
Posted By: Joram Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 01:27 PM
I disagree with this review! Music is fantastic, gameplay too!

Since I have played on Xbox hours and hours ... I love Divinity II still, after ending the game a first time!

A little bit off-topic:
I have no save game bug (the only strange thing is sometimes the different savegames are changing from place between each other).

Strange is:
a "Bow": I can't "Charm" it! Have someone this problem too?
Posted By: Galnospoke Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 01:39 PM
The occasionally glitchiness of the PC version was much more pronounced on the console, particularly when it came to enemies getting stuck in the environment. The aiming mechanic is cumbersome and confusing when dealing with more than one target, which happens frequently, the menu system and interface are a chore to sift through, and character movement and control is more imprecise. An inconsistent framerate, low level of detail compared to other Xbox 360 releases in this genre, and jerky animations combined with the already unoriginal art style makes this an unpleasant experience for anyone. Even worse, at one point a door disappeared from the environment so I couldn’t actually exit and had to reload a previous save (which didn’t solve the issue), and in multiple instances save files I overwrote multiple times didn’t load correctly. That’s pretty poor, and part of the experience you should be aware of if the Xbox 360 version is your only option.

This is absolutely true.
Posted By: Joram Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Galnospoke
The occasionally glitchiness of the PC version was much more pronounced on the console, particularly when it came to enemies getting stuck in the environment. The aiming mechanic is cumbersome and confusing when dealing with more than one target, which happens frequently, the menu system and interface are a chore to sift through, and character movement and control is more imprecise. An inconsistent framerate, low level of detail compared to other Xbox 360 releases in this genre, and jerky animations combined with the already unoriginal art style makes this an unpleasant experience for anyone. Even worse, at one point a door disappeared from the environment so I couldn’t actually exit and had to reload a previous save (which didn’t solve the issue), and in multiple instances save files I overwrote multiple times didn’t load correctly. That’s pretty poor, and part of the experience you should be aware of if the Xbox 360 version is your only option.

This is absolutely true.

Sorry, but NOT with MY Xbox-version!!
I haven't had such problems by overwroted save games and for me the graphics aren't the most important thing (my opinion!) in a game.

But it is so strange not all xbox-versions are the same!? (except the language is not always the same, but that have nothing to do with buggy save games I think!)
I buy my xbox + Divinity II-game in Belgium (Europe) on the 23e of novembre 2009.
Maybe Microsoft do something wrong with later upcoming versions of Divinity II ??
Posted By: Unreal Warfare Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Joram
Originally Posted by Galnospoke
The occasionally glitchiness of the PC version was much more pronounced on the console, particularly when it came to enemies getting stuck in the environment. The aiming mechanic is cumbersome and confusing when dealing with more than one target, which happens frequently, the menu system and interface are a chore to sift through, and character movement and control is more imprecise. An inconsistent framerate, low level of detail compared to other Xbox 360 releases in this genre, and jerky animations combined with the already unoriginal art style makes this an unpleasant experience for anyone. Even worse, at one point a door disappeared from the environment so I couldn’t actually exit and had to reload a previous save (which didn’t solve the issue), and in multiple instances save files I overwrote multiple times didn’t load correctly. That’s pretty poor, and part of the experience you should be aware of if the Xbox 360 version is your only option.

This is absolutely true.

Sorry, but NOT with MY Xbox-version!!
I haven't had such problems by overwroted save games and for me the graphics aren't the most important thing (my opinion!) in a game.

But it is so strange not all xbox-versions are the same!? (except the language is not always the same, but that have nothing to do with buggy save games I think!)
I buy my xbox + Divinity II-game in Belgium (Europe) on the 23e of novembre 2009.
Maybe Microsoft do something wrong with later upcoming versions of Divinity II ??

What's more worrying is that our versions will be patched up to the new versions.
Posted By: The Outfield Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 04:24 PM
And once again... the reason I do NOT read any reviews by IGN!

They have crucified some of my favorite games in the past and even some of the games that won Best Game of The Year by hundreds of other publications.

IGN stands for "Idiots Game News"
Posted By: MonkeyLungs Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 05:51 PM
They are overly harsh in this review but they make some damn good points.

Calling Larian out on the inexcuable state of the Xbox 360 NA release is something they had to do. WAY too many bugs made it through QA to the Xbox.

Patches don't make up for the mistake either. Many people do not have internet connected to their consoles. If they buy this game for 360 and encounter a save game bug ... game over with no way of fixing the game.
Posted By: flixerflax Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 08:21 PM
I haven't played this yet but it's starting to sound like Larian stretched themselves too thin by trying to make two versions of the game rather than one polished PC version.
Posted By: The Outfield Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by MonkeyLungs
They are overly harsh in this review but they make some damn good points.

Calling Larian out on the inexcuable state of the Xbox 360 NA release is something they had to do. WAY too many bugs made it through QA to the Xbox.

Patches don't make up for the mistake either. Many people do not have internet connected to their consoles. If they buy this game for 360 and encounter a save game bug ... game over with no way of fixing the game.

ALL Xbox 360 games get updates/patches just like PC games, so anyone without an Xbox Live account should not complain of minor issues with a game, same as if they play Pc games without an internet connection, and cannot update/patch.

I'm on my second playthrough of the Xbox 360 version and have had not a single game killing bug, although I also do NOT overwrite save games which around 50 Xbox 360 games have had issues with, and most have already been patched. I also played almost halfway through the first time without even knowing about the save/overwite issue, thus it's not abug that everyone has experianced.
Posted By: Unreal Warfare Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by flixerflax
I haven't played this yet but it's starting to sound like Larian stretched themselves too thin by trying to make two versions of the game rather than one polished PC version.

No. They stretched themselves too thin by trying to make too many different versions full stop.
Posted By: Libertarian Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 18/01/10 09:28 PM
Honestly, I feel that both versions serve their purpose quite well. They both have their flaws, but neither version has made me think "damn, this game is complete shit and shouldn't exist". It's a satisfying game no matter which system you play it on. The PC version is better, but I think 360 does the job more than enough, at least for me it did. I didn't run into the crippling save issue. That's the only HUGE complaint I could really level against it, had I experienced it. Sure, the tech issues are there, but they don't stop me from getting fun and enjoyment out of every moment in Divinity II.
Posted By: MonkeyLungs Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 19/01/10 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by The Outfield
Originally Posted by MonkeyLungs
They are overly harsh in this review but they make some damn good points.

Calling Larian out on the inexcuable state of the Xbox 360 NA release is something they had to do. WAY too many bugs made it through QA to the Xbox.

Patches don't make up for the mistake either. Many people do not have internet connected to their consoles. If they buy this game for 360 and encounter a save game bug ... game over with no way of fixing the game.

ALL Xbox 360 games get updates/patches just like PC games, so anyone without an Xbox Live account should not complain of minor issues with a game, same as if they play Pc games without an internet connection, and cannot update/patch.

I'm on my second playthrough of the Xbox 360 version and have had not a single game killing bug, although I also do NOT overwrite save games which around 50 Xbox 360 games have had issues with, and most have already been patched. I also played almost halfway through the first time without even knowing about the save/overwite issue, thus it's not abug that everyone has experianced.

Not ALL Xbox 360 games get patches. Many do, many don't. Not every console owner has their 360 connected to the internet, so many won't be able to get the patch, when and if it is ever released.

I am also on my 2nd playthrough. I haven't had the save bug EXCEPT when I tried to use an auto save after dying. My prior self save was hours prior and I had forgot to save. I tried using the auto save and I reloaded DEAD. Had that been my only save ... game over. INEXCUSABLE. Being an apologist for this doesn't fly in rational conversation. The Xbox 360 NA version save bug is rampant.

There are numerous quest bugs and dialogue bugs.

Posted By: Joram Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 19/01/10 09:40 AM
"WHy", do you think, you can read "XBOX 360 Live" on the cover of this game? That is not for nothing: "Live" is a possible requirment! wink

So people are warning: you can play the game without internet, but if ....
Posted By: MonkeyLungs Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 19/01/10 05:11 PM
No that is not what it means. Xbox heavily pushes Live. It is a marketing tactic. Content downloads at the very minimum are encouraged by MS. Live is not a warning that the damn game might need a patch. In fact MS really doesn't like developers using the release now patch later concept ...
Posted By: Libertarian Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 19/01/10 06:59 PM
Microsoft doesn't like the concept of patches? Could've fooled me. Nearly every Microsoft Games Studio release has had multiple patches.
Posted By: MonkeyLungs Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 19/01/10 10:21 PM
No they don't. That's why there is a size limit. DLC's that add to the game are encouraged. Release now patch later is not. Unfortunately games get released with severe bugs and need patching. In this case it is not the easiest process for a developer.

They do not encourage the use of patches to fix games. Do games get patches? Yes of course but this is not something that should be so commonplace on a console.

Div 2 has some serious flaws. Where is the 360 patch?

Posted By: Libertarian Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 20/01/10 05:57 AM
Errr, what? Gears of War 1 & 2 both received heavy patching throughout their lives. Same can be said about most titles this generation to an extent. I've downloaded patches for nearly every title I've played.
Posted By: Dilanor Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 20/01/10 03:32 PM
Honestly? I have played the full game on 360 (German version) and I really liked it. I had no bugs whatsoever and I don't even know what save game bug you are talking about. The only thing I felt was that the game became too easy at the end...level 34 and just maxed out whirlwind, health leach and regeneration. For the last hours I never need health potions or anything else (on normal) and the final fight was a bit refreshing since I once more needed potions (which I had zillions of).

Over all I felt the Xbox version was a really good game, with a nice story and - at least for me - bug free. I can imagine that when you train several more skills the handling might become a complicated, but I never used more skills than whirlwind and the fast storm attack, so it was fair enough. I am looking forward to the add on ;-)
Posted By: wheeloftimefan Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 20/01/10 08:45 PM
This is my opinion. I feel a lot of western gamers want their hand held. I think a lot of western gamers are Hollywood zombies. This game is hard. This game is tough. It requires you to get out and think. IT doesn't old your hand, and you are punished for doing stupid things. I feel a lot of western reviewers play these European titles and get frustrated because they are brutal. They in turn grow angry and slam the title. I played risen. IT was slammed on. At first I hated it. It was brutal, and it doesn't hold your hand. I took the time to learn it, and it is an awesome title. The same thing goes for x3. Games like oblivion and dragon age do well reviewer wise because thy hold your hand. They are both pretty easy titles.

I easily place the game above the steaming pile of mediocre dragon age. Dragon age plays exactly the same as NW1. Divinity II plays fresh. I love being able to roll around and dodge attacks.

I feel for the developers. They put their whole heart and soul into this title. It is spectacular. It has a lot of beauty. The music is incredible. The 5.1 digital audio sounds incredible on my alien ware laptop.

I give this game an 8.
Posted By: MonkeyLungs Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 20/01/10 09:11 PM
This game is not hard. It is more of a nod to older school type of RPG gameplay. Any RPG vet will figure out quickly how to dominate in Div2.

Talk to everyone, do as many quests as possible, explore everywhere you can survive then push into areas where you have a very difficult time surviving. Exploit the AI to get big XP gains. Complete your quests after you gain maximum XP's from fighting in the areas to further your maximum Xp returns ... ie. don't level too far with quest XP while you can maximise your fighting XP, then go back and get the XP for quests.

Although I agree the new generation of gamers used tohuge flashing signs telling them where to go for quests might have a tough time.

The game is good. Yes the Devs poured their heart and soul into it. I PAID for my copy with dollars as a pre-order. I showed them my good faith in their product by paying prior to even receiving it.

I enjoy the game.


The music is awesome and I especially like how there are ALOT of different tracks. Sure, they are short and re-loop too soon but I really dig how going into new areas fires up some new tunes. My favorite is the tune at Dragon Cliff Castle.
Posted By: ACSS Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 20/01/10 09:24 PM
I wont even want to compare it to DAO, as I feel bored quickly by heaps of conversations, the need of improving companions approvals and eventually uninstalled it in early stages during my 2nd play through. It just feels lack of "Action" to me. I more prefer rpg types like risen and d2. Remind me a lot of some old school favorite such as seiken dentsu series.
Posted By: wheeloftimefan Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 20/01/10 09:31 PM
I am an old school rpger. I played the old original ultimas and wizardry s. I played all of the ultimas, wizardrys, and bards tales. I have been doing rpgs since the early 80s.

This game isn't hard per say. IT is a lot harder then most of the rpg on the market right now. So for the average gamer used to Final Fantasy or some other casual rpg, this is hard. I don't find it extremely hard. I do feel you have to play smart to figure it out.

The game definitely doesn't hold your hand. In oblivion there is a marker showing you where to go next. I like how his game doesn't have that. You get to explore the world, and you are rewarded by doing so.

Posted By: MonkeyLungs Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 20/01/10 09:37 PM
I agree 100% about the quest marker thing. I can't stand having a magic compass in a game. Takes away alot of the fun.
Posted By: TheRallykiller Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 21/01/10 05:46 PM
With the utmost objectivity I will tell you that and IGN review is no more or less bias than any one of us doing a review - although I doubt any of us receive kick-backs personally or to our employer by developers and publishers based on our reviews.

Has the Gamespot/Kane & Lynch scandal taught us nothing? Regardless of this game's quality anyone who relies on ign or any game review site for their information is lost. They've senselessly praised sub poor and even poor titles and they've slammed successful titles as well - they're human, they're biased, they're faulted.
Posted By: TheRev Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 21/01/10 08:08 PM
I kind of agree/disagree on certain things here. For one, I loved the music in this game. I can't see how anyone wouldn't. The game itself was a great game. The only thing I think was missing would be dungeons/side areas to go to that would randomly generate or something. Just somewhere to go back to and be able to keep killing things. But the one thing that completely ruined the whole game for me was the ending. I'm sorry but how a game (or movie for that matter) ends is a HUGE deciding factor for me, and the ending just ruined my opinion of this game.
Posted By: Hilda Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 10/02/10 01:32 AM
I have just defeated Laiken and got my dragon form (keep dying though so have to practise!) so I have played the game long enough to form some opinions. I have read many reviews, and I am puzzled by the fact that some reviewers rate the game highly and others not so. I LOVE this game. It has all the elements of a fantasy RPG that we want: dragons, wizards, goblins, trolls, bandits.... even a wizard with a pointy hat (ha, ha! - that's meant to be FUNNY, not a "tired cliche") Which brings me on to the humour in this game. It's hilarious. It's the only game in which I have read every book I find. That was one of the things I loved about Baldur's Gate 1 & 2. It's the reason why I was slightly disappointed with Dragon Age Origins. Alistair's awkward self-depricating humour is a bit embaressing compared to the unrestrained silliness and fun of, say, Mincs in the BG games. Who can forget the Gnolls in Baldur's Gate with their growled threats: "Die, scum, wooof!" and the Flaming Fist guards telling you to "Keep moving, scum". An RPG which doesn't take itself seriously - what a treat! Developers remember this: If you make us laugh we will love you and give you all of our money.
Maybe I am just lucky, but after a few crashes with the game, I have had no technical issues at all. Since I installed the latest patch, my game has been as smooth as silk and if I do find that my character goes jerky (usually after I come out of the pub, heh, heh!), I just save, exit and reload. Problem solved!
The scenery is spectacular, I would rate it better than Oblivion, which, after a while got a bit same-y. Morrowind was probably the best game for variety of landscape, but that is now an old game, so technically can't be compared with this game. This is one of the reasons why I am glad there is no respawn. After you have cleared an area, you get to explore in peace and quiet (chase some rabbits!) I remember getting really irritated with comstantly having to kill attacking cliff racers in Morrowind. (Morrowind is still a BRILLIANT game, though!)
I like the voice acting in this game. On this score, it beats Dragon Age Origins, which struck me as being too self-conscious. I like the VARIETY of voices and the lines are delivered with confidence and obvious pleasure. Oscars all round, I think!
All too often, games are slated by reviewers for not being innovative (same as last time....) but in my opinion Larian has scored a double hit here by including ALL the elements that fantasy RPG players want (don't ever alienate your core fan- base!), but also giving their fans some new elements that other developers must wish they'd thought of: the ability to turn into a Dragon, the chance to build yourself a creature from discarded body parts (waste not, want not!) not to mention references to Eleanor of Aquitaine (married Henry II of England. son= Richard the Lionheart) on Sentinel Island. If anyone has spotted any other historical references, please point them out.
I think some reviewers have been sloppy in their task. They didn't pay this game enough attention and missed all the fun.

Posted By: Kein Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 10/02/10 02:15 AM
Posted By: White Ripper Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 10/02/10 11:59 AM
This game is not very good,but everybody should try. I like this. This is not awesome like other RP games but it gives a lot of hours of fun. It definitly deserves 7.
Posted By: Darth Bizzel Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 10/02/10 10:28 PM
i don't get ign in this. I've only played the demo.......sadly waiting for my income to get the game>.< slow gov. but between he website, videos and the demo i love the score from this game. in my opinion the music should be better then any game play, story, characters, or other crap for one reason. with out captivating music there is nothing to pull you fully into the world. music has always and will always set the tone from random mobs fight to boss fights to city wandering to cut scenes. and so forth. I've play DA:O it was OK the music not bad but repetitive. and not as awe inspiring. halo1,2,kinda3 are great examples of this. the music in the very beginning b4 the fight ever starts already has your blood pumping. your on edge. movie are the same with out that phenomenal score the movie wont be as good no matter how good the acting. cgi etc. and in this game its excels the composer should be proud just by visiting the website I'm engaged by it it makes wanna go play it tho i know i cant yet or go play the demo. rpg005 rpg008
Posted By: sloo_monster Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 14/02/10 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by White Ripper
This game is not very good,but everybody should try. I like this. This is not awesome like other RP games but it gives a lot of hours of fun. It definitly deserves 7.

confused, you don't why it is "not very good," but then you give some good reasons about it.
Posted By: blasphemy Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 15/02/10 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by ironcreed
IGN = IGNore abbreviated. :hihi:

Seriously, they are certainly entitled to their opinion. Yet, in my opinion, this is by far one of their worst reviews.

That rating is for xbox, because of all the glitches and bugs it has on it, I dont blame them for giving it that low of a score... PC scored 7
Posted By: Keth Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 16/02/10 09:19 PM
Guys, think about it. Let's be honest and say that Divinity II deserves 7/10. It's a good game with a few issues but overall it's actually better than most overhyped, streamlined stuff that was published during the last years. Compared to Divinity II, many of those rubbish games I dare say deserve a far lower score. Reviewers got payed for what they do. They are not objective. Think about it, what's the best payed commercial for a game if not a great score one of the popular "reviewing" internet site. Be glad that developers that still care about their games, and not just profit, exist and enjoy these hidden gems. It might not last forever. wink
Posted By: Joram Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 05/03/10 12:55 PM
I give, after reflection, Divinity II : Ego Draconis, a score of 9/10 !

I read on this threath/topic all things Lar_q had written down there and I'm impressed!
Impressed and also not so suprized because I feel (but hitherto I could't explain exactly "WHY") already years ago when I began to play DD (and BD) that these games are from developers they must make difficult choises to solve many development-problems BECAUSE they want to make a strong RPG with always the "FUME" - acronym in mind,
Lar(ian) explain here:

Originally Posted by Lar_q
I've got this acronym by which I judge a RPG, it's called FUME. Rate the Freedom to develop your character, rate the Universe in which you can develop your characrter, rate the Motivation to develop your character and rate the Enemies against which you can develop your character, and if the game scores high on all four fronts, you most likely have a pretty cool RPG.

Or put otherwise

F=all the actions and choices I can make in the game world
U=the quality of the simulation and the visualisation of the world
M=the story that drives me forward
E=the combat

And futher on this smile :
Originally Posted by Lar_q

I consider the choices you make in a RPG to be as much part of your character development as your stats and equipment, and I prefer it when players stumble into situations where they have to make choices as a result of their own actions, as it makes them feel more involved. The simplest way to do that is to litter the world with opportunities to experience interesting things and leave it upon the players to discover them. You don't enforce situations upon the player, and it's their exploration choices that bring on these interesting situations. The second thing you can do is have those interesting situations involve interesting choices. That leads to a fairly dynamic experience in which the player starts geting the feeling that his actions matter and it gives him a sense of freedom in a reactive universe.

I was wondering WHY I can't stop playing, even after I was disappointed about some points like not always "seemless world" and "Aleroth" and "the special ending"....
I know, if I begin again today playing, I must try hard to stop myself or I forget to eat, sleep, to work in my house etc etc ... biggrin ... So now I take a "rest" of play this game, because I'm afraid I can't stop easely LOL !

Lar_q's explanation about involved, let the player dicover, making own choises, etc ... it all say so much to me!!
NOW I understand WHY I'm so full INVOLVED when I play Divinity II !!
And WHY this game is for me so very very addictive!!!

Posted By: Urath Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 05/03/10 09:51 PM
I think most posts are focused on us not liking the reviewer because he/she is an idiot i have divinity 2 on my Xbox and i loved playing every second of it and am looking forward to playing the expansion when it comes out sure there are a few tweaks to be made but the overall gaming experience is one of the....if not the best i have had, only divine divinity is superior what we can take from this review is that IGN really don't know what makes a proper RPG, divinity nailed everything for me and to top it off we are getting an expansion call me crazy but most game developers dont go as far to satisfy their fanbase as Larian do.

P.S The music rocks
Posted By: Hazuki_Ryo Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 08/03/10 04:08 AM
As they say can't spell ignorance without IGN :P
Posted By: Caine Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 09/03/10 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by Hazuki_Ryo
As they say can't spell ignorance without IGN :P

haha nice!
Posted By: large jack Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 10/03/10 10:50 PM
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the modding aspect, or lack of it, as a downside. Most games like this are now moddable and usually boosts the ratings, such as Oblivion?
Posted By: MysterD Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 10/03/10 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by wheeloftimefan
This is my opinion. I feel a lot of western gamers want their hand held. I think a lot of western gamers are Hollywood zombies. This game is hard. This game is tough. It requires you to get out and think. IT doesn't old your hand, and you are punished for doing stupid things. I feel a lot of western reviewers play these European titles and get frustrated because they are brutal. They in turn grow angry and slam the title. I played risen. IT was slammed on. At first I hated it.

I think it is kind of annoying that if you just walk the "wrong" direction, you can wind up walking from an area that is right within your level and challenging to something WAY beyond your level area to the point you get slaughtered with a few swings. Good thing I do quicksave a lot and that you can save at any time - so that pretty much solves this problem, to an extent.

I would be all for RPG's giving areas that are say pretty much hardcoded for levels much higher than yours a warning, if say you're a certain number of levels outside of it - you know, before you even encounter an enemy in that area. I'd like to know what the hell I'm getting into, you know. Of course, you should get an XP bonus, if you are winning battles way outside of your level.

I should note - I'm really enjoying Divinity 2: Ego Draconis on the PC quite a hell of a lot, to say the least.
Posted By: lord amg Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 01/04/10 05:56 PM
4.0 Presentation
Inconvenient interface and some serious glitches like save file problems and disappearing doors.

4.5 Graphics
You can see what Larian was trying for, but the chunky framerate, poor animations, and general lack of detail will impress nobody.

I had never problems with save files and disappearing doors so its just his opion not an objective revieuw where every gamer can benefit from. Same for sound and gameplay.

Giving 4,5 for graphics? which game can go over 6 in his opinion? It looks like the most useless review I ever saw...
Posted By: DivineGamer Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 01/04/10 07:23 PM
About the Save Bug.
It was in the US Version.
Posted By: lord amg Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 02/04/10 08:45 AM
ah ok thank you that explains a part of the review
Posted By: mojokabobo Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 24/05/10 08:55 PM
How the heck did they give it a 4.8 out of 10?

Should have been closer to 2.8 or so. This game doesn't deserve anything near a 5/10.
Posted By: mojokabobo Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 24/05/10 09:22 PM
deleted post *accidental double post*
Posted By: Joram Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 24/05/10 09:33 PM
I give it 9/10, MY opinion wink


But playing with my girlfriend is even more enjoyable than playing the best of the best game ever!!! biggrin :hihi:

But my question 's are:
WHAT makes a game great question Depends on personal meanings!!
Can a game be great for everyone question For sure NOT!!
Must every game have a "good ending" for the "hero" question No, but also back again a personal opinion!!

Posted By: Damar Stiehl Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 25/05/10 02:08 PM

Since you'll often find yourself going up against powerful foes, you're going to have to get creative. Instead of rewarding player skill in terms of the abilities you've selected, combat is often more about exploiting AI glitches and slamming potions as rapidly as possible to stay alive until you're at a decent enough level to steamroll everything in your way. It's unfortunate that enemy pathfinding tends to be so weak since it breaks whatever sense of immersion the game tries to cobble together, but it's also fortunate since it allows you to duck behind debris or pillars and regenerate health and mana reserves in the midst of an otherwise impossible fight. You'll also find enemies tend to get stuck, even while out in the open, which seemed to happen more frequently when they reached the edge of their agro range tethers, which makes the experience feel unpolished.

This, a thousand times.

Ego Draconis is an otherwise awesome game, but the combat is infuriating at times, and relying on exploits for survival blows.

If this is fixed in the expansion, I will cheer mightily.
Posted By: Robynah Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 30/05/10 03:34 PM
The impression I get is the reviewer is protesting too much.

He needs angsty dragon-age crap to reassure him he isn't playing a kids game?

I have the PC version but from what I've been told the 360 is a close cousin so the criticisms of the graphics I find bizzare. The deferred rendered shadows and lighting changes are beautiful and... to criticise the music... again what does he think is good? Dragon-age again... Inon Zur at his most generic and forgettable?

I'm English so naturally I loved the voice acting, maybe he doesn't get that either?

Overall the feeling Divinity 2 left me with was a real feel good buzz. I loved the fun-ness of it, the music and the whole look made me flashback to the 90s game Golden Axe (I know that's not an RPG but the whole epic slightly silly feel was the same).

I really don't know why so many American reviwers have got it in for this game. I mean one major site even criticised the "draw distance" ???? Does Divinity 2 even have a 'draw distance', you can see to the horizon as far as I can tell.

-editing- I like plenty of American RPGs too. NWN2, the old Bioware and BlackIsle games etc. Now I've pretty much given up on them tho, Mass Effect and Dragon Age I find tedious.

I'm going to reach a bit but I think this is a psychological thing. Americans are told they should be "goal oriented" (which means stroking your own ego while picturing the next reward) and those are the buttons the new bioware stuff presses. I don't think europeans 'enjoy' skinner-box game design, 'achievements' and DLCs quite so much.
Posted By: Elliot_Kane Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 30/05/10 11:12 PM
Haven't finished the game yet, so I am not yet in a position to rate it, but overall my impression is that anyone who is looking for a really easy game where you can just wade in and power through things like a demigod is going to hate it. Despite the superficial resemblance to the Diablo-style single character ARPG, Ego Draconis is in fact a very different animal entirely.

I suspect this is in fact the main problem the reviewer had (Apart from not knowing his Dark Fantasy from his High Fantasy! Ye gods!) - what he thought he was looking at was nothing like what the game actually IS and his expectations defeated him. Hence the confusion over mind reading (A thing you have to weigh up whether to use or not) and the expectation of spectacular combat.

Overall a somewhat odd review. He does make some good points, but from his overall description the game should belong in the 6-7 out of 10 bracket, not the 4 he gives it.

The game is certainly not without fault so far, but it's nowhere near being the nightmare that so low a score would indicate.

I found the review to be very confusing in light of the final scores he gives, which only rarely seem to bear any relation to his opinions given in the body of the review.

Ah, well. I think I'll go stick a few goblins full of arrows... smile
Posted By: Robynah Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 31/05/10 02:28 AM
I just recalled what this game really reminds me of: the old Lands of Lore games by Westwood Stuiods (light RPGs with adenture elements).

There haven't been games like that for 10 years so I guess that explains some reviewers confused expectations.
Posted By: Jdog619 Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 31/05/10 04:32 AM
I feel, as many others do, this review is absurd. The graphics aren't too shabby, the character customization is endless and brilliant, and the music is of the best of any game. Even the ending isn't as bad as everyone is saying. Of course it is a terrible ending if there were no sequel, but this ending perfectly paves the way for the next game. One of the things I liked most about this game was the humor. I found myself laughing out loud multiple times while playing through this game. I give it an 8.5 (mostly all the glitches have been fixed.) If the add on finishes up the story i will definitely give it a 9.5. Also, it is amazing that Larian made this awesome forum. It shows they really care about people's opinions. I love this game and I will be a dedicated fan as long as the Divinity series goes on.
Long live Larian, and long live Divinity!!
Posted By: paro Re: IGN slams DIvinity 2 - 01/06/10 12:59 AM
its funny so far it seems as tho i am one of the very few people that did not have truble out of the 360 version i think the combat in the game was perfect and music was great,story amaseing,not only was they able to capture the divinity feeling so well the was able to put humor and epic moments in this i give the game a 8.5 in my play time the only problem i had was death sceans i just thought they were a little goofy
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