Larian Studios
Posted By: General Jah Have you guys used a character editor? - 09/12/10 10:22 PM
Hi everyone,

I am new to ego draconis and have been enjoying the game. However, I have picked some really bad skill tree skills and want to make some changes. I understand that later in the game you can change these out but i am lvl 9 and do not want to wait any longer. I've been playing on hard thus far and really want to respec my character.

I've seen a few character editor programs out there but they seem to be on sketchy websites so have not downloaded any of them.

I wanted to ask the community if you have used one in the past and if they work. If so I would really appreciate a link so I can download it and use it on my toon.
I also saw some of them but have not used them as well, a person I know used one and it was loaded with virus after virus. This does not mean that their might not be a legit one out there, but i personally wouldn't take the chance.

Seeing how your only level 9 I would just remake a new char. It doesn't take me that long to make it to level 9.

Maybe use the difficulty setting to easy till your level 9 again and then switch it back to hard.

Not an answer to your question, but a suggestion.
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