Larian Studios
Hi All!

This is really minor, but I didn't see a posting for it.

When I hit QuickLoad, it loads a different savegame, rather
than loading the QuickSaved game. It also does this when your
char gets killed, and it loads the prior savegame. It doesn't load
the latest saved game (in my case, that's the quicksave), but loads
the second latest one...


Can you manually load the quicksave? It is not very quick that way, though...

Welcome to the forum. wave

I have the same problem. But if you go to the main menu and load the quick save manually, everything is fine.

I hope, they'll fix this bug as soon as possible.

Btw: Do you have also the problem, if you change the resolution and go back to your game, everything is black except the health- and mana-bar and the game still goes on (you can still hear everything and control the hero)?
It's not a bug.

Quick save is used for when you wanna possibly quick load the game from a certain point while it is already in progress. Like you died doing something stupid or made a bad quest choice and wanna quick load from the last quick save.

Regular plain ole' save is just that. When you restart the game tomorrow, your save game will be loaded.

Peacemaker is right about loading the quick save from the load menu.

Just do a usual save when you quit the game and you'll have no problems when you go back to play later.
Umm no, this is definitely a bug. When you load a savegame and it puts you in a different location, that means the savegame is CORRUPTED. You'll get all kinds of weird glitches like bring pushed back from water and doors completely disappearing. This bug is in the latest enUS version of both the PC and 360, and may be in international 1.03-patched games as well.

To avoid the bug, never ever overwrite a savegame, always name it differently. This means you cannot use quicksave at all.
Yes, it's definitely a bug.

The Quicksave worked fine with Version 1.02.
Now, when I use the Quicksave several times and then quickload, I'll be on the location saved on the Quicksave before the last QS. But all other information (like killed creatures, etc) is up to date.
I would check if your world still has doors, if I were you. Stagger then overwrite savegames in two different locations to trigger the bug, like outside and inside a building.

If it does, I guess the german 1.03 is less impacted by the bug than the enUS versions.
Originally Posted by Conan 1
It's not a bug.

Quick save is used for when you wanna possibly quick load the game from a certain point while it is already in progress. Like you died doing something stupid or made a bad quest choice and wanna quick load from the last quick save.

Regular plain ole' save is just that. When you restart the game tomorrow, your save game will be loaded.

Peacemaker is right about loading the quick save from the load menu.

Just do a usual save when you quit the game and you'll have no problems when you go back to play later.

Well its indeed a bug in the new ver 1.03. Quicksave works like what you mentioned on older version I had, ver 1.0, but having some slight glitches now. Eg, let say i get to sentinel island through the portal in maxos temple. I killed a dragon elf and immediately quick save on on the moment of his death. When I press my quick load hotkey, its a miracle I found myself inside maxos temple, where my screen display exp I get from killing the dragon elf. And when I get back to the location where the dragon elf is, its indeed dead and nothing there anymore and I do receive exp from it.

It can be solved by pressing the manual load hotkey, press esc to close it and use the quickload hotkey again, then it will load properly again if you only to quickload numerous of times, eg. at the merchants. If I didnt utilize the normal load menu or load the quick save file through normal load menu, I will be forever started off in maxos temple every time I press the quick load key. Although its not a serious bug which prevent you to progress in the game, but it can sometime be very annoying.

Another thing is the need to resummon the necromantic creature every time morph out of dragon form. In older version 1.0, the creature will always stays, but not in the 1.03 anymore. I not sure its a bug or its meant to be so though.
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