Larian Studios
Posted By: Boooster New player - some questions - 28/05/14 05:15 AM
Hi all,

After following this game for awhile (sadly missed the kickstarter) I took the plunge and bought the double pack for me and my bro. We dabbled in a bit of co-op, but with a lack of a manual I've been focusing on single player to learn the ins and outs of the game. I have many questions which hopefully some veterans can shed some light on:

1. Do you get to choose more talents as you level up? I notice some have high stat requirements so I assume yes? If so, at what level?

2. All the extra bonuses from actions (independent, heartless, etc), I've noticed two situations where I can be heartless but the bonuses don't stack. If I choose to be heartless once and compassionate the other time do I get both bonuses or do they cancel out?

3. I'm getting ripped off even after investing in 2 points of bartering - what are some tips for earning enough money to actually be able to afford skill books? How much does reputation and barter affect buying/selling prices? Are there any merchants which are typically more fair?

4. (Co-op) I notice that if my partner and I are next to each other and he triggers dialog I don't see anything (not even in the chat window) so I have no idea what goes on (this was an issue with a certain riddle in the graveyard). Are they plans to change that? I'd like to at least know what they are saying similar to how text pops above NPCs heads now and again, or see but be unable to select dialog choices. Hell, maybe even I could select choices which would be like butting into the conversation - you would think that dialog wouldn't exclusively be 1 on 1 with two protagonists smile

5. If I am in town and find a solitaire legionnaire and kill him, will the entire town go hostile or will I just take a rep hit? The warehouse seems like it has nice loot (the jail cell area too!). Is the rep hit significant and what kind of effect does bad rep have?

6. Playing a rogue with backstabbing talent I notice that it doesn't always work - is there any kind of indication for when I am behind someone? A few times I've been literally behind them and I just attack normally. I notice backstabbing usually has 100% hit, but how can I line up correctly?

That's all I can think of for now - we are both LOVING this game and I keep telling myself to wait for the release but June 20th seems way too far away to wait to play this. There are balance issues but all told this is a great game.
Posted By: Raze Re: New player - some questions - 28/05/14 06:40 AM

1. Yes, you get a talent point every odd level IIRC. Some of the requirements are going to be adjusted / removed.

2. The traits are are an either/or bonus, they don't stack. I think currently if you tie they cancel out (when they should stick with the previous bonus).

3. Have the person who learned bartering talk to the merchants and do the trading. If you loot everything (sneak before trying to steal around town), you should eventually have more gold than you know what to do with.

4. Yes, I believe there are still improvement to be made for dialogue in co-op.

5. Only if you are caught in the act. A lower reputation will increase prices at merchants, and eventually cause NPCs to either refuse to speak with you (may be able to bribe them into liking you more) or automatically attacking you on sight.

6. When attacking there should be a backstab icon if you are in the right position.
Posted By: Boooster Re: New player - some questions - 28/05/14 12:35 PM
Thanks for the detailed answer!
Posted By: Boooster Re: New player - some questions - 01/06/14 12:19 PM
Rather than opening a new thread, thought I'd use this for a few more questions:

1. What determines how often vendors restock their supplies? Is it every time you leave and re-enter town, every time you level, etc?

2. AP system: How can I determine the maximum amount of AP I am allowed to have? If I have 10 AP and wait for next turn I'd like to be able to calculate the amount that will pass over so I can maximize my movement. If there is a way to tell this in game I would appreciate some pointers smile

Posted By: Hiver Re: New player - some questions - 01/06/14 12:42 PM
1. Leveling up

2. Maximum amount of APs you can save and transfer from turn to turn is capped to a certain number, depending on your... constitution or a score between few main attributes. You can see this either in the character screen somewhere... by mousing over these various stats, if i remember correctly.

Cant remember the exact one but it should be one of the AP related ones. Probably in the section of character screen that shows your overall scores for health, damage, offense rate, APs and others.
Posted By: Stabbey Re: New player - some questions - 01/06/14 12:44 PM
It's every time you level definitely, but a couple patches ago, you could also wait around in-game for a couple hours and they would refresh. I don't know how many hours (it was four or so at most), or if that is still possible, though.

Maximum AP is generally based on your Constitution. Each point of CON increases your maximum AP by 1. There are also Talents which permanently increase your maximum AP - with a price or catch, Talents which increase your maximum AP under certain conditions (like low HP), and Skills which temporarily boost your maximum AP.
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