Larian Studios
Posted By: gkathellar Limits to modifying/customizing skills? - 11/08/14 09:35 AM
Hi, I've just been getting into Divinity:OS, and having a lot of fun. But since I'm kind of obsessive about game balance, there are a few design things that bother me, and I've been wondering about whether they're issues that can be solved with modding.

The main thing bugging me is the lack of viability for hybrid characters, especially since warrior/rogue skills are still pretty magical (Phoenix Dive, I'm looking at you). The big issue, to me, seems to be the dependency of these characters on multiple attributes. So, my initial questions are:

  • 1. Is the relationship between skills and attributes hard-coded? Would it be possible to have Pyrokinetics skills key off of Strength, for instance? What about individual skills, regardless of their category?
  • 2. What about keying skills to multiple attributes, without removing or changing existing relationships?
  • 3. Same question as above, but with respect to weapons and weapon attacks. Must heavy melee weapons always rely on strength and only strength, daggers and bows on dexterity, and staffs on intelligence? To what degree could this be accomplished by "cheating" and arranging weapons into categories they don't naturally belong in?
  • 4. To what degree can we modify character progression (the levels points are gained at/how many are gained at what levels)?
Bump. Are these just unknowns, or am I missing something obvious, or what?
lol at bumping a thread that's still on the first page.

1. Skills are keyed to schools (man-at-arms, ranger, pyromancer), and the schools are hard coded to specific attributes. So you could make meteor shower a ranger skill and key off of dex, but there's no way to keep it a pyro skill and key off of dex or str.

2. Nope

3. Weapons will scale their hit chance off of whatever their required attribute is and this can be anything even constitution or perception. You can give any weapon any single required attribute. No dual attributes though.

4. There's no easy native support for it like a text file that gives ability points per level, but you could conceivably listen for the characterleveledup event in the story editor and then manually adjust the number the points. Basically you'd take away the points the character just earned and then hand out how many you think they should've earned.
Posted By: Rhidian Re: Limits to modifying/customizing skills? - 12/08/14 04:26 PM
We are able to add points upon level up (I do this in my Lone Wolf mod), but I don't think taking away points is possible.

Skills should be able to have stat requirements for them. I know at least one skill has a specific intelligence requirement in it's txt file. I don't know about whether multiple requirements would be doable though.

The effect of the stats upon the skills themselves is hardcoded into the game. Any spell within the five magic schools will lose their Int cooldown reduction bonus if they move to the non-magic schools.

I'm not sure about weapons. I think it might be possible to require multiple skills, since if I remember correctly their stat requirements are listed in the item stats.
Thanks for the information. Disappointing, with regards to skills, but at least that I means I can start thinking of ways to get around it within the existing skill groups. And it's good to hear that item stat requirements can be toyed with to some degree.
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