Larian Studios
Posted By: aep Elemental Staff is Gone? *Mild Spoiler Ahead* - 27/09/15 12:32 PM
Hello! I recently killed Boreas, and I think I remember talking to the elemental staff and picking it up. But now when I need to put the staff in the forge thing I just can't find it.

Maybe I accidentally sold it, or maybe some bug made it disappear, or maybe it somehow got broken? In any case I just can't find it anywhere.

Has anyone had a problem like this? Unfortunately I'm on a Mac and so I can't use the save game editor to try to fix it. Is there any other solution to this problem? It's so annoying.

Thanks for your attention!

Did you check all your characters, in backpacks, the homestead chests, on companions you may have sent to the hall of heroes if you swapped any out, etc? Did you go back to where you killed Boreas and hit the Alt key, to make sure it wasn't still there?

Do you have a recent save you can reload and check for the staff, or re-kill Boreas?

If you email your latest save, and one before defeating Boreas, if available, to, I'll take a look at it. Each save is a folder in the folder below, and can be zipped by right clicking it/them and selecting Compress:
~/Documents/Larian Studios/Divinity Original Sin/PlayerProfiles/<ProfileName>/Savegames
Thanks for the quick reply! Yeah I've checked those places, and can't think of any others. I'll email the save file.

Jahan has the Elemental Staff equipped.
Wow. I know the previous post is now two years old, but I spent an age trawling through everyone's inventory, and lo and behold Jahan did have it equipped!

Would I have had to do that, or does he auto-equip it? Either way, thanks @Raze, I was about to give up on it.
Just pump warfare.
seems i have the same issue - though i definitely don't have it on Jahan or any other character. it does look like i can see it on the ground though at the kings corpse - just can't pick it up.....

Please email support, as described above.

If the staff isn't showing up with Alt, that may be Boreas's staff that you see. Do you have a controller you can try, to see if the area search function (holding A) works better than Alt?
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