Larian Studios

I am looking to create some custom class, but how can I do it in the Character Creation ? Is there a guide somewhere ? I found out Skillset and Equipements in the stats editor, but that is not sufficient. Where to link these to the class itself ? How to name it, create description ? I am a bit lost.
The official wiki.
Thank you I didnt find it though I searched alot in the docs
I have created a new Class_Assassin in the Skillset, I used it in the Class template to create a new class, but during Character Creation the skills (which all are new and custom) don't appear and can't be picked. I dont get what's wrong, I followed every step.
You did it correctly, but if those skills are not in the game's Skillset called Character_Creation, the game will be upset and might give you 1 or 2 (if you don't edit your starting spells) but definitely not all 3.

To get that to work correctly, it is my understanding you'll have to copy over the (in stats) Character_Creation Skillset to your mod, by doing so you will overwrite it however and I'm not sure if an overwrite will make all other skills unavailable unless you copy each of them as well, and then add whatever additional skills you desire.

The alternative is creating a script that adds the abilities, and that is well beyond my capabilities as I'm no scripting beast. (-x
Well I have already created a Character_Creation entry which include my new skills.

But still, they don't appear in the character creation.

I tried to edit the SkillSet.txt directly and now I can see 1 or 2 skills, but not all 3.

Some skills refuse to show up in the list of skills in the Character Creation, and some just disapear very quickly when you switch from a class to another and then are gone for good.
I'm not sure. Perhaps the "tier" of the skill needs to be starter? Or perhaps your stat files aren't saving correctly. They occasionally don't.
They are all Starter tier. Plus I have deleted my Stat file in the editor and edited directly the SkillSet.txt in my Public mod folder, because that is the only way I had it to work a little. The Stat had no effect at all, it didn't save correctly in my public folder (for instance I had a huge SkillSet data in my Stat but when it saved to the txt it only wrote 1 or 2 line).

Some skills refuse to show up in the list of skills in the Character Creation, and some just disapear very quickly when you switch from a class to another and then are gone for good.
If you edit SkillSet.txt directly, it won't save in the editor, as the editor's "version" of stats that it remembers saves somewhere else.
I know but I am not testing my Character Creation on the Editor, I am testing it on real play with DOS2. Thus it is supposed to use that txt.

Some skills are not available on a class which use them by default and are pickable by some other class in the skilllist selection. This is getting really weird and buggy.
The editor generates .txt files from the .stats files. The editor does not read .txt files.

Don't manually edit the .txt files expecting the editor to update its tables. Doesn't work that way.

And you're not supposed to move the .stats files anywhere.

Also, overrides are partially broken, currently. Wait for the next patch.
I am not using Editor but direct play on DOS2 thus it is not related to Stat file or anything.

I figured out what the issue came from : the game can not read data written with special characters such as éèà etc. I wonder what is the point of localizing a game when you can't even use those letter.
Localisation uses the name in the stats to look up the localised name in files that can use any character (they're encoded in UTF-8). I'm not sure whether it's intentional that names in the stats files apparently only support plain ASCII though.
Originally Posted by Volsungh
I figured out what the issue came from : the game can not read data written with special characters such as éèà etc. I wonder what is the point of localizing a game when you can't even use those letter.

Use HTML entities or Unicode escape characters. All strings in the game are rendered as HTML, by the way.
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