Larian Studios
Posted By: Madaras Social Features of Baldur's Gate III - 28/02/20 09:52 PM
So I'm curious about the social features of the game. We saw many of the incredible features of BG III in regards to movement around the world, interacting with the environment, and combat. However, what I enjoy doing most in D&D is manipulating the world with words. Flirting with various NPCs rolling dice to turn the heads of even the most stone hearted NPC. In the scene where the door guard lets you in, I would have done this, especially since you're playing as a vampire. Aiming to seduce him in order to use him as a temporary ally in the dungeon.

Aside from seduction I enjoy the role of bard playing songs for crowds while drinking and playing in games of chance.

Can we expect anything like this in Baldur's gate?
Posted By: Gmazca Re: Social Features of Baldur's Gate III - 28/02/20 10:04 PM
As a Bard main myself, I would love the option of asking an inn keep to let you play a song for an evening's meal and rest. Would make use of the all important "performance" skill lol. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity for a bard to entertain and seduce if needed.
Posted By: Madaras Re: Social Features of Baldur's Gate III - 01/03/20 08:11 AM
Hear Hear! Was a "performance" skill listed in the video? I know in divine divinity 2 we had barter and persuasion. It would be really rocking if they expanded beyond that.
Performance in towns to make gold
Zone of Truth for interrogations (that actually works with technical truths)
Seduction, intimidation, persuasion to avoid interactions, and make friends
Disengage using dialogue choices in some combats

just a few examples off the some ways it can be used, i assume the basic things in convos will be in there but i would love to see utlity spells outside of combat and ability to use basic features like all this
Posted By: Madaras Re: Social Features of Baldur's Gate III - 02/03/20 12:21 AM
I agree, Some might say that'd be an easy way the cheese gold, but I don't think it's a bad idea. In D&D you could earn X gold for X hours dependent on your skills and venue. Say you put on a 15 minute performance that wouldn't be game breaking you'd be making anywhere between 15-100 gold and if you could do it once a (in-game) day that'd be perfectly fine. One of the things I absolutely LOVED about Red Dead Redemption II was the theater. You pay to go see a show and you'd see an actual show. In one you actually participate by shooting the actor. It was a marvel to behold! Genuinely! The in game theater alone made that game of the year in my book. The story was good too, but honestly (and i'm sure many did the same) I spent most of my time hunting. All RPGs should take after that. Really bring you into the "Role" of a role playing game like that! I think playing or listening to a tale from a bard would be good or watching a detailed dance performance by a dancer.

I'm a bit giddy thinking about it all *_*
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