Larian Studios
Posted By: FaultyValve The hit point bloat is real - 01/11/20 05:39 AM
Kind of a side thread from sorcerervictors post, but without the attitude.
The hit point bloat is real, and it's bad.
Goblins in D&D are supposed to be MANY, not TOUGH.
if you think a 24 hp goblin is whats needed, then put 4-5 x 4-6 hp goblins instead. It will actually be harder because they will all get to attack, even with low +hit they might kill us. It'll be more fun.
That actually will solve the weak spellcasting problem from his post as well. half (ish) the low level crowd control spells are max hit point based... but those numbers weren't increased with the hp bloat... making them worthless. Color Spray only affecting 1 creature AT THE MOST?!?!?! That's stupid. but if you increase the hp limit of the spell, it could become effective against a higher level creature it was never meant to work on. Just put the hit points of all the creatures back to where they should be, and all (well most) will be well.
ALSO, I agree that the cantrips are to strong. firebolt does 1d4 fire damage even when it misses AND sets the ground on fire.
AND, fix the damn large (high str) monsters, ie minotaurs, hook horrors, that FLY ACROSS THE SCREEN then slam down and scatter the party everywhere. It's not fun... That's kind of the point right?
This isn't DOS3... It's BG3... isn't it?
Posted By: FaultyValve Re: The hit point bloat is real - 01/11/20 05:40 AM
Sorry, I guess the attitude did slip in there a bit.
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