Larian Studios
Posted By: Robeen GPU Overheating issue in the game menu - 05/02/23 06:52 AM
Hi, in the recent game version i got some strange GPU overheating in the menu. I got an MSI Z Trio RX 6900 XT, and sofar in the previous patches there wasnt any issue with it, ultra graphics settings, framerate cap is 100 and it was working smoothly. Even at the patch 9 release, at the end of december i was able to play without any issue. But at this week I've tried to play with my friends, and i got a GPU overheat and system shutdown. Before i start the game my GPU was around 45-60 celsius, then i start the game with directx 11, and as soon as the menu visual effects starts, you know when that cave loaded in, my GPU starts skyrocketing itself, it reached more than 100 celsius and then it shut down my whole system. After a 30 minutes i was able to start the PC again, entered the game instantly set the resolution lower and the settings too, still was around 80-90 degree, then we started to play. At the ship in the first map, got no issue, GPU was around 50-70 celsius, but at the second map, at the crash side where the dying/stuck mindflayer is laying i got the same issue again, from nowhere my GPU overheated and whole PC thermal shutdown...Sofar im trying to lower graphic settings to fix this issue but as my config is kinda packed, i think this should be a software issue, especially as i can reproduce it with every game start when i enter the menu. The GPU driver is the most recent, i have 64 gb memory 3200 mhz 16CLI, and an AMD 3900X CPU, with an ASUS Rog Strix x570-e gaming board, the game is on a SSD. I tried it with directx11 and vulkan too, same issue during the menu.
Before starting the game:
After menu started:
(I made this screen shot after i shut down the game and the GPU cooled down a little, but you can see the max value what it reaches , it was while the menu was running)
Posted By: Robeen Re: GPU Overheating issue in the game menu - 06/02/23 07:47 AM
Got some very detailed help from the support with lot of advice smile (lot of windows related configuration, monitor refresh rate settings, fps cap, reinstall games, dxdiag log sending etc.) and it turned out the newest AMD driver was the root cause of the issue, here is how i fixed it, it might help someone else too:
* amdcleanuputility.exe , this little fella will restart your pc in safe mode and remove every AMD related drivers/software from your PC, carefull it removes even the motherboard's chipset driver :P
* restart again back to normal mode
* reinstall chipset and an older version of the AMD GPU driver, i've used this one: AMD Windows Driver Version 30.0.15021.1001 (from 2022. march 31.)

and the game menu works again with ultra settings capping the temp of the GPU around 60-65 celsius degree.
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