Larian Studios
Specifically when in dialog saving throws do not seem to be working properly. I have failed a dice roll by 1 or 2 and still succeeded and have either met the required roll or exceeded it and failed. This may be a biproduct of the EA where they want you to succeed or fail regardless of the roll result. If not then then whatever math is being used in the background is just bugged. How can I have +6 on a roll with a DC of 5 and still fail? The more I play this while it may be trying to be faithful to the ruleset of 5E it is just not as much fun as pnp. Here's hoping this can be refined in the future. Also Solasta releases in EA in a few days so it will be interesting to see how they have implemented the 5E rules vs being fun to play.
I think the 5 that you see is indicating a DC of 11, which has already had 6 subtracted from it to account for your bonus.
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